Chapter 190

Pan Zhang knew something was going to go wrong when the pawn yelled, "General, be careful." (Apex novel hand-made novel) It is rumored that Liu Feng knows how to use a sword, and he is also from a famous family background.

He must understand the truth that a sword is stronger than a knife. If he is really a pawn, Liu Feng will definitely retreat. Now that his identity is exposed, Liu Feng will definitely enter.

Now that the situation is stalemate, Pan Zhang knows exactly what kind of state it is to be ready to fight.

The anger in his heart disappeared in a flash, and Liu Feng's sword had already struck his chest.The speed was so fast that it was more than a notch faster than Pan Zhang's.And the sword is long and the knife is short.

It was clear that before Pan Zhang's knife hit Liu Feng's neck, Liu Feng's sword cut him in half.

At the critical moment, Pan Zhang flinched, just like Liu Feng thought, Pan Zhang also didn't have the courage to risk his own life for his injury.

"Hmph." With a muffled snort, Pan Zhang withdrew his knife sharply, and he took a step back.Liu Feng's sword barely brushed his neck and passed over his chest.

The strong sword wind made Pan Zhang feel his neck was cold.

Pan Zhang retreated, and Liu Feng had the upper hand.In such a situation, how could he let it go.With a sneer, he held the sword in both hands, like a knife, and slashed fiercely.

The Han sword is heavy, and there is no such thing as a so-called sword walking lightly.When it's time to be ruthless, slash hard.

"Bang bang bang." Losing the opportunity, facing Liu Feng's fierce attack, Pan Zhang either blocked it with a knife, or took a step back to avoid it.But the city wall was narrow, but Pan Zhang soon reached the point where he could avoid it.

The soldiers around were all fighting in their own way, especially Kou Shui and others saw that Liu Feng had the upper hand, so they all entangled the soldiers of the Zhou army desperately, leaving a space.

Pan Zhang had no one to help, so he retreated and retreated.His back was almost leaning against the female wall.

Faced with Liu Feng's aggression, Pan Zhang's eyes flashed with a trace of misery and a murderous light. Facing Liu Feng's oncoming long sword, he took a sharp step forward, and unexpectedly slammed into the sword without dodging.

It seemed that he was looking for death, but Pan Zhang stabbed fiercely with the knife in his hand.Feng Liu's abdomen.

A sneer flashed in Liu Feng's eyes, but he didn't need to, and the sword continued to strike. "Puchi." There were two sounds of swords piercing into flesh.

But the results were quite different.

"Hmph." Liu Feng let out a muffled groan, but the knife stabbed his abdomen, and blood flowed horizontally.Although the appearance was a bit miserable, Liu Feng knew it would be fine, and he was wearing heavy armor, which helped a lot at this time.

On the other hand, Pan Zhang was cut down by Liu Feng almost before he could utter a scream, and collapsed limply on the ground.The sharp long sword entered from the neck until it got stuck near the chest.

Liu Feng reached out to draw out his sword, but he didn't.

"My lord, be careful." At this time, a Zhou soldier saw Pan Zhang's death, and in a rage, he ignored Kou Shui beside him and slashed at Liu Feng with a knife.

The sound of breaking through the air was rolling, and the end was powerful and heavy.

Kou Shui, the captain of the personal army, had his eyes tearing apart, "Ah." With a loud roar, he slashed at the head of that Zhou soldier with the long sword in his hand.

Seeing that he could avoid it, Liu Feng's eyes suddenly flashed a bit of cruelty, and his right hand quickly grasped the knife that Pan Zhang had stuck in his abdomen.

With a sound of "Puchi", the blood splattered, and the knife that had penetrated several inches into the abdomen was suddenly pulled out.Before Liu Feng could react to the pain coming from his abdomen, he covered the wound with his left hand, raised his right hand, and blocked it with a steel knife.

"Bump." Amidst the loud crash, Liu Feng's tiger's mouth went numb, and the steel knife fell in response.But at any rate, it also slowed down the offensive of the sergeants that week.

"Puchi." In the splash of blood, the soldier was beheaded by Kou Shui.

"My lord, are you alright?" He came to Liu Feng's side anxiously and asked without any joy after killing an enemy Kou Shui.

At this time, Liu Feng was covering his stomach with his left hand, his face was pale, but his eyes were excited.He slapped Kou Shui's hand away to help him, and said repeatedly: "Leave me alone, shout, Pan Zhang is dead."

"No." Although Kou Shui was very worried about Liu Feng's situation, he also knew that now was the time to take the opportunity to publicize his achievements and hit the morale of Zhou's army.Quickly agreed.Then he opened his voice and shouted: "Pan Zhang is dead. Pan Zhang was killed by the prefect himself."

Following this loud and clear shout, the fight on the top of the city came to a sudden stop.Immediately, violent cheers came from the mouths of Wuchang soldiers and civilians, "The prefect is mighty, the prefect is mighty."

While cheering, the momentum of the defenders reached its peak.Fighting harder and harder.

On the other hand, Zhou Jun was retreating steadily.Although there are three or two officers like Dubo supervising the formation, the general situation is gone and the power is back to heaven.

Hearing the news that Pan Zhang was dead.

Zhou Yu's face was as pale as paper when Zhou Jun was at Yingkou.He had no idea but was destroyed by Pang Tong's conspiracies and tricks.

Zhou Yu knew that this attack on Jiang Xia was over, it was really over.

Although the siege failed this time, there will be another time.But the damage will definitely be bigger next time, let's go all out and rest again.

