Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 201 I wonder if Xingba is interested in robbing Jiangling?

Chapter [-] I wonder if Xingba is interested in robbing Jiangling? (The first change, asking for a monthly ticket)

"At this moment, it is different from when the lord first settled in Jiangxia. Defeating Zhou Yu and taking the four cities of Chaisang, these achievements are enough to shock many people. Whether it is internal or external people. Gan Ning's water The army is also training day by day, and it is becoming more and more elite. It is not difficult to attack Jiangling, which is not well-defended." Pang Tong shook his head, expressing that he had no intention of stopping Liu Feng from entering Jiangling.

"Why did Shiyuan hesitate just now?" Liu Feng asked.Although Liu Feng can be arbitrary, he attaches great importance to Pang Tong's opinion.Pang Tong hesitated just now, so of course Liu Feng wanted to ask clearly.

"Although my lord is no longer afraid of Liu Biao, Liu Biao's slap in the face when he launched an army in Jiangling is suspected. That Liu Biao is a face-saving man. If he became angry and attacked Jiangxia with all his troops, it would be a more serious disaster than Zhou Yu. Therefore, We must disguise ourselves so that Liu Biao can step down." Pang Tong said meaningfully.

"Jiangdong?" Liu Feng's eyes lit up, and his heart already understood.

Just like what Pang Tong said, Liu Biao is a person who cares about saving face, and if he provokes him too much, he might jump over the wall in a hurry.Before looting, a step must be made so that Liu Biao can come down.

Pretending to be Jiangdong's army and looting Jiangling is a good step.

First, Liu Biao has enmity with Jiangdong, and second, Liu Biao cannot send troops to attack Jiangdong.With these reasons, even if Liu Biao realizes that he did this, he still has an excuse and a step down.Will not raise troops to attack Jiang Xia who is already strong and tough like a bone.

This matter will definitely not be resolved in the end.

"Shiyuan is so sinister." After Liu Feng thought about it for a while, he felt that this method was good, so he couldn't help smiling, pointing at Pang Tongtong and smiling.

"Hehe." This was a joke, so Pang Tong naturally didn't care about it, so he just smiled.

After this matter was settled, Liu Feng felt relieved.The food and grass to survive the natural disaster next year can be regarded as available.I heard that Jiangling is a place with a lot of supplies. It would be even better if the inventory there is more than that of Chaisang.

Thinking about it, Liu Feng felt a little impatient.

But what needs to be done still needs to be done.

Although Pang Tong's seal cannot be granted at present, Liu Feng wants to hand over part of the military power to him.It's a pity that such a military adviser who can fight and train troops is left alone.

"At present, Huang Zhong is ordered to guard Jiujiang, and he will not return to Xiling in a short time. I think the [-] troops he left behind in Xiling will be handed over to Shiyuan to command. To fulfill my promise that day, using Shiyuan must be The military counselor inside, the military power outside." Liu Feng thought for a while, and smiled at Pang Tong.

"Thank you, my lord." Pang Tong smiled slightly when he heard the words, and clasped his fists.Although his expression was calm, Liu Feng could still sense the fleeting excitement in Pang Tong's eyes.

People who become officials, some for fame, some for profit.But Pang Tong is not in this list, he is to show off his strengths and ambitions.Perhaps, like Guo Jia, being a military adviser beside the monarch is also a kind of stage.But Pang Tong is capable of commanding troops, so he naturally wants a bigger stage.

And now Liu Feng also gave him the stage.Two thousand soldiers are not many, but it is the beginning of a show of strength.

It can also be said that Liu Feng basically saw through Pang Tong.Liu Feng smiled slightly.After continuing to talk to Pang Tong, he found an excuse and let Pang Tong go down.

It's not that I don't want to talk more, to increase my feelings.It's just that Liu Feng is really tired, and tomorrow he will take a car to Xiakou again to supervise Gan Ning and attack Jiangxia together.

Must go to bed earlier.

