The black prince on the bar: the hidden secret of the phoenix birthmark

Chapter 2834: Trapped at the bottom of the cliff 4


There was anger in Jin Yun's eyes, Feng Qi Ning gently tugged on his sleeve: "This is Li Meiren's change of heart, don't refuse it, drink it."

Jin Yun really wanted to agree to her right away, but he couldn't open his mouth when he saw the bowl of red things, the smell was so bad, is this the antidote or the poison?No matter how he looked at it, he felt that it was more like poison.

"You don't have to worry, I promise, this is definitely not poison, so you don't have to worry."

Feng Qining has already talked about this, if he doesn't drink, then he really doesn't believe her, this is very serious, he can't let her feel that he doesn't believe her. [

Jin Yun picked up the medicine with a trembling hand, and then drank it tremblingly. Seeing him like that, he felt like he was going to die.

Jin Yun who drank the medicine shook his body and fell to the ground.

He passed out, looking at Jin Yun who fell to the ground, Feng Qining looked at Murong Li, there was only questioning in his eyes, no doubts.

If Murong Li really wanted to kill him, he definitely wouldn't wait until now, he would have been able to kill him a long time ago.

"The medicine has taken effect. During this period of time, he must feel very painful."

His body was like an old machine, it was all screaming, and it would collapse if it moved a little, so the only way was to help him reborn, and at the same time expel the poison that had been squeezed in his body for a long time.

Murongli and Yichu carried him to the grass beside him, and then ignored him.

Pain all over the sky, as if someone was cutting him with a knife, dark, cold darkness, as heavy as a cold stone, piercing to the bone.

He kept struggling, trying to break free from it, but he couldn't do anything.As if being held tightly by an invisible hand, no matter how hard she tried, it was useless.

Jin Yun never knew that he would have such a powerless day. It turned out that he would also have such a powerless day.

The power is being drained from the body little by little, what is submerging and swallowing him up little by little.Until, even the last trace of strength was drained and exhausted.The endless darkness swept in like a tide, and he waited desperately, waiting for that moment to come.

Seeing the cold sweat streaming down his forehead, Feng Qining kept wiping it, the veil was soaked, but he still didn't wake up.

Black liquid flowed out of his mouth, Feng Qining looked at his frowning brows.While wiping the liquid from his mouth, he smoothed his brow.

Jin Yun is also like Murong Li, what he loves most is being clean, if he wakes up and sees himself like this, he will definitely be depressed.

"Let me do it."

Seeing how tired she was, Murong Li couldn't bear it, so she snatched the handkerchief from her hand, leaving only one handkerchief in Feng Qining's hand.

When Jin Yun felt that he was going to die, a warm current flowed through his heart, who was whispering in his ear?

The blood that had been frozen for a long time melted and circulated little by little.Those lost powers seem to be spinning from the fingertips.

Jin Yun wanted to open his eyes, but he was too tired, his eyelids struggled a bit, but he couldn't open them after all. [

Seeing that he was no longer sweating, and the black liquid was no longer coming out of his mouth, Feng Qining breathed a sigh of relief.

"Limei, is he alright?"

Feng Qining looked at Murongli expectantly, it should be, if not, then she really didn't want to serve him.

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