"Xiao Moran, why are you here?"

When Feng Yu saw Xiao Moran, the expression on his face suddenly changed, as if he saw his old enemy, the thorns all over his body stood up.
Feng Qining's consciousness was in a trance for a moment, and her heart became cold all of a sudden, she turned her head mechanically, and she saw Xiao Moran's eyes falling on the ground.

Can she say that she is Feng Qining's twin sister?

"The princess of the Feng family, who overwhelms the country and the city, really lives up to her reputation"[

Xiao Moran ignored Feng Yu and said this to Feng Qining.

"Liao Zan, that's just a false name."

Feng Qining answered with a calm face.

How could she be so unlucky?Every time she did something bad, she would be exposed in the end, Feng Qining kept crying in her heart, since she came here, she seemed to have no luck.

Either get caught or get hurt.

No one could feel the weird atmosphere between the two, Feng Yu's smiling eyes suddenly blocked Feng Qining's front.

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Laughing?"

Feng Qining sighed, her brothers were here, Xiao Moran should be a little scrupulous, and would not say anything.

"It's okay, I think about it, I still have something to do, let's take a step first"

Xiao Moran glanced at Feng Qining and left.

"Ning'er, do you know He Ran?"

Sensing Xiao Moran's last look, Yichu glanced at Feng Qining.

"No, but I've heard it, the second brother often said it, I'm just curious."

Feng Qining was glad she left with a smile, otherwise she would really feel like she was sitting on pins and needles, but his last look was a warning, and she had to go to him at night anyway.

Feng Qining has a bit of a headache, she has really let go of too many things recently.

"Brother Yi, you haven't answered me yet, why don't you go find me and drink at home?"

Feng Qining hugged Yichu's hand, and looked closely, Yichu's eyes were bloodshot, Feng Qining sighed, with his appearance, it was not himself who was tormenting him, but also them.

“Just wanted to drink”

Is it just a thought? [

"Brother Yi, I'm not stupid. If you don't say a lot of things, it doesn't mean I don't understand."

Of course she is not stupid, on the contrary she is very smart, but at this moment, why is she still so smart?Wouldn't it be nice to be a little silly?

"Brother Yi, no matter what happens, I hope you live happily."

When going back, Feng Qining hugged Yichu, hugging her, not caring about love, just wanting to give him some warmth, the huge Yifu is deserted and less popular.

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