"Did you come out here to find me?"

Jing Sheng's words surprised Mei Sha a little, she never thought that he would come out to find her specially, if it was her, she would not come out.

"Yeah, of course I came here specially to find you, I'm not worried about you"

"What are you worried about? She is with me"

Feng Bai said sourly, this is the woman he fancy, when is it someone else's turn to care about her?He should go to sleep wherever it is cool. [

"Okay, people came to help, you don't appreciate it, but you actually said that, do you believe that I left you here?"

Believe it, of course I believe it, Feng Bai kept nodding, Meisha is like that woman, she can do anything, how could he not believe it?It was too much to believe.

"Leave it to me."

Jing Sheng took the initiative to take up the task of supporting Feng Bai, and Meisha gave him a grateful glance, he is considered a man after this, he can only be regarded as petty.

"Let's come together."

Mei Sha is afraid that Feng Bai will secretly give Jing Sheng a hard time, but in fact she has no other feelings for Jing Sheng, she just thinks that this person is not like a bad person and will not harm him, so she can be a friend, just a very simple friend.

"No need, I can do it alone, shall we help him into the inn?"

"Yeah, looking at him like this, he can't play anymore. Let's throw him in the inn and let him fend for himself."

She wouldn't be so heartless, would she?Feng Bai looked at him sadly, anyway, if he came out because of her, in other words, he became like this because of her, how could she be so ruthless?

Mei Sha turned a blind eye to Feng Bai's gaze, the two of them brought Feng Bai to the inn together, Mei Sha waited on him for dinner, and finally asked Xiao Er to wait on him for a bath.

By the time I finished all this work, it was already evening, and I wanted to go shopping, but now I don't even need to think about it.

"Sorry for taking up your time."

Mei Sha looked at Jing Sheng embarrassedly, he originally wanted to go on a trip, but was delayed because of him.

"It doesn't matter, this game is only fun if you have a companion. It always seems too lonely to watch the scenery alone."

Jing Sheng looks out of the window, and the scenery is not the same when he looks out of the window. In fact, as long as he is with the person he likes, no matter how ugly the scenery is, it is beautiful. When he feels lonely, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, he can't catch his eyes.

"After so many years, don't you have a confidante?"

Confidante, I don't know if Feng Qining counts?Jing Sheng smiled, when he was young, he liked to wander around alone, but when he matured, he began to work for Lancer. In a blink of an eye, two or three years have passed.

Suddenly one day, I suddenly realized that there was no one around me.

"I want to have one too, but I don't have it. I don't know if the girl counts?" [

Jing Sheng looked at Meisha as if joking, and Meisha also looked at him with a smile on his face: "We are friends, and I may never be your confidante."

She is not someone's confidante, men, there are only two types in her eyes, those who can be played with and those who cannot be played with, and he, of course, is classified as not to be played with, as long as they are friends or dangerous people , she will automatically get out of the way.

"My friend is fine too. By the way, how is that son? Is he okay?"

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