"My dear son, don't be afraid. Mother will take you back immediately and find a doctor for you."

Feng Qining took a deep breath, hugged Lan Se, and walked down the mountain. The scene in front of her and the scene from a long time ago gradually overlapped. Lan Se felt that her eyes were getting darker and darker, and she slowly closed her eyes. , slowly came back to his mind while he was unconscious.Passionate picture feast
"Go in"

Staggering, little Lancer was pushed into a room, his eyes could see light again, and he looked at the place where he was. The empty room contained nothing but a mat.

Eyes, inadvertently swept to the corner, and Lancer saw the little girl huddled in the corner. [

Even though she was so scared, she opened her eyes wide and looked at her timidly. Lancer's heart skipped a beat and he walked towards her.

"Would you like to sit here? Give you some room"

The little girl made room for him.

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad guy?"

Little Lancer looked at her sideways, wondering why she cared about other people when she couldn't be scared herself.

"Weren't you arrested by them just now? Daddy said that there is no permanent enemy. Even if you are a bad person, we were all arrested together, so you will not harm me"

Little Feng Qining said so, at such a young age, she is already extremely intelligent.

"How did you get caught by them?"

"I don't know, I was sleeping and I woke up here"

Xiaofeng Qining's eyelids drooped, she was gone, brother and father, mother was going to be anxious again, those bad guys, seeing that they were easy to bully, always grabbed themselves, so that their father and the others could be anxious.

Xiaofeng Qining's cheeks were puffed up with anger, and little Lancer couldn't help stretching out her hand to touch her flushed face.

"What are you doing?"

"It's just touching you, why all the fuss?"

Little Lancer was very dissatisfied with her avoidance.

"Brother Yi said that men and women can't kiss each other. Girls can't let other men touch them easily."

Xiaofeng Qining told little Lancer solemnly that she still kept a little distance from him. Little Lancer felt dissatisfied with her being far away: "What are you afraid of? If it's a big deal, I'll marry you in the future?"

Before Xiaofeng Qining could speak, the door was opened, and two big men came in and took little Lancer away.

Little Feng Qining huddled in a corner, the sky gradually darkened, the room gradually became colder, there was no light, no food, little Feng Qining huddled in the corner, shivering.

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