The flute in Jing Sheng's hand flew into the water, Feng Bai's boat shook violently, and then he fell into the water.

As for Jing Sheng, he already rowed away amidst Feng Bai's shouts, but this time the two of them were not just for fun, Jing Sheng used all his strength to row the boat, just like that, under Feng Bai's glaring gaze, the two left side by side .

Feng Qining, who was watching from a distance, admired Mei Shi. This woman is really not afraid of Xiaobai's blame, and she is not afraid of him chopping her up.

"I thought he didn't have to fall into the water and escaped a catastrophe, but I didn't expect it to be impossible"

Murong Li sighed, but there was no sadness in that tone, more excitement, I thought I couldn't see it, but I didn't expect that Meisha still satisfied him, could he not be happy? [

"Escaped? Did he think too well? Do you think it's so easy to provoke that woman? I guess Xiaobai has suffered a lot."

There is a smile in Yichu's eyes, yes, yes, life is so boring, if there is a drama to watch every day, wouldn't that be a wonderful thing?

"Mother, Xiaobai hasn't gotten up from the lake yet, should we save him?"

Save me, he has martial arts, can't he fly out?

"If he can't fly out, he'll drown there"

As soon as Feng Qining finished speaking, Feng Bai flew out of the lake, Lan Se looked at her in admiration, her guess was really right.

"Mother, you can tell your fortune."

Feng Qining waved her paw: "You are asking my old lady to cheat you?"

How can it?She has real materials, how can she be like those charlatans?If she goes to fortune-telling, she might really become a god.

"Okay, stop talking, there is nothing to see now, let's go back"

Are you going back so soon?no?

"Feng, how do you know that there is nothing to see? Maybe the later ones will be even more exciting."

Feng Bai suffered such a big loss, how could he let Mei Sha go so easily?Maybe he's going to find trouble with Meisha now.

"If Xiaobai wasn't an idiot, he wouldn't do this"

Feng Qining was full of confidence. Before he came, she had told him that it was not so easy to chase after him, especially since he broke her heart. She was completely disappointed in him, so it was even more difficult to chase after him. He also said he was mentally prepared.

In this situation, he has already suffered twice. If he goes to trouble Meisha again, Meisha will definitely take action. That woman is not a person who will accept mercy, and I don't know what she will do. thing.

"I agree with what Ning'er said. Besides, Xiaobai fell into the lake and his clothes were all wet. He has to go back and change."

If he went like that, he wouldn't need to kill him to find out, he would have exposed himself.

"Well, based on the above, we should have nothing to watch now, everyone can move freely" [

Murong Li waved.

Everyone rolled their eyes and moved freely, where could they go?They've already visited this palm-sized place, and they can't walk around, if Feng Bai or Mei Sha find out, then they will be out of luck?

"Okay, if there's nothing else, let's go back."

Feng Qining walked back, what a happy day, every day there are free dramas to watch, and no one has been hunted down yet.

"You said, if such a thing happened to me, I would be very depressed, but if it happened to someone else, then I would have a lot of fun watching it"

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