Those bearers supported Feng Bai to go forward, when they passed a dilapidated wall, they finally couldn't move. txt novel download
"My lord, take a break, the official road is ahead, let's take a rest before leaving"

Feng Bai nodded, he was sitting on the ground, leaning back slightly, just as he leaned back, he felt the wall behind him shake, and Feng Bai raised his head.

It turned out that the wall behind was crumbling.

"Let's go to another place, it doesn't seem very safe here"[

Feng Bai, who had suffered several losses, began to have a sense of crisis.

"My lord, don't be suspicious. We pass here often, and the wall hasn't fallen down. I don't believe it. It fell down as soon as you came."

It is best not to, but he is not so unlucky, Feng Bai comforted himself in his heart.

He was really tired from sitting, so he wanted to lean back a little. After 1 minute, nothing happened, so Feng Bai was relieved. In the second minute, Feng Bai heard something from above.

He looked up, and saw some dust falling from above, and a little bit fell into his mouth. He used his hands to shake off the dust on his face, but he hadn't completely removed it. When he saw it clearly, he only heard With a bang, the wall fell down.

Feng Bai's whole body was buried, looking at Feng Bai with only one foot exposed, Feng Qining and the others opened their eyes wide.

This, isn't he too unlucky?

"I have seen unlucky ones, but I have never seen one as unlucky as him"

It took Feng Qining a long time to come back to her senses, and it took a long time before she said this sentence from her mouth.

"Mother, what should we do now? Do we want to dig him out?"

Looking at the falling wall, Lancer also came to his senses, if they didn't help him, maybe he would be buried.

"What's the hurry, don't you see that there are four bearers?"

Murong Li glanced at the bearer who looked like a statue and said, they haven't recovered from the accident, after a while, they finally realized what happened.


Several people hurriedly dug Feng Bai out of the soil with hands and feet.

"cough cough"

Feng Bai coughed continuously, his mouth, eyes, and nose were full of mud, too much mud made him unable to open his eyes.

Seeing him like that, the four bearers admired him.

"My lord, your life is really big. After you are buried like this, you will be fine."

Someone couldn't help but said, Feng Bai really wanted to strangle him to death, what did he say?He said it as if he hoped something would happen to him.

"Young master, drink some water."

One of them handed over the tea, how could Feng Bai drink water?What a joke, his mouth is full of mud, and he feels like he is about to suffocate.

If their hands and feet were any slower, he would faint.

"Ning'er, what you said is true, those bearers really quickly dug Feng Bai out."

There was also a smile in Zong Zhengxuan's eyes, this Feng Bai must have offended God at some point, otherwise how could it punish him like this?

"Young master, you are suffering. It doesn't matter. I will help you."

One of the bearers who looked like a cow punched Feng Bai in the back, and Feng Bai immediately flew out like a kite with a broken string.

Feng Qining's group opened their mouths wide again, what does that person want to do?Does Feng Bai have any grudge against him?

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