The black prince on the bar: the hidden secret of the phoenix birthmark

Chapter 2691: Confrontation between Love Rivals 14

Feng Qining and the others in the dark exchanged glances, the leaves swayed for a moment, and stopped in the next second, and there was no figure in place, as if all the people they saw just now were hallucinations.

"It doesn't seem to work, here comes a rival in love, and Mei still doesn't understand."

Feng Qi Ning rubbed her chin, her eyes were serious, the excitement was so exciting that she was so irritating, but she seemed to be getting further away.

She probably thinks about the days to come. If she really follows Feng Bai, then such days will really be endless, and these are what she doesn't want. What she wants is someone who can give herself a stable life. husband.

What he wants, Xiaobai has been unable to give her, so she has been stagnant. [

Originally, she felt that her heart was as still as water, but Xiao Bai's visit must have disturbed her heart again, Feng Qining frowned.

The progress of these two people is too slow, she needs to help them.

"You, don't be too helpful. This is her own business. She can do whatever she likes. Be careful that the more you help, the more you help."

Feng Qining was angry, what, when did she do more than help?

"Look, if I hadn't called Xiaobai here, the two of them might still be looking at each other from a distance! Why am I getting more and more helpful?"

Feng Qining was dissatisfied, she was so smart, how could she be a disservice?If you want to help, it is right to help.

"But now things are getting more and more complicated. Both of them have their own concerns, and they can't open their hearts, can they?"

Murong Li shrugged, Feng Qi Ning wanted to trample him to death, what, good things take time, doesn't he know?

"Why don't we have an assassination, let someone kill Xiaobai, Meisha mistakenly thinks he is dead, and when the two of them confess their love, won't this be a good thing?"

Lan Se made an idea from the side, but Feng Qining denied it immediately.

"It's absolutely impossible. If something happens to Xiaobai, Meisha will definitely start a killing spree, and it will be endless."

Meisha is a killer, just like her, if she didn't offend her, it's okay if she can't touch her bottom line, but if she touches her bottom line, she won't die forever.

At that time, even if Xiaobai is fine, she will not let the people she sent go. Could she still sacrifice her subordinates for the sake of killing her?

It's not impossible, it's just that such a sacrifice is really too wronged, her life is life, and other people's lives are not life?

"Then what should we do? Can we just watch them cook slowly like this?"

Lancer tugged at his hair impatiently, why is this charming killer so difficult to deal with?I used to think that my mother was difficult to deal with, but now it seems that she is even more difficult to deal with than my own mother.

Sure enough, women in this world are not the most difficult to deal with, only more difficult to deal with, but why does he care about such things?Her business has nothing to do with him?

He just needs to watch the excitement from the sidelines, why shut her up so much?

"Otherwise what else can we do? But we can find out what the other person has to say"[

Feng Qining winked at the dark place, and Yan Chen took the order and left.

"Master, he's awake"

Ruowu pushed the door open and came in, that he was naturally the one she picked up.

When Liu Yi woke up, what he saw was Ruo Wu's smiling face, and those eyes as clear as moonflowers, all of a sudden attracted his attention.

"Are you awake? Wait for me, I'll call the young master right away"

Without giving him time to speak, she disappeared into the room like a smoke.

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