The black prince on the bar: the hidden secret of the phoenix birthmark

Chapter 3316: Fanwai: Children are difficult to teach 5

"Li Meiren, don't say a few words, no one will think you are dumb"

Feng Qining's words made everyone laugh.

"You are all here."

Feng Yu came in from the outside. He was covered in travel dust, and his face was still tired. Feng Qining looked at her second brother. This year, he spent most of his time outside. She only knew that he was busy with business. What exactly it was, she didn't know.

"Second brother, are you back? Why didn't you go to rest?" [

"Rest? Why rest at this time?"

Feng Yu's whole face turned cold, seeing his serious look, Feng Qining felt strange.

"I'm afraid you don't know yet, the small country to the west is in rebellion."

It turned out that there was a natural disaster in those vassal states the year before last, and there was no harvest. As the suzerain state, Murong Li naturally couldn't stand idly by and allocated grain and money.

Murong Li originally wanted to send someone there, but Feng Yu happened to be going there, so Murong Li handed over the matter to him.

Unexpectedly, a coup d'état took place in that small country. One side disapproved of the rebellion, and the other side favored the rebellion.

"The monarch is old, and he has two sons under his command. One is superficially dandy, but in fact he has a dark heart. He thinks that he is talented and ambitious. Neither of them is a good successor. However, the old monarch has no expectations. As long as the suzerain country takes care , they will not destroy the country."

The country can still get by, at worst, it will become a country, and it will directly become a city.

That is the worst plan.Unexpectedly, someone murdered the old monarch, and civil strife broke out.

"So bold, aren't they afraid of the consequences?"

In Murong Li's dark eyes, there is a kind of evil spirit that is not angry but powerful.It seems that he is too kind to them, so good that they even have the idea of ​​rebellion.

"I've lived a comfortable life for too long, and I always need to find something to do. Isn't Zi panicked from being idle? Just let him go."

"It belonged to the bandits. Those bastards are used to robbery. Is this the past?"

Yichu disapproved a little, Zi's soldiers are too fierce, will they disturb the people and lose money when they get there?

"Isn't there a palace for them to rob?"

Feng Qining said nonchalantly, although he is the monarch of a small country, but after so long, there must be some savings, right?He can always restrain the people under him.

"I agree with Feng's approach."

Yichu looked at Murongli, his appearance remained the same, the years had not left a single trace on his body, Gu Panjian had a kind of calm and majestic temperament, which made people dare not look directly at him, that heroic figure , awe-inspiring aura, and an air of prestige without anger have been honed from sitting on the throne all year round.

"Brother, where are we going now and what should we do?" [

Erbao and Xiaobao looked at Dabao, the three little boys left the nanny behind, and wandered around the palace by themselves, with a straight face when the eunuchs and maids were saluting, just like a little adult.

"We've been tired of visiting this palace for a long time, do you feel this way?"

Er Bao and Xiao Bao nodded, they have been to all the big and small places in the palace, and they have also played, but they have never been outside the palace.

"How about we play outside the palace?"

Dabao suggested that Erbao and Xiaobao look at each other, with fear in their eyes.

"Isn't this bad? If the father and mother find out, we will definitely be miserable."

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