Ever since he was a child, only people have said that he is handsome, but no one has said that he is ugly. It is really too much for her to say that he is ugly.

"Hehe, even though this is the case, I still think we should be more careful. If something goes wrong, it's not good if someone is here alone and no one can save you."

Jing Sheng said with a bland smile, if he hadn't been unable to make a move, he would definitely have lost his temper.

Endure, he endures, he endures hard, he wants to become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle! !

"Didn't you say that there are so many good people in this world? What are you afraid of?" [

He said that there are many good people, but he didn't say that there are only good people and no bad people in this world. She shouldn't always twist his meaning, okay?

Looking at Jing Sheng's dark and distorted face, Mei Sha thought it was very funny. Her bad tastes were the same as Feng Qining's. When others were angry, she felt happy. Generally speaking, their happiness is based on other people's pain. Up.

So these two women are so evil, and both are so black-bellied.

"Girl, don't always twist my words."

Jing Sheng's fist was clenched tightly, the veins on it were popping out, he was trying to hold back his anger, how could he be angry?He must not be angry, otherwise he will fall into that woman's way.

"Did I distort your words? How did I distort your words? You obviously meant that? If you didn't mean that, then I'm sorry, I can only say that my understanding is limited"

Jing Sheng can't afford to be angry now, everyone has apologized, so can he still be angry?

This woman is really smart!

Later, Jing Sheng really didn't dare to say any more, he didn't want to let Meisha get caught up in the conversation, he had been teased enough by her along the way, so he didn't want to be teased by her again.

"Why didn't you speak?"

Jing Sheng glanced at her, and actually walked two steps faster, who did she think he was, why did he put his hot face on her cold butt?He quit.

"It's really stingy, you are not a man, you are clearly a woman."

Mei Sha found that she fell in love with the feeling of this trick, which is to tease the person in front of her, not to mention she is evil, he sent it up by himself.

"Woman, what are you talking about? Let me tell you, don't go too far, or don't blame me for being rude."

You're welcome?Meisha looked at him contemptuously: "I really want to see how you are rude to me."

The flute in his hand came out, and when he met Mei Sha, Jing Sheng stopped.

"Forget it, a big man doesn't have the same knowledge as a little girl."

After finishing speaking, Jing Sheng turned around and left, looking at his back, Mei Sha raised an eyebrow, she followed behind him unhurriedly, slowly, she felt that something was wrong, because isn't this direction where she lives? the inn?

"Which inn do you live in?" [

Meisha frowned and asked, Jing Sheng didn't want to answer her. Soon, he stood in front of the inn, looked at the name of the inn, and Meisha patted his forehead. It was really unexpected that she lived in the same inn as him. depressed.

"What's that expression on your face? You seem very unhappy."

Jing Sheng was also unhappy, she thought he really wanted to stay in the same inn as her, if Feng Qining hadn't ordered him, he wouldn't have done it even if he was killed.

"You don't have to worry about me."

The red shadow flashed, and Meisha disappeared.

She walked very quickly, Jing Sheng shrugged, it seems that she was not as unreasonable as Feng Qining, if it was Feng Qining, it would be no wonder she didn't grab him hard.

Of course, what Jing Sheng didn't know was that it was Meisha who felt that she didn't know him very well.

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