"Well, yes, Mei, you drank a lot, don't drink any more"

Feng Qi Ning wanted to snatch the bowl from Mei Killer, but Mei Killer avoided her hand, she looked at her excitedly; "Tell me, are all those men like this, they don't know how to cherish when they get it, and when they don't get it, they don't know how to cherish it. , just do everything possible to want”

Feng Qining nodded again, she knew that something must have happened to Meisha, that's why she was so excited, she wouldn't drag her to drink for no reason.Fiction Rankings
"Come, let's drink"

Feng Qining also smiled and raised the bowl: "Come on, cheers" [

I don't know how much I drank, and when it was dark, the two finally thought about going back.

Feng Qining didn't think about drinking a lot, but she didn't expect to be drunk a lot by Meisha, and she became drunk before she knew it.

"Mei, let me tell you, he didn't know how to cherish you, so you dumped him and didn't want him anymore, you know?"

If you are a woman, you must have the dignity of a woman. There are so many men in the world, why bother to die and live for a man?

"I know, don't worry, I won't cry for him, and I will tell him that it is his great loss to miss me"

Feng Qining nodded, and the two staggered forward, when suddenly a person stopped in front of them.

"Little girl, do you want to have fun? Brothers, can you accompany you?"

It turned out to be a hooligan, Feng Qining squinted at them, her face was flushed, and there was a usual playful smile on the corner of her lips, which gave people a sense of arrogance for no reason.

"Get out of the way, or don't blame us for being rude"

Not only did her words not scare those people, but they felt that she was bluffing.

"You're being rude to us, haha, I'm so scared, I want to see how you're being rude"

The ribbon flew out of Feng Qining's cuff like a swimming dragon, and wrapped around the man's neck with lightning speed. In the next second, the man's head fell to the ground, and the murderous dagger pierced through the neck. individual throat.

Now is the time when she is not happy. This group of people came at this time. Didn't they hit her muzzle?

"How is it? Do you want to play?"

Feng Qining looked at them drunkenly, her drunken appearance gave her a special charm, but those people didn't care to appreciate it.

"Kill it, kill it"

Listening to the call, Feng Qining sneered, "It's just that I can't stand it anymore, it's really worthless, Mei, let's go."

Mei Sha nodded, both of them were actually drunk, but no matter how drunk they were, they couldn't change their killer nature. No matter what time they were, they kept vigilance in their hearts. Facing the danger, they shot quickly, accurately, and ruthlessly. .

When Murong Li and the others found Feng Qining, the two women were wandering aimlessly in the street, followed by a group of men who wanted to approach but dared not. [


Murong Li looked at her with a dark face. Just as he appeared in front of her, a large group of people suddenly surrounded them. Judging by their attire, they should be servants or something, with sticks in their hands.

"Limei, why are you here?"

Feng Qining fell on top of him, looking at her like that, Murong Li's face turned dark, can he not come?If he doesn't come, I don't know what kind of things she can do.

"It's her, they are the ones who killed the young master"

One of the servants pointed at Feng Qining, who looked at him dimly.

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