Mei Sha stopped looking at Jing Sheng and sat back down again, the woman smiled at him.

"Girl, this young man looks very talented, he doesn't look like a bad guy"

She also felt that Meisha made too much fuss just now, she was just passing by, why was that necessary?

"Is there a sign on the bad guy's head that he is a bad guy? Also, who made him hide there?"

If it wasn't for him, how could she treat him like that? [

The woman glanced at Jing Sheng, and finally she had nothing to say. Thinking about it, it's not wrong to kill him, why is he hiding there?

"Why don't the two girls leave? I'm going down the mountain, why don't we go together?"

Hearing Jing Sheng's words, Feng Qi Ning blinked. She was sure that according to her charming temperament, she would definitely refuse.

"No, we can go down by ourselves"

Sure enough, just as Feng Qining guessed, Mei Sha refused indifferently. Jing Sheng, who had been rejected by the door, not only did not show anger on his face, but smiled a little brighter. Looking at Jing Sheng like this, Mei Sha also Treat him like a dude.

"Girl, don't get me wrong, I just feel that it's getting late and it's not safe for the two of you here, so I came up with the idea of ​​going down together, so there is still a care"

Before Meisha had time to say anything, the rescued girl looked at Jing Sheng expectantly: "My lord, to be honest, I sprained my foot and I'm worried."

Jing Sheng hurried over, Feng Qining pursed her lips, it couldn't be seen that he was quite enthusiastic, so why was she so indifferent to her?When she was injured, let alone greetings, he was already doing her a favor by not gloating over her misfortune.

"Would you mind taking a look below?"

Jing Sheng asked very politely, Meisha didn't say anything, just watched with cold eyes, the girl asked Meisha's opinion with her eyes.

"Don't look at me, you can make up your own mind"

The girl looked at Jing Sheng's appearance that didn't look like a bad guy, and finally nodded.

Jing Sheng took off her shoes, looked at the foot, it turned out to be sprained, and a large piece was swollen, looking at the red piece, Jing Sheng stretched out his hand to touch it, and the girl gasped in pain.

Meisha glared at him, he must have done it on purpose, seeing her in so much pain, and wanting to touch her wound again, I don't know what kind of heart is there.

"I'm sprained, wait a minute"

Jing Sheng looked around, stood up, walked to a distance, and came back after picking some herbs. Seeing Jing Sheng's action, Feng Qining looked at Murong Li, who nodded to her.

Did she forget?During the days when Jing Sheng ran away with them, he helped him collect a lot of medicine, so he could learn a little bit from this.

"These herbs are for treating foot injuries. I'll crush them and drip the juice on your feet. It may hurt a little, bear with it."

"Well, thank you son" [

The girl looked at him gratefully, and she said that he is not a bad person, look, she was right.

Jing Sheng crushed the herbs with his hands, and the potion dripped onto the girl's feet drop by drop. The girl gritted her teeth in pain. What kind of medicine are these? Why is it so painful?

After finally taking the medicine, the girl let out a sigh of relief.

"are you OK?"

Jing Sheng saw that she was sweating profusely, she wouldn't faint in a second, would she?Murong Li had told him that there was some pain when the medicine was applied, but after that it was fine.

"It's okay, I still felt a lot of pain just now, but it's okay now."

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