She must have heard it wrong, this man was trying to coax her back. www>

"Even if that's the case, I don't want you anymore, you should go find your wife."

Meisha stepped on Feng Bai's foot, her strength was ingenious, just stepped on Feng Bai's five toes, Feng Bai let go of her in pain.

"Okay, my sister won't play with you anymore, you'd better go wherever you feel cool"

With a wink at Feng Bai, he would get on his horse, flick the whip vigorously, and the horse would run away. [

Jing Sheng followed closely behind, Feng Bai lost his horse because he was avoiding the woman, unexpectedly he didn't get rid of the woman now, and also lost Mei Sha.

"Sir, who is she? She's so pushy. Do you want me to teach her a lesson?"

The woman still couldn't understand Feng Bai's face, and said without fear of death, Feng Bai's face had already turned ashen.

"Teach her? Do you believe that I will teach you a lesson first?"

The woman looked at him sadly, and said dissatisfied: "Sir, what did I do wrong? Tell me, I will definitely change it"

"You are all wrong, and it is a mistake for you to appear in front of me, so why don't you hurry up?"

Feng Bai yelled at her, then turned and left, finally caught up with Meisha, and let her run away just like that, Feng Bai was so angry, he really wanted to crush the woman in front of him.

"Master, why don't you go, wait for me"

The woman chased after him, Feng Bai stopped in his tracks, the woman bumped into his back at once, feeling his warmth, the woman's face turned red with embarrassment.

I didn't see it very clearly last night. I only knew that he was a very handsome man. It was only in the morning that I realized that it's not so simple as being handsome. This is simply a dragon among men. , To find such a good husband.

She really got it.

"Stop, first, don't follow me anymore, second, I'll take you to hell, which one do you choose?"

"I don't choose any of them. My husband and wife have said that we are a destined marriage, so don't run away."

He only believed in the predestined marriage, and he only wanted to seduce and kill anyone, except her.

"In that case, I'm sorry, I'll send you to the underworld"

Feng Bai slapped the woman with his palm, and the woman flew out like a kite with a broken thread, Feng Bai snorted coldly, and left without turning his head.

It was she who insisted on following him, and now she can't blame him for dying, but she can blame herself.

Mei Sha and Jing Sheng walked to the next city.

"Miss Mei, that young master just now is your husband-in-law, right?"

Meisha let it go, Jing Sheng didn't dare to speak anymore.

"He is not my husband"

Meisha explained it, Jing Sheng didn't expect her to explain it, he thought she didn't want to say it.

"Then why did he follow you?"

"Man, has anyone ever told you that it's not good to gossip like this as a man"

Gossip is a woman's right, if a man gossips like this, it's easy to be annoying, doesn't he know that?

"I'm just asking casually. If the girl is unwilling to answer, I won't force it."

Mei Sha didn't speak, but when Jing Sheng thought she wouldn't, she said, "I don't want to mention him, anyway, he has nothing to do with me anymore."

She can't afford such a person, she still roams the world peacefully, anyway, the world is big, there will always be a place for her to rest.

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