Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 187 Pan Zhang refuses to accept

Chapter 180 Seventh Pan Zhang refuses to accept (second more)

"Kill." It is undeniable that Pan Zhang's leading ability and prestige are very high, and his shrill cry made his soldiers tremble.After trembling, a burst of unyielding broke out.

Amidst the strong shouts of killing, the power that erupted was slightly unstoppable even by breaking the barracks.

But that's all, although it is true that some people pushed forward step by step, causing the soldiers who broke the barracks to retreat step by step, but the ability to counter is also extremely strong.

After a short retreat, the soldiers who broke the barracks entered more than ten units in a row, keeping Pan Zhang and others in the encirclement.

The fighting continues.Under the killing of the broken army camp and the shooting of the god's arm camp, the soldiers kept falling.

But in the end, it still failed to stop the breakthrough of a small group of people.Because at the critical moment, the weakness of the imperfect Chu Dao held by the soldiers of the broken army camp was finally exposed.

The Chu knives in the hands of several soldiers in the barracks were broken in response to the sound.Although the soldiers who broke the barracks reacted quickly and immediately drew out the ordinary Han swords hanging on their waists, ordinary swords were not as good as Chu swords after all.

The opportunity at this moment was quickly seized by Pan Zhang.Pan Zhang was covered in blood, and with a ferocious expression, he led some soldiers and rushed out in the east direction.

"Let's break the rear, general, let's go." The moment Pan Zhang rushed out, there were hundreds of soldiers surrounded by Pan Zhang, but dozens of them turned around and cut the rear.

Amidst the sound of Jin Tiejiao, almost all of these dozens of people were killed before the battle, but the severance of these loyal soldiers also bought time for Pan Zhang.

He and some remaining soldiers fled towards the east.

When the fighting was over, Liu Fengcai and Kou Shui set foot on the battlefield together.I saw the corpses of soldiers everywhere on the ground, on both sides, but at a glance, there were still more soldiers in Pan Zhang's army.But this cannot cover up the casualties of one's own side.

In this small-scale fight, although the broken barracks won, it was definitely hurt.That guy Pan Zhang is not a mortal either.

Standing on the blood-stained battlefield, looking down at the stumped limbs and arms on the ground, Liu Feng sighed.

"My lord." After ordering the soldiers who were still intact, Chen Da came to Liu Feng's side after ordering the soldiers who were still intact to clean up the battlefield, take in the corpse of Fang Paoze, and treat the wounded.

Liu Feng looked up and saw that Chen Da's face was pale and covered in blood. Judging from the several cut leather armors, the blood was not all from the enemy.

"The situation is great, but I didn't do my best, let the group of dozens of people escape, and I ask the lord to punish me." Although the injury was serious, Chen Da felt guilty and said.

"That's a substandard weapon, it's not your fault." Liu Feng saw it clearly from the slope. When the soldiers who broke the barracks were about to besiege and kill Pan Zhang's army, the Chu knife broke several times, which led to the dozens of people. Breaking out of the siege was entirely due to weapons, so how could he blame Chen Da, who led the army to fight to the death.

After finishing speaking, Liu Feng smiled again: "Jiangdong Pioneer was defeated, almost completely defeated. It must be a big blow to morale. It is a big victory. You have not only passed, but also made merit. After this battle is over, there will be heavy rewards."

When he said this, Liu Feng felt quite exasperated.When he killed Huang Zu back then, he was born of evil and courageous, and he was very confident.

This time when Zhou Yu came to the door, he couldn't breathe.The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.Zhou Yu came to the door, and he almost couldn't sleep or eat.Even with Pang Tong's strategy, the Pojun, the Second Battalion of God's Arms, and the Chu Dao, Liu Feng's heart is still not firm.

The pressure was too great, but today, he personally led the army and almost completely defeated Pan Zhang.This form of pressure disappeared immediately.

It is like a person who has been seriously ill for decades and suddenly recovers.Breathing out that breath, it was so refreshing that it almost made people feel ecstatic.

Defeated Pan Zhang and almost completely defeated Zhou Yu's vanguard.Liu Feng had enough confidence to defend Zhou Yu in this offensive and defensive battle.

One hundred percent confidence.Even if the quality of his army is not as good as others, Zhou Yu would never want to take Jiang Xia away.There was a flash of coldness in his eyes, and he quickly restrained himself. This was not the time to be cruel. It was time to show courage and prove it to Zhou Yu.

These are all fleeting thoughts in Liu Feng's mind, a matter of a moment.Looking at the embarrassed Chen Da, Liu Feng was a little worried. The medical technology of this era is not as good as that of later generations, and these injuries are fatal enough.

"Go and bandage it. Don't think you are strong. There will be more to fight in this tough battle." Facing this confidant and beloved general, Liu Feng said with concern.

"Don't worry, my lord, this little injury is fine." Seeing that Liu Feng didn't blame himself for not doing his best to completely defeat Pan Zhang, he was relieved instead.While Chen Da was grateful, he was also gnawing at his heart with great guilt.

This is not a problem.The wound is still bleeding.Liu Feng wanted to persuade again, but he didn't want Chen Da to speak first: "My lord, Zhou Yu's vanguard has been pulled out now, but Zhou Yu will definitely not retreat because of this, and will definitely attack the city on a large scale. And there are already Huang Sima and Zhang Junhou in the city. Four thousand soldiers and horses are guarding, even if we are added, we may not be able to do our best."

"You mean?" Liu Feng said, hearing that there was something beyond Chen's big words.

