"Hey, a man like you should be eunuched, otherwise it will be a disaster to stay in this world"

The silver thread in Mei Killer flew out, the man flicked her hand, a cloud of smoke flew out, and then Mei Killer passed out, everyone looked at Feng Qining, Feng Qi Ning looked at it strangely them.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Is she playing dumb?Meisha is in danger now, should she go to save her?

"Are you underestimating her? If you can stun her in this way, then isn't she killing her?" [

What's the meaning?Everyone looked at each other, their eyes were full of confusion, it was clear that they didn't know what she meant.

"I don't know, you will see it later, then you will know."

Just take a look, they want to see what they can come up with.

The man took Meisha and another woman out of the city, and just after leaving the city, Meisha opened his eyes, that person seemed to have never expected that the person who was stunned by his drug would wake up so soon, he was stunned for a moment, Just for a while, Mei Sha's long legs swept across and hit him on the neck.

The man was in pain, let go of her, Meisha turned his head and feet upside down at an incredible angle, and landed firmly on both feet.

"So you haven't been stunned."

It was because he was too careless, thinking that she had been stunned. It seems that he had succeeded too much, so his guard was lowered.

"Hmph, if you want to stun me, you should practice for a few more years."

It was just in the city just now, there were too many people, she was afraid that he would escape, and now she is out of the city, so don't blame her.

Seeing that Mei Sha wanted to do something again, the man set a smoke bomb, then escaped, the smoke cleared, looking at the escaped figure, Mei Sha sneered.

Want to escape?She loves and kills the people she wants to kill, and she can never escape.

The charming figure left, and a white shadow fell, Feng Qining stood where she was standing before, and Murong Li followed behind.

"I didn't expect that woman to be so nosy"

also?Feng Qining sensitively grasped the words in his words.

"Limei, do you want to say that I also like to meddle in my own business?"

Feng Qining looked at him angrily, if he dared to say "yes", then don't blame her.

"Hehe, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that. Didn't I mean that she has a sense of justice?"

Yichu and his gang rolled their eyes at the side, so he just said it, they didn't believe such a big talk, so how could Feng Qining believe it?

"I didn't expect that there are so many flower pickers in this world. Li Meiren, if the palace lacks eunuchs in the future, you can send someone to catch the flower pickers, eunuch all the flower pickers in the whole country, and put them in the palace as eunuchs."

Murong Li nodded quickly, and Zong Zhengxuan's eyes lit up: "Ning'er, your idea is really good. You can eliminate harm for the people, and at the same time, the eunuchs in the palace will be settled."

It's hard to find eunuchs now, even if they are poor, boys generally don't throw them away, so eunuchs usually catch beggars, but in this peaceful and prosperous world, there are so many beggars.

"But there are not many flower pickers."

Yichu frowned, and everyone gave him a sideways glance.

"Catch one if you have one, brother Yi, from what you say, it seems like you want more of him, don't you?"

Are you kidding me, if there are too many flower picking thieves, the unlucky ones will be the young girls.

"Of course not, well, let's not discuss this issue now, let's talk about people walking away."

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