Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 195 1 do not do 2 endlessly, rob Sun Quan 4 cities

Chapter 190 The fifth chapter does not do anything and does not stop, robbing Sun Quan's four cities

"Chaotic chaos. (Apex novel hand-written novel)" The chaos in the entire camp did not ease because Zhu Zhi took Zhou Yu away, but intensified.

Chen Da, Zhang Guang and other soldiers who broke the barracks cut down countless Zhou soldiers in the chaos.I only felt numbness in my hands, and greasy blood all over my face and body, exuding the smell of blood.

"Shuangshuangshuang." Zhang Guang casually chopped down a Zhou soldier who hadn't had time to escape from the camp, and yelled three times in his heart.It's been 20 days since I've been aggrieved, and this venting, this swinging of the knife, is really exhilarating.

It's as cool as eating watermelon in the hot summer.

While feeling relieved, Zhang Guang swung his knife and chopped down another Zhou soldier who had fled in a hurry.I didn't have time to call out again.Suddenly, there was an empty space in front of him, but there was no one there.

But I don't know how long it took to kill, all the soldiers who should have escaped have escaped, and those who should have been killed have also been killed.Those who should be trampled on are also trampled on.

At this moment, there was only one empty camp left in the Zhou military camp.

"Chasing, fuck, we have fought around our lord for 20 days, and we haven't finished venting our anger yet. We will chase and kill him for thousands of miles." Zhang Guangguang cursed, raised his knife and wanted to chase and kill him.

Although the soldiers of the broken army camp behind him looked indifferent, their eyes were full of excitement. They just felt that the killing was not enough, and they naturally said nothing about Zhang Guang's order.

"Woooooo." But at this moment, the horn sounded, and the familiar voice made Zhang Guang hesitate, and he still took his team of 50 people and left towards the east.

Soon, Zhang Guang and others rushed out of the camp and returned to the place where they attacked Zhou Camp.

"What's the matter? I was trying to hunt down Zhou Jun?" Zhang Guang asked immediately after he came back.

At this moment, there is still some distance from dawn, but there is already a hazy light.I saw Chen Da standing in front of the soldiers returning from the broken barracks one after another with a serious expression.

His whole body was covered in blood, and his eyes were sharp.

"6000 people, plus [-] civilians, fled in all directions, how to hunt them down?" Chen Da asked without changing his expression.

"Here, as much as you can kill. Otherwise, Zhou Yu can gather these soldiers again." Zhang Guang was stunned, but then said.

This war seems to be victorious.In fact, not many soldiers of the Zhou army who killed must have escaped.As long as Zhou Yu and the important generals are still there, it only takes two or three days to gather the remnants and gather them together.

They Jiang Xia and Zhou Yu are hostile forces, if they can be weakened, of course it would be better to weaken them a little.

"What's the point of killing those little soldiers? After this battle, even if it took Zhou Yu two or three days to regroup, the morale of Zhou's soldiers must be low and it would be difficult to fight again. We took advantage of this effort to attack Chaisang, for the sake of My lord, expand the territory." Chen Da's eyes burst out with a kind of fierceness and the desire to make contributions.

After this battle, Chen Da was confident that he had made up for the fault of letting Pan Zhang escape that day.But it is not enough, he is also a general, eager to make contributions and expand the territory.

"But, your official position is no more than a military lord, and I'm just a Dubo. I don't have this kind of right to private soldiers at all." Zhang Guang was startled, and gasped.

The order they received was just to find an opportunity to stop Zhou Yu, not to attack the opponent's city.While it's nice to expand your territory, it's no fun when one accident leads to catastrophe.

"It will be fine. I heard from my lord that during this period in Jiangdong, Shanyue exploded very violently. There were not many troops to attack Jiangxia, so Zhou Yu's mobilization of troops this time was only about [-]. And this time, in this battle, Zhou Yu's army has already been defeated, and even if they are restrained, their morale will definitely drop. For example, the Shanyue Rebellion, which could have been put down in half a year, will take at least a year, or even longer. The basic force is to go west and attack Jiangxia again. "

"I heard that Chaisang has a large population, and there are three big cities nearby, Jiujiang, Pengze, and Jianchang, which are each other's horns. Taking it is equivalent to capturing an eastern barrier for Jiangxia. If we fight Zhou Yu again, it will occupy a geographical advantage. Zhou Yu will no longer be able to drive forward and threaten Jiang Xia."

"If we don't take Chai Sang down, we will feel sorry for the promotion of the lord." Chen said with big eyes.Although Chen Da was a pawn with Zhang Fei back then, Liu Feng always regarded him as his confidant and favorite general, and Chen Da knew some things.

At this moment, Chen Da heard that Zhou Yu had managed Chaisang for several years, and had a lot of food, weapons, and people.Can't help but seethe in my heart.

Open up the frontier and expand the land, a man will establish the world, and he will establish a meritorious deed for all generations.It is not a dream to win Chaisang and double Liu Feng's power.

"I heard what Junhou said, if you don't collect wood mulberry, you will be sorry to the lord, and you will be sorry to the people of Limin in Jiangxia. Then do it." The more Zhang Guang listened, the more reasonable he felt, and he couldn't help saying.

"Okay, it's so decided, attack Chaisang, and expand the territory for the Lord." Chen Da clenched his fists and nodded heavily.

