The black prince on the bar: the hidden secret of the phoenix birthmark

Chapter 2823: Looking for medicine on the cliff 11

"Uh, little □□, I only need carvings now, I don't need these little things"

If I didn't say it earlier, Zhu Chiniao let out another long cry, and there were only two big eagles left in place.

"This is a real sculpture"

Mei Sha walked over and wanted to touch them, those big eagles looked at it dangerously, as if they were ready to peck her at any time, Mei Sha stopped, these two things are not easy to mess with.

"Isn't it true? Is it still fake? Let me tell you, you can't touch it casually" [

If you don't touch it, don't touch it, what's the big deal, Meisha stood aside in disdain, she swore that she must raise a bigger, more ferocious one, nothing else, just to scare Feng Qining It is also necessary.

She also wants to show her prestige.

Zhu Chiniao hissed, and the two big eagles immediately lowered their heads, Feng Qining was satisfied.

"Okay, now you can touch it"

Meisha couldn't wait to run over, and she touched the two big eagles. Although the two big eagles were dissatisfied with being ruined by her like this, they still didn't resist. He glared.

"Feng, they seem to have spirituality."

Mei Sha was surprised, or she could just raise a big eagle, although it was not as good as Feng Qining's scarlet bird, and it couldn't scare her, but it could still be used to scare others.

"Of course, the big eagle is nothing else, of course it has spirituality."

This big eagle has been kept for a long time, can't it also understand human speech?In fact, many things in nature are spiritual, especially birds.

Meisha reached out to hug it, the big eagle moved uncomfortably, Meisha's hand was scratched by it, Meisha let out a cry of pain, just like that.

"Mei, how are you?"

Feng Bai grabbed her hand, he looked at the two big eagles with murderous eyes, they dared to hurt his Mei, he wanted to kill them for soup.

"Okay, don't blame it, who made me so curious?"

Meisha took the initiative to take responsibility, but she still wanted to raise a big eagle, which would bring out a lot of prestige.

"Okay, don't study it, let's go down quickly"

As soon as Zhu Chiniao gave an order, the two big eagles grabbed two people. I don't know if they were killing them with grudges, but she was the first one to catch them.

Meisha looked at himself soaring up very calmly, Feng Bai became a little unsteady, his face was pale, looking at him, he seemed to be quite frightened.

"Look at how cowardly you are, just think of it as jumping from a parachute, there's nothing to be afraid of"

Those two big eagles flapped their wings, then swooped down, Mei Sha closed her eyes, this was too exciting, she hadn't been so excited for a long time. [

Feng Bai also imitated Meisha, closing his eyes, clenched his fists, his face was pale, obviously frightened.

Landing safely, Feng Bai fell to the ground, not because he wasn't brave enough but because of the situation just now, he couldn't be brave enough.

Mei Sha looked at him like that, and rolled her eyes helplessly, she could understand his mood, whoever faced such a situation for the first time would probably be scared to death.

"How are you? Are you okay?"

Mei Sha walked over, Feng Bai looked at her in disbelief, how could this person be so calm?Did you just see her scared to death?

The third ones to come down were Feng Qining and Murong Li, they came down hand in hand, with their black hair intertwined and their skirts fluttering, they were beautiful.

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