"Do you know where Jing Sheng is now?"

Lancer shook his head, he didn't have clairvoyance, how could he know where he was?

"That's it, since you don't know, then just sit here and wait."

Lan Se understood, mother is still smart, but, this method is good or bad, because his clothes were dirty.

"All you have is clothes, but what are those clothes for? Even if you don't have clothes, you'd be fine if you had money. Are you afraid you won't be able to buy them?" [

Lancer agrees, but isn't this too wasteful?

"What are you talking about? I didn't even say anything about my white clothes. Why are you talking so much?"

Feng Qining patted Lancer again, Lancer covered her head in aggrieved way, mother still hasn't changed, she still likes to pat people so much.

Murong Li, who was on the other side of Feng Qining, looked at Lan Se sympathetically, knowing that Feng Qining liked to abuse him the most, and if he wanted to get so close, wasn't he looking for abuse?

Yichu and his gang hid in the tree behind. Five big men crowded together on a tree. Yichu lamented how strong the tree was.

"I said can you see something?"

Zong Zhengxuan looked around, but saw nothing, this is the back of the inn, there is not even a person, only some chickens and ducks walking around below.

"You can't see anything, how can I see it?"

Yichu rolled his eyes, did he think his eyes were clairvoyance?Can you see through that wall?

"We can't see anything, so what are we doing here?"

Feng Yu doesn't understand, if you want to play, you have to find a good place to play, what are you planning to do by hiding in this tree?

Xiao Er, who came to catch the chicken, felt that there seemed to be someone on the tree. He walked up to the tree, and Feng Han and Feng Ye on the top also looked down at him.

The little boy was so frightened that he dropped the chicken in his hand, turned around and shouted, "Ghost!"

Feng Han and Feng Ye were depressed, do they look like ghosts?Has he ever seen such a handsome ghost?They are obviously human, okay?

"Stop him soon"

Zong Zhengxuan gave the two of them a wink, and the two flew down and stopped in front of that Xiao Er. The two didn't say anything, they reached out and touched the acupuncture points on Xiao Er's body, and Xiao Er immediately fell down.

"All right"

Feng Ye clapped his hands, Feng Han looked at the people on the tree, he didn't want to go up.

"If you don't want to, you can go back to sleep" [

Anyway, he was going, although it was a little dangerous on that small tree, but he believed that if he fell, there would be so many people buried with him, so what are you afraid of?

"Since when did you become like Ning'er, so fond of watching the show?"

Feng Han looked at him, the brothers are generally not interested in gossip, when did he become so interested?

"It's an idiot if you don't watch the excitement, you know? I can guarantee that we will not be here after a while, and when you are alone, I will see if you will be bored"

Feng Han thought about it for a while, and it was right to think about it. This group of people moved their positions very quickly, and they might leave in a while.

"Don't make noise, the excitement is coming"

Seeing the endless signs of the two, Feng Qining couldn't help it.

The two quickly returned to their positions.

Mei Sha, who didn't feel sleepy after lying down for a long time, decided to go out for a walk, and if she slept like that, she would probably turn into a pig like Feng Qining.

Standing at the window, Meisha looked outside, the group of people on the tree didn't dare to breathe.

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