He can no longer fill the city with the lives of soldiers, Shanyue is about to explode.His army is Jiangdong's precious wealth, and there can be no more damage.

But Zhou Yu was really not reconciled, not reconciled.Liu Feng has strong soldiers, strong generals, and Pang Tong as a military adviser.Sitting in Jiangxia, sooner or later he will be a strong enemy.Especially if you can't beat the tiger now, you will be injured by the tiger in the future.

How could Zhou Yu be reconciled, how could he be reconciled?

Zhou Yu gritted his teeth and almost said two words. "withdraw troops."

A lieutenant next to Zhou Yu couldn't believe his ears. Under the current circumstances, he actually withdrew his troops?

"General, what those Jiang Xia soldiers shouted in the city may not be true. With General Pan's ability, they may not be killed." After a pause, the deputy general continued: "Although we have no upper hand, we are not at a disadvantage either. Ah, I can guarantee that if another 2000 people are filled in, they will definitely be able to go down to Wuchang City."

"The momentum has become, and it is at the height of the sky. Let alone 2000 people, 3000 people may not be able to win this city. Retire, don't be reconciled, I have already thought of a way to continue to weaken Liu Feng's power and potential. Lying on the couch Don't let him sit on the side." Zhou Yu said with a ruthless look in his eyes.

"Promise." Seeing that Zhou Yu had already made a decision, the lieutenant opened his mouth, and made a promise, ordering Ming Jin to withdraw his troops.

"Ding, ding, ding." When the crisp sound of gold ringing sounded, the faces of the soldiers of the Zhou army on the top of the city turned pale. Some knelt down and surrendered, while others fought with Liu Feng's army with their remaining courage.

No matter what choice they make, they are very clear that it is easy to climb to the top of the city, but difficult to go back.

Except for the soldiers on the top of the city who were still fighting trapped beasts, the other soldiers of the Zhou army retreated like a tide when they heard the sound of gold.

The gates on all sides are the same.

Soon, the surviving Zhou army on the top of the city was wiped out.Huang Zhong wiped the blood stained on his face and came to Liu Feng's side.

At this moment, Liu Feng was covering his stomach with his left hand, his face was pale, and sweat dripped from his head.

"What do you think, my lord?" Huang Zhong asked with a sinking heart.

"It's okay, the armor is blocking it, so the wound shouldn't be deep." Liu Feng gave Huang Zhong a reassuring look, and smiled.It's just that when he was talking, the wound was touched again, and the tearing pain made Liu Feng's face turn from pale to livid.

Liu Feng can be considered a veteran in the battlefield, but he has never suffered such a serious injury.But Liu Feng didn't regret it. Looking at Pan Zhang who was lying on the ground in front of him, Liu Feng's eyes flashed with pride.

This was killed by him himself, the first general with a surname in history.I remember that Pan Zhang made a lot of official returns in the future. He was an important general of Soochow. In the battle for Jingzhou, it was Sima Mazhong under his tent who captured his second uncle Guan Yu.

Such a difficult person, in the duel, beheaded him.The joy in Liu Feng's heart can be imagined.

It's just commonplace for a man to get a little bit injured on the battlefield.Liu Feng's arrogance rose, the muscles on his face were no longer tense, and he relaxed, and said to Kou Shui who was so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

"Help me take off the armor and bandage the wound." Liu Feng still covered the wound with his hand to prevent it from bleeding, but he insisted on standing up.

Standing proudly amidst stumps and broken arms.

A flash of admiration flashed in Huang Zhong's eyes, and then he kicked Kou Shui who hadn't reacted yet, and personally stepped forward to help Liu Feng take off his helmet and shawl.

After being kicked by Huang Zhong, Kou Shui reacted and quickly stepped forward to untie Liu Feng's belt.

With the joint efforts of the two, Liu Feng's heavy armor was stripped off.In this short process, the wound was touched again, but Liu Feng's expression remained unchanged.

Until a soldier found a doctor to examine the wound for him.

"The wound is not deep." The doctor checked it and said quickly, then took out a pair of scissors from the medicine box, cut off the clothes near the wound for Liu Feng, and wiped the nearby blood with a cloth. After taking the medicine, he quickly bandaged Liu Feng up.

The doctor's judgment made everyone, including Huang Zhong, breathe a sigh of relief.

That's good, don't save the city, but Liu Feng, the Lord of Jiangxia, had an accident, that would be a big joke.

After Liu Feng's wound was bandaged, some blood returned to his face.Just lost some blood and still feel a little dizzy.

"My lord, leave this place to me. You'd better go down and rest first." Huang Zhong persuaded, the injuries suffered on the battlefield can be large or small, and even if the wounds are not deep, they must be handled carefully.

"No hurry, I want to personally watch Zhou Yu's retreat." In fact, Liu Feng is not afraid of being laughed at. He couldn't judge whether the war was won or lost without seeing Zhou Yu's retreat with his own eyes.

Zhou Yu must not be underestimated.

Sure enough, Zhou Yu's camp under Liu Feng's eyes did not retreat quickly, but buried the pot and made a living.

"Zhou Yu still not retreating?" Liu Feng's heart sank, and the joy of resisting Zhou Yu's offensive just now was buried in his heart.

"Burn pots and make food, and speed up the treatment of the wounded. Those who can stand, and those who can still stand, continue to stand and defend the city, and don't relax for a moment." Liu Feng ordered coldly.

Facing Zhou Yu, one must not relax.

"Knowing that it is difficult to get into the city, what else does he want to do?" Liu Feng's heart became more and more serious.

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