"You can use a little more"

Mei Sha looked at her with disgust, really wondering what else she could do?Did the ancient women really think that their own existence is just enough to be a husband and a child?

In fact, they can't be blamed. The education they received was that kind. Their parents told them that way since they were young, and there is also the subtle influence of the previous generation, so their thinking is naturally that way.

"Girl, I don't walk fast, I don't know martial arts like you, but I'm good at housework, I can do everything"

Well, she can do anything. [

"I have been washing clothes since I was a child. Later, when my mother fell ill and died, I would wash clothes for others. I also worked as a helper in a restaurant. This way I could subsidize the family. Unexpectedly, when I went shopping today, I ran into a flower picker."

When talking about this, the woman was still afraid, Meisha saw the smile on her face, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

Happiness is actually very simple. It doesn't need to be rich, rich, or powerful. As long as you and your family are well, you are happy.

"Looks like you're happy"

Meisha came to the conclusion that she came out to find happiness, but she didn't understand what happiness was, but seeing the smile on the woman's lips, she really felt happiness.

"Yeah, my younger brother is ten years old, and he can help now. I plan to work harder, save some money, and leave it for my younger brother to marry a wife in the future. Then my family will have children in the future."

Meisha frowned, she only thought about her family, what about her?

"What about you?"

She has done so much for her family, why doesn't she think about herself?

"Of course I have plans for myself. He said that when he saves enough money, he will propose marriage to my father, and then we will be together."

Speaking of the future, she is full of happiness. In the past, her family was so poor that she couldn't get rid of it. She thought that although she was poor, she had enough food and clothing. She believed that as long as she worked harder, her life would be better.

Seeing how hard it was for her to walk, Meisha helped her to sit down, and she sat beside her. The woman looked at Meisha and moved away a little, with embarrassment on her face.

"What's wrong? I have germs or something?"

Of course not, the woman quickly shook her head: "I'm afraid my clothes will stain the girl."

The clothes that Meisha wore were prepared by Feng Qining, and the clothes were not affordable by ordinary people. She knew she was not an ordinary person when she saw her. How could an ordinary woman dare to chase down a flower picker?

"If the clothes are dirty, you can wash them. If your heart is sick, can you wash them?"

Mei Sha said something in a low voice, she spoke too softly, the young woman couldn't hear it.

"Girl, what did you say?"

Meisha raised her head, with self-mockery in her eyes, how could she have such thoughts?Everyone has their own way of life, and she never felt that she looked bad. [

"Didn't think about anything"

The woman gave her a strange look, and wanted to say something, but she still didn't say it. For a while, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere became a little depressed.

"Girl, thank you for saving me. If it weren't for you, I think I would..."

The woman was embarrassed to say the latter, but she believed that Meisha would understand.

"You're welcome, I can only say it's fate, besides, you also taught me something"

There is confusion in the woman's eyes, teach her something?What did she teach her?She doesn't seem to have taught her anything, does she?

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