Meisha took out the bottle, there were really no words on it, she didn't know, those who didn't write were hard to get poison, only Murong Li could tell the difference.

Of course he doesn't write because he doesn't want others to misuse it, and he doesn't want others to misuse it. Even if he takes it, he doesn't dare to misuse it.

Just like Meisha, she deserves these bottles of poison, and she doesn't dare to use them indiscriminately, unless she is forced to, she won't use them either.

Those two people can only be regarded as unlucky, who let them have nothing, they prefer to be full of curiosity, and curiosity killed the cat, don't they know?

"That's it, then you keep the bottle, I will ask Murong for a few more bottles in the future"

Murong Li is not here, if he is here, he will definitely beat him up when he hears Feng Bai's words, and ask him how many bottles he wants later, he thinks these are water, and he will ask for as much as he wants Well, he didn't know how much effort it took to make these medicines, but he was fine, and asked him how many bottles he wanted lightly.

"We'll talk about this later, should we think about what to do with them now?"

Looking at those two people, Mei Sha started to use her brain, she was so bored now, she had to find some fun, and now the biggest pleasure was those two people.

"You catch them, you can do whatever you want"

That's right, she is the one who catches people, and she can do whatever she wants, that's what Meisha loves to hear most, and she picked up a stick.

Walking in front of those two people, she put down the stick with one stroke, but there was no response, and they still did not respond.

no?There is no response to this?Mei Sha's eyes rolled, looking at the fire, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

She picked up a flaming stick, and then scalded the two people, Feng Bai closed his eyes.

"Look at your cowardice"

Meisha disdains, is he afraid of such a little thing?Is he too timid?

"I'm not timid, I just don't want to watch it"

What Feng Bai said was absolutely true, he simply didn't want to look at it, and Meisha didn't care about him, she just put the burning stick on those two people.

They were all hot and bleeding, but they hadn't woken up yet, so they couldn't believe it.

"I don't believe it, I still can't wake them up"

Mei Sha rolled up her sleeves, she pulled out a whip out of nowhere, looking at her whip, Feng Bai was curious.

"Where did you get this whip?"

He didn't see her take it just now, it's for no reason, where did she get a whip?

"This one? Of course Feng gave it to me."

Fearing that she would be disadvantaged by only carrying a dagger, Feng Sha gave her many other weapons, such as embroidery needles, silver thread, whips, long swords and big knives, which were too bulky to carry on her body, so she didn't bring them. [

"Then where were you hiding just now?"

"It's none of your business"

Saying that, Mei Sha lashed at the person in front of him with a whip, and there was a long bloodstain on that person's body immediately, maybe because there were too many wounds on his body, the two people finally woke up slowly.


This is the first feeling.

It hurts!

This is the second feeling, and then slowly I feel numb, so it turns out.Pain to the extreme is a kind of numbness.

"Finally woke up, it's not easy"

Meisha was holding a whip, and the two slowly raised their heads when they heard the sound.

Mei Sha's indistinguishable face appeared in front of her eyes.

"You, how did you wake up?"

Wasn't she stunned by them?

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