president's woman

Volume 2 Sound 1 Dad

"Why did I take the child away, because you didn't want to give us mother and daughter a legitimate identity. Do you want me to watch you marry another woman? Jiang Haoyu, I have told you many times, I will not be yours Mistress's!

I gave birth out of wedlock, do you know how much it hurt me and my family?My father was so angry that I fell ill many times, and my mother couldn't hold her head up in front of the neighbors.I dare not go home to visit my parents, for fear that they will be even angrier if they see me.

Xinyi was ridiculed by the children because no father ever picked her up.Children will laugh at her as a child without a you know?When Xinyi first understood something, she asked me why there was a mother in other people's homes, and a man was called father.what is dadHow is he different from his mother?I don't even know how to answer.Jiang Haoyu, my most difficult time has passed.I'm living well now and don't need you! "Her words were full of sorrow, and her voice was full of anger.

She reprimanded, piercing Jiang Haoyu's heart.He blamed himself for his behavior back then. If time could be turned back, he would not let her and the child leave.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly and carried her into the car. "I know you're doing well, but I want to see Nao Nao. I miss her a lot, she's a lovely girl!"

Yilan fell into his instant tenderness, she nodded without thinking.

Then he started the car and drove towards her.

"Mom, mom!" Chen Yilan ran into her mother's arms as soon as Chen Yilan entered the door, and Yilan carried her daughter to the sofa.After Yilan came in, Mrs. Zhang greeted her and left.

Nao Nao in Yi Lan's arms stared at the uncle who was following behind her mother.She knew this uncle, he had been to their house.

She called obediently: "Hello, Uncle!"

Jiang Haoyu touched her little face, then opened his arms to his daughter. "Let uncle give you a hug, okay?"

Nao Nao looked at the uncle in front of him, looked at his mother with questioning eyes, and waited for his mother's decision with big eyes blinking.Yilan's eyes were red with excitement, and she choked up a few syllables. "Go~, go let dad~, uncle hug!~" The syllable that was about to blurt out was corrected in time on the edge of the mouth.

The moment Jiang Haoyu picked up his daughter, he was as excited as when he picked up his daughter last time.His arms trembled uncontrollably, and he looked at his daughter with reddish eye circles.Her big eyes blinked, full of confusion, and she reached out to caress the corners of her uncle's eyes. "Uncle, are you crying?"

Jiang Haoyu became a little uncomfortable because of his daughter's question, and he blinked to control the tears that were about to overflow. "No, something got into Uncle's eyes just now, can you show Uncle?" Jiang Haoyu lied with a hot face.

"Okay, Nao Nao will give you a whir!" Then he blew into Jiang Haoyu's eyes.

Yilan also looked at the scene in front of her with tears in her eyes. I don't know how many times this scene has appeared in her dreams.I always thought that this scene could only come true in a dream, but I didn't expect it to actually appear.Should she tell her daughter this is her daddy?Should she tell?

Even if she doesn't want to forgive Jiang Haoyu, she can't deprive the child of his father's rights. "Come on, listen to mom!" Yilan called her daughter's attention back.

Seeing her daughter looking at her, Yilan plucked up her courage and said in a steady tone: "Naonao, listen to mom! This uncle is your father, didn't you always want dad!"

Hearing the word 'Dad', Nao Nao opened his eyes wide and looked at the person in front of him. "Dad~~Dad!" Noisy yelled very softly, as if afraid of making a mistake.

"Yes, I'm your father, call me father louder!" Jiang Haoyu choked up with excitement when he heard his daughter call him father.

"Dad, Dad, you are my father!" After receiving Jiang Haoyu's encouragement, Nao Nao shouted even louder.

"Yes, I am your father." Jiang Haoyu repeated again and again, his daughter's voice is really nice, like a crisp bell. "Thank you Yilan, thank you for letting Nao Nao recognize me!"

"Don't say thank you to me. I'm not for you, I'm for the child. I don't want the child to feel inferior because he doesn't have a father. She should grow up optimistic and don't cast any shadow on her."

"I know, then I thank you very much!" Jiang Haoyu said gratefully, which was too unexpected for him.

Yilan didn't take another look at Jiang Haoyu, and then walked into the room.

"Father, why did you come to see Nao Nao. Does it mean that you don't want me and mom anymore?" Nao Nao asked Jiang Haoyu seriously after thinking for a long time.

"Dad doesn't want you and mom, it's just that there was some misunderstanding between dad and mom, that's why dad found you and mom now. Do you want to live with mom and dad in the future? Can you see mom and dad every day?" Jiang Haoyu is cunning He started with his daughter first, and asked her to help him capture Yilan's heart together.

Nao Nao seriously thought about what his father said, then shook his head distressed. "I want to be with my parents, but I'm not sure which father I want?" Uncle said that Uncle Zhang can also be his father, and now there is another father in front of him.Which one should she want? She likes both.

When Jiang Haoyu heard his daughter's answer, he felt a few black lines appear on the top of his head. "What do you mean you're not sure which father you want?" Wouldn't it be the same as he expected?

Nao Nao Tong Yanji said: "Little uncle told me that Uncle Zhang will be my father. Uncle Zhang is very good to me. He will always buy delicious food for Nao Nao, as well as sheep and sheep. He will also hug me well." Tall, let me fly. My fan likes Uncle Zhang, and my grandparents also like Uncle Zhang. Especially my grandma is a fan of Uncle Zhang, she called yesterday morning and asked about Uncle Zhang!"

After Jiang Haoyu heard this, his face turned from red to black.The blue and black face showed that he was on the verge of anger now, wise people had better stay away from him.

But this little angel, who didn't know what caused the catastrophe, was still talking about the sheep and sheep that Uncle Zhang bought for her, and turned them all out, showing them to her father like a treasure. "This is Pleasant Goat, and it's Warm Goat~~~"




[...The CEO's Woman Vol. [-] First Voice Dad——The fastest text update on the Internet...] @! !

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