"I'll give you a sum of money. You go to a place where no one knows you, and then come back after a few years. Based on your appearance, someone will come to propose marriage."

Feng Baikai's conditions are very attractive. Isn't it the dream of all women to find a good husband without worrying about food and clothing?Now that she got it so easily, it would be a lie to say that she was not moved.

The woman hesitated, seeing that she seemed to be tempted, Feng Bai increased his bargaining chip: "Don't worry, I will give you enough money, you don't have to worry about money anymore, I will find you a few maids to serve you ,How about it?"

The woman's heart began to waver, but it was not up to her to decide, she was not free at all, if she was free, such a good thing would not be her turn at all.

"If this matter is messed up, you must have no good fruit to eat"[

Yan Yun's words suddenly rang in her ears, and the woman trembled in fear, no, she can't agree to him, otherwise the young master will definitely not let her go, and she will definitely not have good fruit by then.

"No, sir, don't drive me away, I really like you."

The woman hugged his feet, Feng Bai had a headache, where did this woman come from?Why are you so persistent?

"Feng, do you think something will happen?"

Mei Sha was a little worried, Feng Bai was not that easy to deal with, what if he asked something?

"Don't worry, he can't ask anything. Even if he asks, it's my business, not yours."

Feng Qining comforted her, if something happened to her, she would bear it, anyway, she was not afraid of anything, the worst would be a breakup, what was there to be afraid of, but Xiaobai would not do such a thing, at most let him get revenge, what was there to be afraid of?

"How can I let you bear it alone? That's not what friends do"

Meisha was a little angry, what did she say?How could something happen to her and let her bear it alone?She was never that kind of person.

"Okay, I did this in the first place, what should I bear? I can tell that Xiaobai really cares about you, otherwise why would he be so anxious about this matter?"

Anyway, this matter is false, if he insists on finding out that person, then she can just stand up, what are you afraid of?The most important thing is that she can get happiness, which is the best for her.

"Feng, thank you"

Meisha was very moved, looking at the two women huddled together, Murongli and the others felt baffled, what were they doing?Why do you always hug each other from time to time?

"What are you two muttering over there? Is there anything you can't tell us?"

Murong Li was a little depressed, they were whispering over there, leaving them aside, could it be that they were so unbelievable to her?

"Of course, this is a matter between me and Mei, and our women's matter. Why do you big men know so much?"

Feng Qining stared, Murong Li immediately shut up obediently.

Well, this is their women's business. If he doesn't ask, he won't ask if he doesn't ask. What's the big deal?

Feng Qining is satisfied, that's right, men don't interrupt when women talk, doesn't he know? [

"Murong, now you have no status."

Yi Chu was gloating at the side, usually Feng Qining valued him the most, now that she doesn't want him, shouldn't he be happy?

"You are very happy?"

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