She only used a little, and he passed out.

"Miss Mei, what happened?"

Jing Sheng jumped in from the window. It turned out that his room and Meisha's room were facing each other. He felt that the light on Meisha's side was on. He thought something happened, so he ran over.

"Nothing happened, just someone ran into my room"

I ran to her room, is there anything wrong?So what has to happen?Jing Sheng looked at the person on the ground, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt familiar. When he took a closer look, wasn't this the person who was thrown into the water by him? [

He is Feng Bai, why did he come to Meisha's room in the middle of the night?Could it be that he wanted to capture her back?

"Don't think too much, he just wants to catch me"

Seeing the constantly changing expression on Jing Sheng's face, Mei Sha explained out loud that she didn't want others to misunderstand her.

"Uh, the girl thought too much, I didn't think too much, I was just thinking, how to deal with him"

As soon as Jing Sheng raised his head, he immediately lowered it. He didn't pay attention just now, but when he raised his head just now, he finally saw clearly that Mei Sha was only wearing an underwear, and his curvy figure was faintly visible.

Don't look at evil, don't look at evil, Jing Sheng kept saying in his heart, but he had to admit that this woman's figure is really very good, not just average.

"Okay, don't be embarrassed, I have clothes on me."

Mei Sha looked at the clothes on her body, compared to modern times, she had already worn a lot, and the clothes wrapped her tightly, even if he wanted to look, he couldn't see anything.

"Girl, you should put on your clothes. If others see this, your reputation will be ruined."

reputation?Does she still have a reputation for bewitching?Besides, she doesn't care about those false names, but a nerd is a nerd. Men in ancient times were either too frivolous and playful, or too dull.

Generally speaking, she didn't like any of them. It seems that she should still be a bachelor.

"All right"

With a hook of the Charming Dagger, he hooked the clothes over and put them on quickly. This process took less than a minute.

"Okay, you can turn around now"

Jing Sheng turned around and saw that she was fully dressed.

I finally discovered her good point, which is her good figure. Fortunately, Jing Sheng said this in his heart. If Mei Sha heard it, he would definitely beat him up. What does it mean that she has only one good point?

She has so many advantages, such as beauty, body, and intelligence, they can't be counted anyway, but he actually said that she has only one advantage.

"Girl, what are you going to do with him?"

deal with?Meisha raised her eyebrows, yes, this word is used very well, she will start to deal with him now. [

"Throw him into the pigsty"

no?Jing Sheng swallowed, do you want to be so ruthless?

"But girl, if he wakes up tomorrow, he will definitely kill you."

What are you afraid of?Meisha played with her hair, and the smile on her face bloomed like a spring flower: "We are leaving now, until tomorrow, we don't know where we have gone."

Well, Jing Sheng also thinks this is a good idea, but it's a pity that we won't be able to see the good show, and it will be cheaper for Feng Qining and the others.

"Okay, grab him."

Jing Sheng carried Feng Bai on his shoulders, looked at this handsome and talented person, and shook his head, who told him not to love to kill?

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