The man also felt that he had no strength, his body was covered with scars, but just nodded like this, isn't he too useless.

"How do you think about it? If you want, I can spare your life"

The man looked at Meisha, this person was very good-looking, and he didn't look like a useless person, she knew how to use this time to recruit them, then she had a plan.


The man also agreed, and Mei Sha simply put him down, a cold light flashed, and the man fell to the ground. [

The injury on his body is still not healed, and this time he fell to the ground so hard, he cried out in pain.

"Hey, why don't you take it lightly. If you didn't say that you don't want my life, I would doubt that you were going to kill me."

Meisha didn't say a word, just walked to the side alone, sat down, looking at her like that, the man suddenly felt bored, besides, he felt pain all over his body now, there was no place that didn't hurt.

"Sanggong, how are you? Are you okay?"

The woman hurried forward to help him up, looking at the scars on his body, she felt distressed, but she didn't dare to say anything.

What can she say?Can you still complain to Meisha?It would be a pity for them not to kill them now.

"Okay, come here and bandage the wound, and then eat something."

Meisha greeted them, and the woman couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and sat next to her.

"Why bother, he won't die anyway."

Seeing that Mei Sha actually helped him bandage himself, Feng Bai was a little unhappy. The woman was only concerned about her husband just now, and didn't notice that there was someone beside her. Now that Feng Bai was talking, she noticed that there was another person beside him.

Seeing Feng Bai who was not wearing clothes, the woman's face turned red all of a sudden.

"Don't get his idea, he's mine."

The woman looked at Meisha in horror, didn't she?Is he as good as Long Yang?

"I am a woman"

The woman suddenly realized, yes, she remembered that her husband said that she was a woman, and it was because she pretended to be a man too much, so she mistakenly thought she was a man.

I don't know when the rain stopped, and the four of them walked back. When Mei Sha walked to the door of the inn, Jing Sheng happened to come from another direction. Seeing her, Jing Sheng's eyes were filled with happiness, and he was about to come up.

But when he saw Feng Bai beside her, the smile on his face became stiff.

It turned out that he had found her a long time ago, and it turned out that only he could find her.

"You're back, come on, let me introduce you" [

Mei Sha walked up to Jing Sheng and introduced the two subordinates he had just received to him. Jing Sheng didn't show anything on his face, but for some reason, he suddenly felt very uncomfortable, especially unpleasant.

"I'm tired, I'm going to rest first"

After leaving such a sentence, Jing Sheng went upstairs, bewitching and killing.


Seeing that Mei Sha had the idea of ​​chasing Jing Sheng, she just lifted her foot when Feng Bai fell on top of her.

"Xiaobai, what's the matter with you? Does your foot hurt?"

Feng Bai nodded, this time Mei Sha didn't care about Jing Sheng any more, and quickly helped Feng Bai inside.

Feng Qining was very happy to hear that Meisha had new progress, but the group of people beside her felt very depressed.

"There is progress so quickly, isn't it too fast?"

Yichu frowned, did Feng Qining say this, a flash marriage?

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