Seeing their expressions, the shopkeeper she thought of couldn't help laughing again. The shopkeeper thought some beggars ran in, and then stopped them. They knocked him unconscious, and then his wife ran out.School bag network shubaowang>

Seeing them, I was immediately frightened and fainted.

"It's okay, just laugh"

"Hahaha", "hehehe", "hehehe"

Feng Qining: "Brothers, I believe that it won't be long before your deeds will spread all over the streets and alleys. Hurry up and get out, and I will definitely ask for your autographs."

Lan Se quietly asked Murong Li: "Murong, where is that Smelly Water Lane?"

Yichu sat aside with a blank expression, and then said: "Can you take a shower before you come out? The smell on your body is really bad"

His words once again aroused a lot of laughter, Zong Zhengxuan and his group walked back with their heads down, there was a black tail along the way, looking at the black waterway, Murong Li and his group turned around collectively.

They don't know such people and don't want to know them.

Zong Zhengxuan and his group finally came out after soaking in the tub for a day. When they came out, Feng Qining and the others had finished their meal.

"How is it? Does it still stink?"

Zong Zhengxuan asked this question without any shyness, Feng Qining lowered her head after listening to his words, Murong Li drank tea, and everyone else was doing their own business.

Xiuqing got up from the ground, looked around, the sun was already at noon, and there was not even a pedestrian on the road.

"Where is this place?"

He just woke up and didn't react yet, thinking that he was caught somewhere.

"So I fell asleep here"

I don't know if there are too many things like this, Xiuqing got up from the smelly ditch very calmly, walked towards the general's mansion without patting the dust on her body.

"Joke, you are our general, then I am still the emperor"

The guards didn't let Xiuqing go in, Xiuqing touched her body, her general token and wallet disappeared, and she didn't know if it was taken away by those little thieves.

The daring thief even stole his wallet. It seems that he is going to mess with the law and order here again.

In fact, he doesn't blame those guards for not recognizing him anymore, because now he doesn't even recognize himself.

In the end, his wife came out and took him away.


Feng Bai looked at Meisha cautiously, and he said not to drink the bar, and now he really caused trouble again. [

"It's amazing. I went to drink again. You will die if you don't drink for a day, right?"

Meisha threw a pillow over, Feng Bai caught it firmly, he looked at Meisha with a smile, and knew that she would not be willing to make a heavy hand, look, he was right.

"You can't bear to hit me"

Mei Sha drew out his dagger: "No matter how poor you are"

Feng Bai really shut up now, and took out the knife. It seems that she is playing for real.

"Mei, how can you forgive me?"

Feng Bai really has no other way, this wave of unrest is rising again and again, is he guilty of Tai Sui recently or something else?How could it be so unlucky?

Mei Sha didn't say anything, she stood up and left, seeing her like that, Feng Bai pointed at herself again, what does it mean that she didn't speak?Did you forgive yourself?how come?She will not be so easy to talk to.

Feng Bai shook his head, he just wanted to marry a queen, how could it be so difficult?

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