"Don't you think there are advantages to not being smart? Besides, love is not measured by smartness. If you love, you are in love. If you don't love, you don't love. How can there be so many sayings?"

Lan Se looked at Shu Xin thoughtfully.

"A woman like that, can you chew on it? If you can chew on it, then you go and accept it"

Lancer shook his head resolutely. Although she is not ugly, she is not good-looking. Besides, she is too stupid. When she is with her, it is fine if she sells herself. What should I do if I sell it?

"That's fine, since you can't accept it, then don't call me" [

Zong Zhengxuan glanced at him contemptuously, this love did not come suddenly, he felt that what Feng Qining said was right, where is there such a sudden love in the world?Two people can be together, first of all they have to be on the same level.

Love is not about helping the poor. Your partner is who you are. Where is the story of Cinderella and the Prince in reality?Fairy tales are fairy tales.

"Since the girl said so, then I will not persuade the girl, I wish the girl good luck"

Yan Chen's words made Shu Xin frowned tightly again, but in fact, her heart was still pounding, Yan Chen's words might not be wrong.

That person, maybe no matter how hard she tried, she would never fall in love with her.

"Young master, do you think I'm stupid?"

What a fool, it's hopeless, thinking this way in his heart, but a smile appeared on Yan Chen's face: "Of course not, girl, this is a commendable courage."

Shu Xin automatically categorized his words as words of encouragement. Hearing his words, she finally had a smile on her face.

"Young master thinks the same way, I also think I am very courageous."

Yan Chen had the urge to hit the wall, what was in this woman's mind?Is it cotton?

"Okay, let's go"

Seeing this, Lan Se couldn't bear to look any longer, his shadow flickered, and his figure was no longer there, Zong Zhengxuan looked at the two of them, and left quickly.

"Why did you leave suddenly?"

He wondered, it looked good, why did he want to leave suddenly?

"What's so good about that? It's a cow. It's wrong. It should be a stupid pig. I think we should kill her with one knife. This way the matter can be solved better."

Thinking of what Shu Xin said, Lan Se still felt unbearable. She has seen someone stupid, but she has never seen someone as stupid as her. I really don't know what is stuffed in her head.

"Hehe, why are you arguing with her? Besides, it's not our turn to intervene in this matter. Let's see what Xiaobai does."

Of course he did his own thing, when will it be their turn?

"Yeah, you're still smart" [

Zongzheng Xuan is arrogant.

"It's been a long time since I've had a drink, do you want to go in and have a drink?"

When passing by a restaurant, Zong Zhengxuan stopped.

"But mother will scold"

Lan Se frowned, Feng Qining didn't like them drinking, and Murong Li also said that it was scary for them to be drunk, so in the days to come, even if they drank, they drank a little and didn't dare to drink too much.

"Just don't let her know, besides, she is stuck with Murong all day, how can she have time to take care of us?"

Lancer thought about it too.

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