The corner of the green clothes slipped through Murong Li's hair, Xing Lu stood in front of Murong Li, his face was scratched by him, a face like a flower like a jade, just like that.
"It's not bad. In just two months, martial arts has improved rapidly."

Murong Li is sure that Xing Lu must have eaten something, her eyes are dull, full of hatred, too dark eyes, not like ordinary people's, she is walking towards a road of no return, but, in When she decided to fight against herself, she embarked on a road of no return.

"Li Huang is still the same, he doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade at all"

Xing Lu brushed her face with her hand, her fair fingers were a little red, and a weird smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. [

For a woman's face, everyone knows it, but he can do it without hesitation, never thinking about her at all, never at all.

"Is it you who poisoned Feng?"

Feng, is that what he called her?Very intimate, hearing the gentleness in his tone, anyone who doesn't know can guess that it is his lover, he has never called someone's name so gently before.

How can that woman be so affectionate from him?How can she not compare to her?He wouldn't even look at her?

After all, I was not reconciled in my heart. I loved him for so long, why couldn't I get a little bit of affection in exchange?

"You don't need to compare yourself with her, because the two of you didn't make a comparison. You were the one who poisoned her, right?"

With a questioning tone and an affirmative tone, Murong Li's face was as cold as ice, and he looked at her with an exceptionally cold gaze. Xinglu had seen such gaze more than once, and every time he looked at her, it seemed like this , he never had the slightest affection for her.

The tenderness in his eyes was never given to her. His tenderness and love were all given to that person.

"Now that you know, why do you still ask me? I'm here today to tell you that I'm going to kill her. Isn't she very powerful? Isn't she better than me? Then I'm going to destroy her"

She wanted him to regret, completely regret.

"you dare"

Murong Li's eyes sharpened suddenly, a storm was brewing in her black eyes, Xing Lu had no doubt that if she took another look, the storm would drag her in.

Murong Li couldn't bear it anymore, the long sword was like the wind, stabbing at Xinglu, his men were merciless, last time he was soft, causing Feng Qining to lie on the bed half dead.

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