The black prince on the bar: the hidden secret of the phoenix birthmark

Chapter 2828: Looking for medicine on the cliff 16

"I didn't expect you to really see it. That's right. After your injury is healed, go find your own happiness. I believe you will find someone who loves you."

Lan Se patted Jin Yun's shoulder heavily. He said this not only for him, but also for himself. After walking this distance, he and Feng Qining will part ways.

He is reluctant, but this is a matter of time, no matter whether he is reluctant, the result will come sooner or later.

"There are many people who love me, but there are none"

Lancer turned around, he didn't bother to care about this narcissistic person. [

"I didn't expect you to be as narcissistic as Ning'er"

Feng Yu sat beside Feng Qining, Feng Qining's beautiful eyes were full of disbelief, what does it mean to be as narcissistic as her?Is she narcissistic?She's very humble, okay?

Feng Yu and Jin Yun laughed, would a person who can say such a thing be a humble person?

"Forget it, I won't tell you, I'm playing with water"

Feng Qining's feet slapped the water, the water splashed and wet her face and hair.


Laughter came out like a melodious bell, Lan Se looked at Feng Qining who was having a good time, and became interested.

"Mother, I'm coming too"

Lan Se jumped into the water, the splashed water covered Feng Qining's eyes, Feng Qining wiped the water off her face, and just about to speak, she saw Lan Se staring blankly into the river .

"What are you looking at?"

Feng Qining also looked at the bottom of the river, there are no fish here, what is there to see?

"Mother, look."

Lan Se took out something from the water, Feng Qining took a closer look, it turned out to be that kind of small shell.

"This thing seems to be edible, right?"

Lancer looked carefully at the small shell in his hand. If he remembered correctly, it was edible, just like eating the meat of the shell.

"That's right, it's edible, but there's no tools here, so it's hard to fish it out. Even if we fish it out, there's no rice. Don't we just eat its meat?"

After thinking about it, Lancer thought it made sense. He threw away the things in his hands. Originally, he wanted to have a good meal, but now it seems impossible.

After playing for a while, Feng Qining felt bored and got up.

Yichu and Zhang Kai walked to the other side, which is far away from the waterfall, but there are peach trees planted, and now it is not the season for peach trees to bloom and bear fruit, and the rest are full of green leaves. [

There was a swing under the peach tree, looking at the swing, Yichu and Zhang Kai exchanged glances.

How can there be a swing here?Does anyone live there?no?They are so noisy, if someone is there, they will not know it.

"There is a house here."

Zong Zhengxuan ran out of the white mist suddenly, Yichu and Zhang Kai were almost frightened by him.

"Xuan, pay attention, this person will scare people to death."

no?Does that scare them?After the surprise, it was ridicule.

"Unexpectedly, you also have a day when you are scared, how is it? Doesn't it feel good?"

Not a bad ghost, not bad at all, no wonder Feng Qining hates others to scare her so much, it turns out that it feels really bad to be scared.

"When did you become so timid? Well, I'm not joking with you, there really is a house over there."

true or false?Didn't lie to them?Yichu and Zhang Kai walked forward in doubt.

After walking a few steps, I saw a thatched cottage looming in the white mist.

"It turned out to be a thatched cottage."

There was disappointment in Yichu's eyes.

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