"Then we won't bother the Queen Mother, otherwise they will definitely be in a bad mood."

The three little babies nodded affirmatively. Looking at them, Zhang Kai was very satisfied, and at the same time he was suffocated. Those guys, don't think he doesn't know, they deliberately put these three little guys together. Throw it to yourself.

But he still can't ignore it, this is her child, how can he ignore it?

"Such a lovely child"

Seeing such a cute child, someone finally couldn't help but come over and pinch Xiaobao's pink and tender face. [

Xiaobao frowned, with displeasure in his eyes. The queen mother said, don't talk to strangers casually, let alone let strangers touch you casually.

"Who are you? What are your intentions?"

Before Xiao Bao could speak, Da Bao and Er Bao had already stood in front of her. They were men, and they wanted to protect their sister. Seeing their young adults, Zhang Kai raised his eyebrows, and there was a clear smile in his eyes. meaning.

"Me? What can I try? Just to see how cute you are"

The man rubbed his palms, these three little babies are really too cute, I don't know which baby they are from, why hasn't she seen them before?The little girl is very beautiful, and she must be a great beauty when she grows up.

These two children are not bad, maybe they will find her in the future?

"Don't look at us with those eyes, or you will be unlucky"

Dabao had a cold face, his good-looking brows were raised, and his face was ashen, which made him look a bit imposing.

"Yo, such a petty temper is not small, don't be so nervous, Zhang Matchmaker, I don't mean anything malicious, I just want to ask whose children you are from"

Of course, she must inquire about such a good seedling. She will be the first to come to propose marriage in the future. Judging from their appearance, they should be children of a rich family. The matchmaker should have a lot of money.

The more the matchmaker thought about it, the more beautiful she became. If there were no outsiders present, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Mother said, don't talk to strangers"

"Strangers are likely to be bad people"

"So, get out of here"

Each of the three babies said a word, and cooperated with each other tacitly. Although they spoke childish words without restraint, the face of the matchmaker changed a bit when she heard the sound of getting out. Children from other people's families are so easy to kidnap. I didn't expect these three to be so difficult.

"Hehe, don't be offended by the children's speech, whether it's big or small."

Seeing that they were almost done playing, Zhang Kai made a sound at the right time. This person didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, and if he continued to play, it wouldn't be fun.

"Are you the father of the child?"

Seeing this handsome man, the matchmaker's eyes lit up. She never expected that he would be so handsome after being the father of a child, and she couldn't tell that he was the father of three children at all. [

"No, he is our uncle"

Before Zhang Kai could answer, the three babies answered first. There is only one father and mother, so you can't misidentify them. If you go back and let your parents know, they will definitely spank their asses.

"Well, I'm their uncle. I brought them out to play today. We're just passing by. Thank you, the matchmaker, for your kindness."

Seeing that the matchmaker wanted to say something, Zhang Kai hurriedly spoke first. After finishing speaking, he ran away as if there was a ghost chasing after him.

"Why are you walking so fast? I'm not a ghost"

Matchmaker Zhang muttered in dissatisfaction, looking at him, she made it seem like she was a ghost, and if she was a little slower, she would entangle him.

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