Chapter 180 Sudden good news (second update)

Huang Zhong's army is the only large army in Liu Feng's army, and of course there are many types of arms. (Apex novel hand-made novel) But it is generally the same as the arms of this era.

The largest spear battalion.The second is the Bow and Arrow Battalion, followed by the Big Sword Battalion, and the weakest Spy Battalion.Some spies were also equipped with military horses.

The function of the spear battalion is to fight head-on.The Bow and Arrow Battalion is a long-range unit, and the Broadsword Battalion is used for rushing in at critical moments.Needless to say, the spy battalion is for listening to news.

It's huge and formal.Unlike the soldiers and horses of Deng Ai and Zhang Gui's battalion, due to the limited number of soldiers, there are only the spear battalion, the bow and arrow battalion, and a small number of spies.

At this moment, the school grounds were divided into several blocks.Soldiers from the Spear Battalion were practicing assassination techniques, while soldiers from the Broad Sword Battalion were hacking together.Of course, there are also bow and arrow battalion soldiers who are contacting bow and arrow.

To be honest, Liu Feng's experience in leading the army was limited to spearmen and swordsmen.The soldiers of the broken barracks are all good at these two things, and archers are very rare.

It was the first time I saw a large-scale archer training, so I couldn't help but take a few more glances.

I saw thousands of archers in an open space, carrying feathered arrows on their backs, pulling their bows, and shooting arrows forward.There is an open space in front of it, and a Qinglong flag is planted in the center of the open space.

The archers had only to shoot their arrows into the clearing.

Although it was the first time to see the real thing, Liu Feng had read a lot of military books and knew a little about the training of archers.

On the battlefield, archers don't really need to aim.Just follow the orders and shoot arrows in crowded places.After all, there is a mass of darkness, as long as the arrow is shot out, it can always hurt people.

Don't be too careful, but you need to be fast, the soldier who can shoot the most arrows in a short time is the elite.

After all, there are only a few who can shoot a general from 100 meters away with an oolong bow like Huang's father and son.

However, the specially prepared army mentioned by Huang Zhong is obviously not the bow and arrow battalion.

Liu Feng and the others quickly walked through the open space and arrived at a corner of the school grounds.Liu Feng only felt that his eyes brightened. About a hundred soldiers were training in this school ground.

The subject is archery.

But these people are obviously not the ordinary people I saw just now. The common characteristics of these people are sharp eyes, full of energy, and the bows in their hands are also a size larger than those held by ordinary archers.

These people's training is also different from that of ordinary archers. They don't shoot arrows in one direction with the flow, but aim and shoot arrows.

At this moment, there were ten archery targets placed in the school grounds, and more than a hundred soldiers were lining up in ten rows. After shooting all the things in the quiver, one row of soldiers retreated immediately.Next row on top.

The quasi-heart is very accurate, almost a hundred hits.But the disadvantage is that it is slow.

"These soldiers are all specially selected by me. Out of 5000, there are only 98 of them. The first independent battalion is called "God's Arm." "Personal abilities are outstanding."

"The disadvantage is that these soldiers are actually unqualified as archers, because their shooting speed is too slow on large battlefields and battlefields defending the city, and their lethality is not as high as those of ordinary archers. But on a small scale On the battlefield, their role is absolutely outstanding. The smaller the number, the greater the power. If it is on a battlefield with less than 500 people, they will attack the enemy." Huang Zhong stroked his beard and smiled road.

Both Liu Feng and Pang Tong are not stupid to know the elegant meaning by listening to the sound of the piano.Hearing the words, the heart moved, and they couldn't help but looked at each other.

"The general can just speak up if you have something to say." Liu Feng asked with a smile.

"Hehe, I have some opinions about Zhou Yu's army this time. But it's all personal opinions." Huang Zhong smiled slightly, thought for a moment, then looked up at Liu Feng and said: "Jiangxia is a county where soldiers and horses It's only over [-]. No matter in terms of quality or strength, they are not enough to fight against Jiangdong, so this battle must be defended. The city can be defended without loss, and it can also sharpen soldiers and horses."

"But guard, you can't defend to death. There is a broken army camp under the lord's account, which is quite powerful. The people in Jiangdong probably don't know that the lord has this battalion. Therefore, Zhou Yu in Jiangdong should send the vanguard, or he will. The lord will You can use strong soldiers to pull out the vanguard of Jiangdong in one fell swoop and dampen their spirit. This kind of law-abiding can last long." Huang Zhong expressed his opinion in detail, and after he finished speaking, he looked up at Liu Feng and said: "Everyone has a shallow opinion. , and please don’t make fun of me, my lord.”

"That's why my brother chose the God Arm Battalion, intending to cooperate with the Po Jun Battalion and pull out Jiangdong Pioneer?" Liu Feng looked at Huang Zhong deeply, and smiled slightly.

"Yes." Huang Zhong nodded.

"The general has served as the general of Zhonglang under Liu Biao's tent for many years, and he lamented his bad luck." Pang Tong lamented Huang Zhong's bad luck, and Huang Zhong's thoughts were exactly the same as his.It can be said that he knows the essence of the art of war.

"Then the lord agrees?" Huang Zhong was overjoyed and said with a smile.

"This is Pang Tong, whose name is Shiyuan. Just like my elder brother, he also came up with this strategy. Pull out his vanguard." Liu Feng remembered that he hadn't introduced Pang Tong yet, so he pointed at Pang Tong and said with a smile.

"I met Mr. Pang." Huang Zhong said immediately.