Early the next morning, Liu Feng only had time to have breakfast with Cai Yu and Huan'er, and told them to make good arrangements for Xiao Qiao, so he took Kou Shui and other dozens of soldiers to Xiakou by car.

Soon, Liu Feng and others arrived outside Xiakou City.

Liu Feng looked up at Xiakou City, but it was a little different from the last time he saw it, the city was even taller.It seems that Gan Ning is still repairing the city while training soldiers.

For this, Liu Feng approved of it in his heart.Although the attack is very important, the defense of the city is also very important. Xiakou, as the gateway to the west of Jiangxia, needs to be raised and repaired more.

However, when Liu Feng entered the city, what he saw was not a high-spirited Gan Ning, but rather a gloomy Gan Ning.

Inside the prefect's mansion, Liu Feng sat on the main seat, Gan Ning sat on the left, and Kou Shui accompanied him on the right.And outsiders.

Liu Feng looked up and saw Gan Ning's gloomy expression, he thought about it, but he guessed something.

Gan Ning is a very confident and capable person.And these days, Liu Feng led the generals to defeat Zhou Yu in Wuchang, showing his glory in the land war.

However, facing the harassment of the Jiangdong navy, Gan Ning had no choice but to defend Xiakou, unable to retreat.How can this proud general stand it.

The grievances of the generals under him, of course, the protagonist must be considerate and considerate.

Thinking of this incident, Liu Feng also felt annoyed.In the area of ​​Jiangxia, more than a dozen cities were cut into two sections by the Yangtze River, and the water transport was well developed.But Liu Feng's control over the section of the Yangtze River that flows through Jiangxia is very weak.The result is that Liu Feng's control over the more than ten cities south of the Yangtze River is relatively strong, but the control over the four or five cities north of the Yangtze River is very weak.

Liu Feng can guarantee that if Cao Ren comes, half of Jiangxia to the north of the Yangtze River will definitely come down upon hearing the wind.

Develop a navy to protect this section of the waterway.Strengthen north-south ties.Protect merchant ships and fight water thieves.This is very important.

And this, of course, depends on the defense of General Gan Ning and the entire navy.

The quality of the naval army can only be consolidated by accumulating over time. Now it takes only two or three months to form an army, and it will take at least two or three months to be considered acceptable.But compared with the Jiangdong fierce soldiers, I am afraid there is still a long way to go.Nor can training make up for it.

We have to find a way to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the navy.

battleship.Suddenly Liu Feng's eyes lit up and he had an idea.Now Gan Ning's warships are all taken from Huang Zu, and they vary in size and style.Some are still in disrepair, very down and out.

If the warships are raised to a higher level, the pattern of Jiangdong dominating the Yangtze River can be changed.The first thing Liu Feng thought of was a ship, the kind of warship that can travel against the water without oars.

If there is that kind of warship, it will not be a dream to change the situation where Jiangdong monopolizes the navy and the Yangtze River.

Liu Feng couldn't help but feel a surge in his heart. Now he set up Jiujiang County to resist the Sun family.If he can fight against the Sun family in the navy again, the Sun family will have nothing to fear.

If he comes again, Gan Ning can defend Jiangxia and even attack Jiangdong waters.Go down the river and take the hinterland of Jiangdong.

However, Liu Feng's surging heart gradually calmed down, because he knew that it would take time for this idea to come true.Just like Tang Dao, Liu Feng, despite the appearance and principle of the ship.But he didn't know anything about the internal structure of that ship.

Craftsmen must be found to study it.

Liu Feng immediately thought of Chaisang, where the shipbuilding industry is well developed. At present, one of the warships of the Jiangdong Navy is produced by craftsmen from Chaisang.

Those craftsmen are very skilled.

Just for a moment, Liu Feng already had the desire to dominate the waters in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface.

"Xingba is depressed because of being suppressed by Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai for this period of time." Liu Feng asked with a slight smile.