Immediately, he said again: "However, we must first find a way to inform the lord. Even if a few hundred of us capture the city, it will be difficult to defend it for a long time. We must ask the lord to send troops from Wuchang."

"It's hundreds of miles to Wuchang City. Even if we drive day and night, it will take a day or two. At that time, the day lily will be cold." Zhang Guang felt a little embarrassed.

"Horse, we don't have horses, but Zhou Yu has them." Chen Dao said, and quickly ordered his soldiers to look for the horses that escaped in Zhou's camp due to panic.

Soon after, a war horse was brought back.

The war horse seemed to be a little burnt and frightened, but fortunately, its limbs were sound.Chen Da ordered a soldier who could ride a horse, and rode to Wuchang overnight.According to the distance, it should be within a day.

"Let's go." With a loud shout, he raised his sword and led hundreds of soldiers to attack Chaisang brazenly.

The sky was getting brighter, and Zhou Ying's army was in an open space about ten miles to the west.Zhou Yu, Zhu Zhi, etc. and hundreds of Zhou soldiers surrounded the city for several circles, and bonfires were lit in each circle.

Zhou Yu's fair and jade-like face was a little messy, and he didn't wear a crown on his head, only a wooden hairpin was inserted, and his hair was disheveled.

Wearing only underwear.Compared with the vigor and vigor when he attacked Jiang Xia, he was really in a mess.In the expression, there is still inconceivable and unwillingness.

If he is defeated, he is higher than Liu Fengjun in terms of military strength, army quality, and morale.But they kidnapped [-] people and returned, which is considered a small victory.

But when he was returning to the city, this kind of thing actually happened.Lost, and the defeat was so tragic.

Unbelievable, not reconciled.

"General, what should we do now?" Seeing that the sky was brightening, it would not be a problem to stay here, Zhu Zhi asked.

Zhou Yu was dazed for a while, and then gradually came to his senses, and glanced around. Both the general and the soldiers looked very decadent.

Sitting silently beside the bonfire, with empty eyes, God.

In the current situation, what else can I do?How can a defeated general speak bravely?The defeated army, why fight again?Don't even think about attacking Wuchang again with an angry army.

Now, Zhou Yu is most worried about the safety of Chaisang.Last night, the group of soldiers who robbed the camp were very tough, very tough.Otherwise, it wouldn't be a short time to break through his camp.

Such a sturdy group of soldiers did not pursue them, it is very likely that they went to Chaisang.

Chai Sang was an important stronghold established by the Sun Clan of Wuyue. Zhou Yu had been running it for several years. Sun Quan sent troops to attack Jiangxia many times, and all the people who came back from the plunder were stationed there.

So far, four cities.There are fertile fields and a population of 12.prosperity ratio.Not only that, because he has the vigilance to accumulate grain and grass at all times, and the grain accumulated over the years has reached [-] shi.It can be used by [-] troops for three years.

If Chaisang is wrong.

He remembered that when he attacked Jiangxia, he had 9000 elite troops and tried his best.Only hundreds of soldiers were left to hold the city.

Zhou Yu's complexion turned pale, and he couldn't help but feel heartbroken.Ashamed of Wu Hou Sun Quan.

But at this time, Zhou Yu could do nothing.He only has a few hundred people in his hands, and his morale is low, almost dead.

How can we fight again?

And more importantly than Chaisang, there are Shanyue almost all over Jiangdong.Now, the deadline has come.Although Zhou Yu didn't get the news of the eruption in Shanyue, it must be coming soon.

It is impossible for him to go back with only a few hundred soldiers.

"Zhang Su, Deng Fa, Zhou Ran. The three of you each command your own troops and take back the remnants. You must take back no one left." Zhou Yu said with pain on his face.

"No." Those three are the only remaining high-ranking officers under Zhou Yu's tent, one Sima and two Marquis.Although he had strength at the moment, he still cheered up when he heard Zhou Yu's order, and raised his fist in response.

And quickly stopped the soldiers and horses under the banner, scattered and gathered the soldiers.

Seeing Zhou Yu give the order rationally, Zhu Zhi hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but said: "General, Chaisang still has his wife, and the Major General is here. What's more, for Jiangdong, Chaisang is still very important." The position is the only way for soldiers to go to Jiangxia. Aren't you going back to defend the city immediately?"

Zhu Zhi himself was not Chaisang's general, he was temporarily transferred from another place.His family is not in Chaisang, but he knows that Zhou Yu's family is.

What's more, because of the relationship between Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, the name of Xiao Qiao's national beauty is widely spread.If Liu Feng can go to the city, there is no reason why he would not accept Xiao Qiao.

Although this hatred of a man taking his wife is hated, it is more of a humiliation.

"Hundreds of remnants, what can I do? Should I defend the city? By the time we get to Chaisang, the city has already been breached." Zhou Yu's worry was highlighted by Zhu Zhi, and he almost turned pale and said loudly.

Thinking of his beautiful wife's face, Zhou Yu felt as if his heart was being pierced by a knife.For the first time, he felt regretful about attacking Jiang Xia. If he hadn't coveted Jiang Xia, or thought that Jiang Xia's heart was uncertain, he could have won a battle.

How could it cause today's disaster.

Defeated the army, lost the city, and possibly lost his wife.

Zhou Yu's face was pale and his expression was miserable.

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