After seeing the picture in front of him clearly, smoke started to rise from the top of Feng Bai's head, damn it, god damn it, hateful killing, he wants to tear her into pieces.

When the pigs saw him moving, not only were they not afraid, but they nuzzled him instead.

Feng Bai wanted to stretch out his foot and kick them away, only then did he realize that he couldn't move.


Feng Bai yelled loudly, Meisha who was on her way felt a chill down her back, and she couldn't help shivering. [

"what's wrong?"

"Strange, it's broad daylight, why do I suddenly feel a chill down my back?"

Mei Sha looked at the sky, it was the end of summer and it was approaching autumn, but it was still very hot, not cold at all.

Then why does she feel cold?

"Could someone miss you?"

What Jing Sheng said was very meaningful, and he stared fixedly at him for a while, but didn't say anything.

"Never mind him, let's move on"

It should be that Crazy Bai woke up, he must be very angry now, so what if he is angry?She's gone now. Besides, he sent it to the door himself. If he didn't treat her like that, how could she treat him like that?

After all, it was all his fault and he deserved it.

Feng Qining received the news early in the morning, after the person who heard the report told what had happened, there was a minute of silence in the room.

The excessive silence made the spy feel uneasy, did he say anything wrong?No, he just reported the news in full.


Be careful, the spies called out tentatively.

"Hehe, it really is a charming style. Well, it's none of your business here. You continue to stare at Feng Bai. By the way, this one is for you."

Feng Qining threw an apple to him, and the spy thanked him and hurried away.

"Feng, you still predict things like a god."

Murong Li sighed, her guess was really right, Feng Bai only went to trouble Meisha at night.

"That's natural, I know her well, and Xiao Baidou, but she's not only because of her cunning and cunning, but also because she has a lot of your medicine on her body."

Speaking of this, Murong Li finally remembered. [

"No wonder, when I came out, I went to the pharmacy and found that there was a lot of medicine missing."

It was time to leave when he was about to leave, so he didn't have time to ask, is Feng Qining acting like this now that she is not asking herself?

"Hehe, Li Meiren, don't be angry. It's just some medicine anyway. It's not a difficult thing for you, is it? It's very dangerous to flirt with a weak girl outside without something to defend yourself."

she dangerous?It's good that she doesn't harm the world.

"Okay, let's have breakfast quickly, and we'll go take a look after we finish eating"

Feng Qining stuffed a piece of bread into Murongli's mouth, while Lan Se looked at the bread very depressed, he didn't understand why he wanted to eat the bread again, these breads were really not tasty.

To be precise, the bread is not delicious anywhere, it is very difficult to eat.

"Okay, look at how disgusted you are, if you eat something, you can eat it, you still hate it"

Feng Qining patted him, Lan Se reluctantly picked it up, Feng Qining had no choice but to turn over her palm, an egg appeared in front of Lan Se, looking at the egg, Lan Se smiled.

"I know my mother is the best for me"

Feng Qining smiled, she knew that he didn't like bread, so she specially ordered the shopkeeper to make it. Many things hadn't arrived in the early morning, so it was impossible to have a hearty breakfast, and an egg would be good.

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