"Breaking the army camp is not good at defending the city, but good at breaking the army. Staying in the city to defend, it is better to let us wander outside, see if there is an opportunity, and intercept and kill the Zhou army." Chen Da suddenly looked up at Liu Feng, and said word by word.

Chen Da did not hide his emotions at all, and let the small group of people escape, and it is very likely that Pan Zhang also escaped.Although Liu Feng didn't blame him, Chen Da blamed himself.

He wants to make up for it.

What kind of guy is Zhou Yu? If he can be easily robbed or intercepted, then he is not Zhou Yu.Liu Feng almost blurted out this sentence, but when he thought about it, didn't he just rely on his strong army to defeat Pan Zhang?

Although he is not famous, he is indeed a fierce general.Heavy general.

The killing that Chen Da said was a bit illusory, but he couldn't casually say that it was impossible, as it would hurt his confidence.Especially when Liu Feng saw the desire in Chen Da's eyes, it was not a desire, but a great sense of responsibility.

He swallowed this sentence alive.

Thinking about it in another way, Liu Feng also felt that it was a pity to put the soldiers who broke the barracks on the defense of the city.

"Bury the corpse first, and bring all the wounded back to the city. Come back after receiving the food and grass." After thinking for a long time, Liu Feng still didn't want to break Chen Da's heart.

"Thank you, my lord." Of course, Chen Da knew that his request was very polite, and he was ready for Liu Feng to reject it. It was just his great sense of responsibility and the desire to make up for his crimes that made Chen Da plead without hesitation.When Liu Feng was thinking, he was uneasy.When Liu Feng agreed, he was ecstatic.

"Don't thank me first." Liu Feng's face was unprecedentedly serious, and he said: "I can let you go out, but I want you to promise me that you don't attack Zhou Yu without a [-]% chance. In this war, After unplugging Pan Zhang, I will be [-]% sure to defend Jiangxia, which means victory. I don't want my army camp to be destroyed, and there will be no casualties."

This is Liu Feng's bottom line, his broken barracks is the trump card, and there is no room for loss.But he also believed in Chen Da, this confidant who followed him and killed him several times.

Chen Da's experience in leading the army was even higher than his.And loyal, as long as I confess it, I will not violate it.

Liu Feng believed that he said he was [-]% sure before he could attack.Chen Da wouldn't deduct a single point, and he was [-]% sure that he would calm down and continue to wait for the opportunity.

And Liu Feng also had to feel helplessly that Chen Da might not encounter that kind of opportunity when the war ended.He just didn't want to hurt Chen Da's confidence.

"Don't worry, my lord, this subordinate is not that kind of reckless person." Chen Da heard that he was suddenly surrounded by a huge sense of responsibility, and made up his mind that he would not attack Zhou Yu if he was not [-]% sure.Can't help but said in a deep voice.

"In that case, I'll let you stay outside the city and wait for the opportunity." Liu Feng said with relief.

Now that the matter has been discussed, Liu Feng will naturally not allow Chen Da to bleed to death, and find someone to bandage him.Soon after, the corpses of both the enemy and the enemy had been picked out.

The wounded were also treated.Liu Feng ordered that some soldiers be sent out to take the wounded back to the city, and the rest were left to dig a hole and bury the corpse.

Chen Da blamed himself for not doing his best, while Pan Zhang regretted that he did not believe in evil and insisted on competing against the elites of both sides.

It's just that Pan Zhang is rough and fierce, and after a huge regret, he immediately became dissatisfied.

Under the escort of [-] or [-] soldiers, Pan Zhang fled ten li in one breath.When they fled near a small stream, Pan Zhang could no longer bear the weakness of bleeding too much.

Pale and fell to the ground.

"General, I'll bandage you up." Seeing Pan Zhang fall to the ground, the soldiers around him jumped in their hearts and looked at Pan Zhang, only to notice the scar on Pan Zhang's chest, which was left behind by the soldier who broke the barracks. Slit wound.

The soldier was also injured a little bit. He was weak and dizzy at the moment, but he still tore off the cloth on his body and insisted on bandaging Pan Zhang.

Pan Zhang was unmoved, and let his soldiers bandage his wounds.

He held a knife in his hand, it was Chu knife.When he ran away, he picked it up on the ground.This knife is very strange, very light, very sharp.I am afraid that is the reason for the speed.

There were still some small cracks on the knife. Pan Zhang knew that if it weren't for these cracks, they would not be able to escape.

This knife is very useful, but also has a lot of flaws.

But it was this kind of knife that made him lose.This is why Pan Zhang refused to accept it. At this time, Pan Zhang recalled that all his arrangements were flawless.

His soldiers may not be as good as those of Liu Feng.But two fighting one can still fight a battle. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if he fails, he will not lose so badly. Out of 500 people, only twenty or thirty came back.

The more he thought about it, the more Pan Zhang felt wronged by his failure, and the more dissatisfied he felt.

"I don't accept." Pan Zhang yelled fiercely, and stabbed down vertically with the Chu knife in his hand.The already fragile Chu Dao snapped when it hit the hard ground.

This aroused Pan Zhang's dissatisfaction even more. Liu Feng defeated him with such a fragile weapon.How can he obey.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Pan Zhang raised his head and let out a continuous growl with depression in his heart.Because of too much force, the wound on his body that had been gradually stammering immediately burst open.

When a large amount of blood flowed out, Pan Zhang's face turned pale and he passed out.

"General." Surrounded by soldiers, the soldiers panicked.


The two good books that are being strengthened are both the books of Sanqi friends. I hope everyone will join in.


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