If their feet are injured, they should just wait for the bus on the side of the road. What are they here for?Isn't this suicidal?

What Murong Li didn't know was that there was no doctor in that village, and the doctor was far away, and Feng Bai didn't want to stay there, so Shu Xin took him out to look for herbs. txt>

He randomly found some painkillers and applied it to Feng Bai, and then what happened just now happened, and finally it turned into this.

Feng Bai let Shu Xin help him to walk, he didn't know the way, Shu Xin grew up in the mountains since he was a child, he had never been to other places, and he was a little confused, but she didn't deliberately recognize the way when he helped Feng Bai. The way, just keep going.

Soon, the two realized that something was wrong. Looking at the unfamiliar scenery ahead, Feng Bai looked at Shu Xin: "What is this place?" [

He asked her, how did she know?Shu Xin flapped a pair of big confused eyes.

"You didn't help me out, so where are you taking me?"

Feng Bai was a little angry, and Shu Xin lowered her head: "I don't know how to get out, I think we walked all the way in just now, so I thought we just turned around and walked back."

Just go back?How did she know if he was moving?

"You are a road idiot, you should have said it earlier, what do you think now?"

How did she know, Shu Xin looked at Feng Bai aggrievedly, she really didn't do it on purpose, she used to know the way like this before, and she didn't make a mistake every time, why did she make a mistake this time?

"Okay, anyway, there is no other way now, let's move on and see if there is anyone who can stay overnight"

Feng Bai was already helpless, she still said she would take care of him, seeing her like this, she couldn't take care of herself well, how could she take care of him?

"Are you angry?"

Shu Xin looked at him cautiously, she really didn't do it on purpose, how did she know she was going the wrong way?

"I won't be angry with you. Don't worry, I should thank you. If it wasn't for you at this time, I probably wouldn't be able to get out of here."

His thanks made Shu Xin very happy, Feng Qi Ning shook her head, idiot woman, Xiao Bai thanked her, but he didn't treat her as one of his own, did she know it?

The two kept walking, and they quickly found a village. The people inside didn't know what they were celebrating, and they were all dancing around a fire.

Seeing strangers coming, they were not afraid, but welcomed them warmly. Shu Xin and a group of people were dancing happily. Feng Bai sat on the side. Shu Xin looked at it a few times. Sitting there, she danced on the side with peace of mind.

Seeing that she stopped looking at her, Feng Bai whispered something to the people here.

"Thank you, I won't treat you badly."

The man nodded, and soon, four people came over carrying a sedan chair, but the sedan chair was a bit shabby, it should be said to be very shabby, not a little shabby.

"Is there no sedan chair here?"

Looking at the sedan chair, Feng Qi Ning sympathized with Feng Bai, wondering if he would fall from such a sedan chair. [

"Look at the clothes they wear, they are tattered, and this sedan chair is just like that."

Feng Qi stared at Murong Li, how could he dislike them, after all, they were all her subjects, besides, maybe their clothes were like that.

"Xiaobai wants to slip?"

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