"Feng, don't do any useless work. My departure has nothing to do with him. I will die and feel that I should leave. There is no reason for me to stay here."

How could there be no reason for her to stay?Feng Qining looked at her anxiously: "I am here, we are good sisters, we said we would never be separated, how could you leave me behind?"

Feng Qining's words made Murong Li's face look ugly again. When did she tell this woman that she and she would never be separated?

She should be with him forever, who else would she want to be with besides him?

This woman is a disaster, she should leave early, if she stays here, she will only cause damage. [

"But you don't need me now, you have a husband now, Feng, don't be sad, I'm not leaving you, remember what I said when I first came here? You have happiness now, and I should also find mine up"

Originally thought that Feng Bai could give her the happiness she wanted, but he never thought that in that case, she should leave. Her happiness is not here, so there is always a place for her happiness.

"Since you have decided, then I will not keep you. Remember, if you find your own happiness, you must tell me."

"Of course, don't worry, if I find someone I like, I'll be the first to tell you"

Meisha's words finally brought a smile to Feng Qining's face, yes, this is the Meisha she knew, dare to love and hate.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm leaving, if there is a fate in the future, I will see you again"

After a few jumps, Meisha disappeared in front of her eyes, Feng Qining waved her hand and watched her leave.

"Well, you should be happy. She is looking for her own happiness. When she has had enough fun and finds happiness, she will come back naturally."

Murong Li comforted Feng Qining, but in his heart, he wished that Mei Sha would never come back, if she didn't come back, no one would grab Feng Qining from him.

"Li Meiren, I didn't expect you to say that, I thought you hated Mei."

Murong Li didn't say anything, in fact he really hated her, of course, he couldn't say that, otherwise Feng Qining would definitely not forgive him.

Not long after Meisha left, Feng Bai came in. It turned out that he and her were arguing, but she knocked him unconscious in a single blow.


Feng Bai yelled in the palace that she had plotted against him once or twice, and he must teach her a good lesson this time.

"Stop shouting, she's gone"

Feng Qining put down the cup in her hand, only now did Feng Bai realize where she was sitting, looking at Feng Qining, Feng Bai's face didn't look any better.

"She left? You lied to me"

She is her good sister, the most important good sister to her, how could she be willing to leave her?

"Really, she is going to find her happiness, you can't give her happiness"[

Feng Qining's words finally made Feng Bai's expression very strange.

"What did you say?"

what did she say?Feng Qining looked at him expressionlessly: "Could it be that you don't understand human speech?"

Feng Bai clenched his fists, he endured it, if he hit this woman here, he would definitely turn into a pig's head.

"You better tell me quickly, where did she go?"

Seeing his nervous appearance, Feng Qining looked at him incomprehensibly: "Why are you nervous? Shouldn't you be happy that she is gone? She will no longer pester you, nor will she plot against you again"

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