"I made my lord laugh. But seeing the Jiangdong navy rampaging in our Jiangxia area, it's really hard to let out a bad breath." Gan Ning was an open-minded man, he didn't hide anything, and sighed.

Sure enough.Knowing this in his heart, Liu Feng didn't look at Gan Ning with disdain, on the contrary he was very happy.Sense of shame and then courage.Gan Ning's urgency to drive away the Jiangdong navy was stronger than him.

"Jiangdong navy is indeed powerful, and it is difficult for us to compete with it in a short time. The strength of the army, the quality of the army, the quantity and quality of warships are not opponents." Liu Feng smiled and shook his head.

Gan Ning felt a little dissatisfied when he heard the words, but he couldn't find any reason to refute, and his face couldn't help but became more gloomy.

Of course, Liu Feng didn't say those words for the purpose of attacking Gan Ning. At this point, he glanced at Gan Ning, suddenly changed the subject, and said loudly: "However, I believe that if it is not one year or two years, the Jiangxia navy will Under Xingba's training, he will definitely be able to fight Jiangdong."

"Thank you, my lord, for your trust."

Liu Feng's words made Gan Ning feel better.However, although Gan Ning was not convinced by the Jiangdong navy, he was not an irrational person.He knew that the gap with Jiangdong could not be made up in one or two years, but it would take five years, or ten years, before he could train a navy that could compete with Jiangdong.

While speaking, Liu Feng kept looking at Gan Ning.Knowing that he didn't have much confidence, he didn't point it out. Anyway, when the warship was built, Gan Ning's confidence would definitely inflate.

Maybe he is also very ambitious, leading the Jiangxia water army eastward to Jianye and Wujun with great arrogance.Looted Jiangdong.Go west directly to Yizhou by boat, occupying the city and taking the land.

Commander of the Navy.Liu Feng really wanted to confer such an official position on Gan Ning.

"Hehe, I know, this time the sailors have been aggrieved all the way, not only Xingba, but also my three thousand sailors are frustrated. The soldiers are all holding their breath. So, this time, I am here to give the soldiers Let's find a punching bag. Cultivate their confidence." Liu Feng chuckled and changed the subject.

"Is there such a good thing?" Gan Ning's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he couldn't wait to ask.

Liu Feng really hit the mark. In this water battle, it was not only Gan Ning who was depressed, but also the three thousand sailors.Watching the Jiangdong people rampage on the Yangtze River, the navy lacks a sense of security.

These days, Gan Ning has a headache on how to build up the confidence of the navy.

"I went up the river, went straight to Jiangling, and robbed Liu Biao of food, supplies, and supplies. I wonder if Xingba is interested?" Liu Feng's eyes flashed, and he smiled slightly.

"It's been a long time since Liu Biao didn't like him." Gan Ning suddenly stood up, the hatred flashed in his eyes, and said loudly.

Gan Ning first attached himself to Liu Biao and was not reused.This matter still makes Gan Ning brood on his heart. Now that he can directly prove his ability to Liu Biao, how can Gan Ning be unhappy?

"My lord, wait a moment. This subordinate will prepare the army." After speaking, Gan Ning bowed to Liu Feng and was about to turn his head and leave.

"Wait." Liu Feng stopped Gan Ning.Gan Ning turned his head and looked at Liu Feng suspiciously.

"First make two general flags, one is called "Jiang" and the other is called "Zhou"." Meeting Gan Ning's eyes, Liu Feng smiled slightly.

"Create blame." Gan Ning's brain reacted quickly, nodded and said: "The last general will do it."

After Gan Ning left, Liu Feng smiled slightly, facing the direction of Jiangling to the west, and said in his heart, "Jiangling, I'm here, but I don't know how much food and luggage Liu Biao has hoarded there."

Cough, a little Calvin, sorry for the late update tonight.But don't worry everyone, the four chapters and three sevens will definitely be coded.

In the end, Sanqi still had the audacity to ask for a monthly pass.The pursuit from behind is very tight.

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