But today he suddenly discovered that some people are far more important than the country he defended. If the country is gone, he can fight again, but if the people are gone, they can never be found again.
"Mei, give me a chance, I can give you whatever you want"

Like a promise, Feng Bai said this to Mei Sha, Mei Sha was stunned for a long time, as if he didn't hear what he said.

"You, what did you say? Can you say it again?"

Mei Sha still felt that she had heard wrong, Feng Bai who refused to give her a word at the beginning, could he say such words?Shouldn't it be?She must have heard it wrong. [

"I said I love you, I want to protect you well, as long as you are alone, can you give me a chance?"

Sure enough, Feng Bai said it again, Mei Sha's expression was stiff, like a petrified statue.

"Mei, Mei"

Feng Bai called her name over and over again, he yelled tirelessly, and slowly, the eyes of Meisha gathered light, more and more light, and finally, like the light in the whole moonlight It seemed to fall into her eyes.


Mei Sha hugged Feng Bai tightly, finally, finally she waited for his words, she looked a bit silly, but as long as he has determination, then she also has confidence, the most fearful thing is that one party has determination and the other party does not have a firm heart .

Lightning flashed across the sky again, and with this second of light, the people embracing each other in the ruined temple could be seen clearly, and the taste of happiness was permeating.

"You are all wet, why are you so careless?"

Enough hugging, Meisha began to realize that Feng Bai is in a mess now, his whole body is soaked, his foot injury is even cracked, and blood is flowing out of it.

"Your wound is open, and it's still not healed. Who made you run around?"

Meisha blamed him and helped him to sit down at the same time, Feng Bai just looked at Meisha aggrievedly, and replied with a drawn out tone: "I'm worried about you, I'm afraid something will happen to you"

"Even if something happens to me, you can't do anything like this."

He didn't even look at his appearance, his feet were not healed, and it was still difficult to walk, so could he still save her?Is he dreaming?

"I can go to you, if something happens to you, I will save you no matter what"

Feng Bai said very seriously, his cynical face rarely showed such a serious expression.

"Okay, I don't want you to save me now, you should take care of yourself first."

Mei Sha looked at him angrily, seeing her gaze, Feng Bai didn't understand for a while.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

What is his expression?It was as if she wanted the tyrant to attack her hard, even if that was the case, it was he who attacked her, so she wouldn't be like a hungry wolf. [

"Your clothes are soaked, should you take off your clothes?"

Undress!Feng Bai was very willing, and he took off his clothes in two or three strokes, but soon, he felt that something was wrong, because in this kind of weather, after taking off his clothes, it was really cold.

"Okay, wait, I'll help you find some clothes"

"Where are the clothes here?"

Could it be that she is planning to make one for him with leaves?Feng Bai felt terrified.

"Don't think too much, isn't there someone there?"

Following the obsessive gaze, Feng Bai saw the person who was tied together, and after just one glance, he became sluggish.

Meisha smiled awkwardly.

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