"You, why are you here?"

He can't be so unlucky, can he?Did you meet them again not long after you came out?

It turned out that he had been practicing lightness kung fu hard for the past few years, why lightness kung fu?Because she once said that his best thing is lightness kung fu, if he practices hard, even if he can't beat others in the future, running for his life is not too difficult.

After another two years of studying with a teacher, he came out again. After coming out this time, he did not encounter any danger. As she said, few people can catch him now.

"Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you for so many years, and you turned into a thief. I asked you to practice lightness skills, but I didn't ask you to become a thief"

Lin Sheng stood up in surprise, pointed at Feng Qining: "You, you, you"

Isn't she dead?How can you stand here now?Is it dead and resurrected?How can it be?

"You are not her, who are you?"

Lin Sheng didn't let himself think about it, such a supernatural thing, if you think about it, you know it's impossible. In broad daylight, could he still encounter ghosts?

"I am who you say I am"

Seeing his frightened look, Feng Qining found it funny, why did everyone look like that when they heard her speak?She is dead. Could it be that Yan Luo is not allowed to not accept her, so why not let her die so quickly for the time being?

"You are a ghost"

Lin Sheng finally came up with such an answer after a while, Feng Qining slapped it, the crisp sound made everyone present look sideways, Murong Li and the others looked at Lin Sheng sympathetically, how unlucky is he?When she first met Feng Qining, she slapped her across the face.

"Does it hurt? If it hurts, do you still think I'm a ghost?"

When that hand touched him, Lancer could clearly feel the warmth. Ghosts don't have warmth. In this way, this person is no longer a ghost.

"You, you really came back from the dead?"

No, Lin Sheng frowned: "Why is your appearance wrong?"

"Because I don't like the old look, so I don't want it. How about it? Is my new look good?"

Lin Sheng had goosebumps all over his body. He changed his appearance because he didn't like it. What kind of argument is this?

"Don't be afraid, my mother is not a ghost, but her previous appearance was ruined, and my master helped him change it."

Lancer stood up at the right time and used the previous excuses. Anyway, everyone else was used to it. If he made any excuses, they would not have any objections.

"So that's the case, let me tell you sooner."

Lin Sheng patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, she really scared him, he thought he saw a ghost during the day.

"You are a big man, but you are too timid" [

Jin Yun said something behind him, and the sudden voice behind him made Lin Sheng turn around suddenly, and he was surprised again when he saw Jin Yun who was like a monster.

"You, you are not..."

Isn't he that ghost?Why is it here now?Still walking with her?Did she remarry?

That's not right, her original husband is also here, so does she have two husbands?It's also impossible. Seeing that these men are all from rich families, how could it be possible to allow a woman to marry at the same time?

"Where do you want to go? He is just with us temporarily"

Feng Qining rolled her eyes at him, his thoughts were really dirty, there was nothing else in his head except those things.

"Hehe, I just don't understand, so where are you going to go now?"

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