"General." Pang Tong returned the salute and said.

After seeing the ceremony, Huang Zhong smiled and said to Liu Feng: "It turns out that Mr. Pang has already spoken to the lord. I thought I was smart, but it turned out to be an afterthought."

"Hehe, that's not necessarily the case. I'm a forerunner. I'm the first person to know that Zhou Yu is about to enter the army. It's not a skill to figure it out first." Pang Tong shook his head.

He didn't have much contact with Huang Zhong, but based on just one sentence, he felt that Huang Zhong was a general, and his military acumen was no worse than him.The ability to lead troops is probably also very high.

Liu Feng used the land of a county, but under his tent there were generals such as Huang Zhong and Gan Ning, and talented people such as Ma Liang and Yi Ji.While Pang Tong was pleasantly surprised, he could only lament the abundance of talents.

"Hehe." Huang Zhong was not the kind of narrow-minded person, and those words were just a joke.Hearing the words, he just smiled and didn't take it to heart.

After smiling at each other, Liu Feng said to Huang Zhong: "This battalion of soldiers and horses, my brother will send someone to Chen Dachu, and train together, which can also increase the tacit understanding."

"No." Huang Zhong responded.

The so-called surprise was nothing more than Huang Zhong himself, and the battalion's so-called god-armed soldiers and horses.Most of the soldiers in Huang Zhong's army were similar to Gan Ning's, a mixed bag of fish and dragons, they could only be used to defend the city, and they couldn't take part in the scene.

This dissipated the joy in Liu Feng and Pang Tong's hearts a little bit. Facing Zhou Yu, they were completely at a disadvantage except for breaking the barracks.

You must be careful in your actions, and you must be cautious in your layout.

Otherwise, Jiangxia's small boat is likely to be destroyed in the strong wind.

Liu Feng led Pang Tong around, all in order to let Pang Tong get acquainted with the general's character, ability, and his own strength.Huang Zhong's side is the last one, Deng Ai, and Zhang Gui's side Liu Feng don't want to go.

You don't need to look to know that the soldiers and horses of the two battalions must be of the same virtue as Huang Zhong.Vulnerable.

Therefore, after wandering around, Liu Feng quickly led Pang Tong back to the prefect's mansion.The first thing to do is study the map.

In a circle, strength, generals, advantages, disadvantages.Pang Tong knew everything in his mind, and the rest was the terrain.

Liu Feng has research on the art of war, but it is more about the means of leading troops, including training, military discipline, etc. He is not very good at studying how to use troops in the field.

Therefore, Pang Tong was not disturbed.

Instead, he ordered Huan'er, called several servants and maids to wait on him, and by the way, found a mansion for Pang Tong, and sent servants to clean it up.

After doing all this, Liu Feng did everything he felt he had to do.Now just prepare, prepare, prepare again, and wait for Zhou Yu to raise his troops.

The so-called know yourself and the enemy and never be imperiled in a hundred battles.Knowing the news that Zhou Yu is going to raise troops, it is probably the most lethal weapon in Liu Feng's hands.

It wasn't until this time that Liu Feng realized that his body was extremely tired. The fatigue of the journey and thinking about how to meet the enemy made him overdraw a lot of energy.

Backyard, inside Cai Yu's house.Liu Feng leaned on the couch, feeling very comfortable, and didn't want to get up.

It is a good thing that this man has power, but he must spend a lot of energy and time to consolidate and maintain his power.Looking at Liu Feng's tired appearance, Cai Yu felt a little distressed.Sighing, he personally took a blanket and covered Liu Feng's body.

Today Cai Yu was wearing a plain white dress, with only a wooden hairpin on her head, her pretty face was also plain, without any makeup.

But even so, Cai Yu at this moment is like a hibiscus emerging from water, both graceful and watery.During these days, Cai Yu really played a lot, and recently felt a little bored.She regained a little bit of her elegant look when she first met Liu Feng.Like a volcano, after a sudden eruption, it returned to calm.

"Madam. There is an official surnamed Zhang asking to see the lord." Suddenly, a maid came in and lowered her head to report.

"The surname is Zhang? Did he say what he does?" Cai Yu closed his eyes and looked at Liu Feng, who seemed to be in a deep sleep. Instead of waking him up immediately, he asked.

"He claims to be an official of the arsenal, Mr. Xu Zheng's assistant officer." The maid replied.

Cai Yu actually didn't know much about the structure of Liu Feng's acceptance of officials, but Cai Yu had heard of Xu Zheng.And she also knew that before Liu Feng went to Xiangyang, he seemed to order the arsenal to study a weapon.

Simply put, it matters.

Cai Yu nodded and said, "Let him wait for a while." Said, Cai Yu stepped forward and came to Liu Feng's side.Gently waking Liu Feng up, Cai Yu said: "An official from the arsenal came to the door, surnamed Zhang."

"Zhang?" Liu Feng, who was still sleepy, only felt a shiver all over his body, and immediately woke up.

Of course he knew who the surnamed Zhang was, and he was appointed by him to manage the blacksmiths.There must be something important for him to come to the door.

Could there be surprises waiting for him when he was ready and thought nothing was missing?

Cross knife?

Liu Feng only felt refreshed, lifted the blanket on his body, and walked out immediately.

"I'll be busy first." The person walked a long way before these words reached Cai Yu's ears.

"It's hot and fast." Cai Yu muttered.However, like a good wife, she bent down and picked up the blanket that Liu Feng had left behind.

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