"Don't worry, I'll be fine"

Seeing her worried look, Feng Bai kept comforting her.

"Hold on, we'll be there soon"

Meisha looked at the pharmacy in front, there should be a doctor inside.


Feng Bai seemed to be in pain, his brows were furrowed, and he leaned against Meisha.

"Who hurt you like this?"

There is a murderous look in Mei Sha's eyes, she dares to have a bad cold, she must teach him a good lesson.

Feng Bai was speechless for a while, could he say that he was caught by a mousetrap?But in that case, would she laugh at him to death?

"I killed that person, don't you worry?"

killed?How is he still killing people at this time?He couldn't even move. Someone else should have killed him. Could he still kill someone else?

"It's the woman next to you who will help you."

Meisha suddenly said sourly, she clearly saw a woman beside him, but why didn't she see her coming this time?

"Where is there any woman? Don't get me wrong, I don't want anyone but you and me now."

Such words sounded happy, but Meisha still had doubts. How could a person who was unwilling to give in at the beginning change so quickly at this time?

Could it be that he realized it so quickly, wouldn't he?

"Whoops, whoops."

Seeing that Meisha's thoughts were not with him, Feng Bai pretended that the wound was attacking and looked very painful.

"What's the matter with you? Are you all right?"

Sure enough, Meisha's attention was drawn away by him, and he hurriedly helped him to the pharmacy.

"Doctor, hurry up and help me take a look."

The doctor hurried over, looking at the feet wrapped like zongzi, Mei Sha was speechless for a moment, he was not afraid of getting bored.

"My lord, your wound has been there for two or three days, and it's already pus."

The doctor looked at Feng Bai's wound and came to a conclusion, Feng Bai nodded. [

"But that clamp is really powerful, it actually made your feet look like this"

The doctor looked at Feng Bai's feet, and unexpectedly said such a sentence for a long time.

"Clamp? What clamp? What do you mean?"

Meisha frowned upon hearing his words, wasn't he injured by a sword?How could it be a clip?

Feng Bai wanted to stop the doctor's words, but it was too late, the doctor spoke quickly and spoke out immediately.

"Mouse trap, he was injured by a mouse trap. That trap must be big, otherwise how could the wound be so big?"

Mei Sha looked at Feng Bai with great interest, a mousetrap?He was actually injured by a mousetrap, what do you mean?

"Uh, I'll tell you the matter later, anyway, this is a very complicated matter"

Of course, Feng Bai was embarrassed to say it in front of the doctor, it was enough embarrassment now, and he didn't want to be ashamed anymore.

"My lord, don't worry, although the wound is deep, I will prescribe some medicine for you, and I promise it will heal soon."

The doctor patted his chest to assure, Feng Bai had embarrassment on his face, it's fine, why did he say it so bluntly?Doesn't he know that it's better to be tactful?

The doctor prescribed some medicines and took some rubbing things. When the ointment was rubbed on, there was a cool feeling, and Feng Bai's frowning brows were finally smoothed away.

"Doctor, what kind of medicine is this? It works really well"

There was pride in the doctor's eyes: "Of course it's good, this is an iron wound ointment that I made with a lot of precious medicinal materials, just rub a little and it'll be fine."

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