"You are doing well"

Feng Bai kicked the ground, and then another carriage flew by in front of him, Feng Bai suddenly realized that it was the carriage that was killed.

"Wait for me"

Mei Sha vaguely heard Feng Bai's voice, she lifted the curtain of the car, looked outside, and sure enough, she saw Feng Bai running hard.

She pretended not to hear, and continued to sit as if nothing had happened. [

"It looks like someone is calling you from behind"

Lin Sheng wanted to forget to look outside, but Meisha held him back: "You are deaf, no one called me at all, let's talk about what happened just now."

Mei Sha entangled Lin Sheng and asked him to teach her lightness kung fu. Feng Qining mentioned him to her, saying that his lightness kung fu is very good, and he is one of the best in the martial arts. He had to teach her.

"Okay, I promise to teach you."

The white shadow flashed, and Feng Bai landed steadily in the carriage.

"Little Bai, why are you here?"

Mei Sha seemed to have just discovered him, with a shocked expression on his face, Feng Bai didn't say anything in the end, he just turned his head to one side, and completely ignored Mei Sha.

Seeing that he didn't care about himself, and he didn't want to pay attention to him, and felt the strange atmosphere in the carriage, Lin Sheng didn't speak.

These two people must have quarreled, but this woman looks like a girl, and her hair is all in a girl's bun, so she must not be married yet.

Lin Sheng didn't think about it if he didn't understand it. Anyway, these people's affairs are very complicated, so it's better for him not to know.

In the evening, they finally reached a small town and found an inn. It was a small inn, and they packed it up.

"Mei, you have been angry for so many days, should it go away now?"

At night, Feng Bai came to Meisha's room, Meisha wanted to throw him out, but he hugged her tightly instead.

"Let me go, you let me go"

Meisha struggled, Feng Bai hugged you even tighter: "Don't let go, I just don't let go, I will never let you go in this life"

One sentence calmed Meisha down, and seeing that she finally calmed down, Feng Bai breathed a sigh of relief: "Mei, listen to me, I really didn't do that thing, I swear, I really didn't touch her, Otherwise, I will be struck with a thunderbolt."

Meisha's eyes were a little wet, she really wanted to cry, but she hadn't cried for a long time, she had forgotten how to cry.

"I thought you just gave up on me like that"

It took a long time before Mei Sha said this, she should be hypocritical at this time, but she couldn't be hypocritical, she really wanted to beat him up, when she raised her hand, she put it down. [

"Forget it, for the sake of sincerely admitting your mistakes, I forgive you."

Feng Bai was overjoyed: "You, what do you mean by that?"

She forgave him?Will she finally forgive him?

"Well, I forgive you."

Feng Bai hugged her happily and turned around, Mei Sha felt dizzy.

"You slow down"

Feng Bai looked at her apologetically: "I'm sorry, I'm so happy, how are you? Are you okay?"

Turned around, and asked her how she was, and gave him a flattering look.

"I will listen to you from now on and never drink again"

Speaking of this, Mei Sha got angry again, he had promised her before, if Zong Zhengxuan pulled him, wouldn't he go drink?

"Let me tell you, if you dare to drink again in the future, I will lock you out and never come in again."

Feng Bai nodded, tried this time, how dare he go?

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