"Teach me, I'll wait, you're like this, I'm afraid I could crush you to death with one finger"

Meisha made a fist movement towards her, then let go, put his hand to his mouth, and blew gently on the palm of his hand, as if blowing away her remaining powder.

Shu Xin's face was livid with anger, but she also knew that what Mei Sha said was not wrong, she was not her match even if she was intact, let alone her who was injured?That was no longer her opponent.

"You'd better heal your injury and then teach me. I will wait for you. By the way, I don't have any other hobbies at ordinary times. I just like to hook up with men. If you don't like it, you can go away"

Shu Xin's chest was heaving up and down, obviously very angry, Mei Sha completely ignored her, she put her hand on Jing Sheng's shoulder, gently raised his chin, her winking eyes were radiant. [

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Meisha gave him a wink, there was still a threat in it, if you dare not agree, be careful that she will teach him a lesson.

"Young master warmly invites me, can I refuse?"

Jing Sheng imitated her and also gave her a wink. Looking at these two big men, Shu Xin couldn't help running out anymore.

"Have you played enough?"

Feng Bai came out from the dark place, heard his voice, Mei Sha froze, she never thought that he would appear here at this time, is it too coincidental?

"What? Judging from your expression, you seem to like me here very much."

Feng Bai was irritated by the killing expression, looking at her, it seemed that she didn't like seeing him very much, when did he become so annoying to her?

"It doesn't seem to be your business. My business is not your business. Naturally, your business is not my business."

Mei Sha leaned gently on Jing Sheng's arms and said, Feng Bai's veins twitched, he was mad at him, really mad at him, this woman, will he die if she's sorry?

"Take me away."

Mei Sha whispered something in Jing Sheng's ear, Jing Sheng looked at Feng Bai, and finally nodded.

Feng Bai's injury is still not healed, so naturally there is no way to chase him, and in the end, he can only watch Jing Sheng leave with Meisha.

Shu Xin was walking boredly, when two people suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, she looked up, who is Mei Sha and Jing Sheng who just parted?

Just parted, why did they appear here?Could it be to trouble her?no?This man doesn't seem to be breaking his promise.

For a moment, many thoughts flashed through Shu Xin's mind, she lowered her head inadvertently, and when she saw the thing in her hand, her eyes rolled.

She put these two things under the noses of Jingsheng and Meisha, who had just fallen down. The two had just stood firm and hadn't reacted yet. When they smelled the different gas, Meisha held his breath, but it was still too late , the mist was so powerful, in the end, she gave Shu Xin a murderous look, and finally fell down.

That last glance was so powerful that it took Shu Xin a long time to settle down.

"Where did the stinky man come from?" [

Shu Xin kicked her, but there was no response.

"I'm stunned now"

Shu Xin arrested Mei Sha, she looked to the side, there happened to be a tree, and she looked again, this place is far away from the urban area, usually there are no people there, the nearest one is a ruined temple.

Reassuring and bold, Shu Xin tied up Mei Sha, and then brought a bucket of water to wake her up.

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