Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 203 Liu Bei's Frustration

Chapter [-] Liu Bei's Frustration

Perhaps few people can understand Liu Biao's complicated mood, but Liu Bei is just one of them. (Apex Fiction hand-written novel)

Xinye City is still the same Xinye City, and has not changed in any way because of Liu Feng's departure. The city has not been raised or widened.Zhuge Liang knew that the city of Xinye could not be defended, and training strong troops was the right way.

Inside the Liu Mansion, Liu Bei sat in the study with a complicated expression on his face.

Liu Bei was in a good mood recently. The last time Xu Zheng left, Liu Bei realized some problems, and he tried his best to stabilize some of the small officials under him.

At the same time, he also brought his son Liu Chan to the front desk.To his supporters, he said categorically that this son is his successor.

Therefore, Liu Bei is in a good mood.

But this good mood was destroyed when Liu Feng defeated Zhou Yu and captured the four cities of Chaisang.Not a single ounce of good mood remained.

It can be said that no one knows Liu Feng's growth better than Liu Bei.

From accepting Liu Feng as his stepson, to the joy of discovering Liu Feng's manners as a virtuous and virtuous corporal, to having a son, he was deeply jealous of Liu Feng, and after having Zhuge Liang, he urgently drove Liu Feng away.

Seeing Liu Feng attacking Xiakou, I hoped that Liu Feng would die in battle.Seeing Liu Biao and Zhou Yu attacking Jiangxia, Liu Bei looked forward to Liu Feng's death even more urgently.

Almost every move of Liu Feng was completed under his gaze.

Now, Liu Feng defeated Zhou Yu and occupied Chaisanghou.

Liu Bei has become numb.The stepson he had given up on was doing really well.Amazing luck too.

When he heard that Liu Feng occupied Jiangxia, Liu Bei sneered.Because he felt unable to hold on.But when Liu Feng occupied Chaisang, Liu Bei couldn't help but feel a little envious.

And some frustration.

Liu Bei remembered that when he was young, he was down and down, and three hundred warriors rose up.There are brilliance, sitting in Xuzhou.But he failed to protect that glorious moment.

But Liu Feng guarded it.To win Jiangxia is Liu Feng's glory, to block Liu Biao is to protect, and to defeat Zhou Yu and then occupy Chaisang is his expansion.

Although there is still some distance from the zenith, it is also thriving.

A young man who has not reached the age of 20, think about himself, he is already in his forties or fifties.A bad old man, still sitting in Xinye.

A gloomy flashed in Liu Bei's heart.

Not only that, but the rise of Liu Feng made Liu Bei feel an unprecedented threat.Zhuge Liang worked out for him the pattern of dominating Jingzhou, and Yizhou and Cao Cao standing side by side.

For him, the attraction is great.

But his current military strength and resources are not comparable to Liu Feng's. Even in terms of talents, Liu Feng has also won strong generals such as Gan Ning and Huang Zhong, and wise men such as Feng Chu and Pang Tong.

If he competes for Jingzhou in the future, will he have a chance?

Think of Liu Feng's population of 20 and tens of thousands of troops.The frustration in Liu Bei's heart became more and more intense.

What followed was a kind of regret, not regret for driving Liu Feng away, but regret for underestimating Liu Feng at the beginning, thinking that salted fish is always salted fish, stinky and unable to turn over.

It's all right now, it was a mistake at the beginning, and it became the enemy of today.

Liu Bei felt frustrated and regretted.

Just then, a maid came in. "My lord, the young master is awake."

A smile appeared on Liu Bei's face immediately when he heard the words, Liu Chan could let him put aside all worries.After all, he is his own son, not comparable to other sons.

Thinking about it this way, Liu Bei felt a little less regret in his heart.

It's just that kind of frustration, even with Liu Chan's presence, Liu Bei still can't get rid of it.

Above the Yangtze River, near Chibi.A large group of warships were sailing across the river, heading upstream toward Jiangling.On two of the warships, flags with the words "Jiang" and "Zhou" were planted respectively.

Among them, on the deck of the warship with the "Zhou" general flag hanging, Liu Feng stood facing the wind.Gan Ning stood beside him.

Although he has been running around for days, Liu Feng's injury is slowly improving, and his pale face now has some color.Standing at the bow of the boat at this moment, the skirt of his clothes fluttered slightly under the river wind, but he has regained some of his former heroic spirit.

Gan Ning was the same as before, dressed in brocade clothes, with a sword hanging from his waist, very heroic.

Facing Jiangling, Liu Feng's eyes were filled with anticipation.Because Gan Ning was attached to Liu Biao, he was familiar with the situation in Jiangling.

Liu Feng chatted with Gan Ning just now and learned about the general situation in Jiangling.

Jiangling is Liu Biao's lair that has been operating for more than ten years. It was the time when Liu Biao was preparing to go south with Cao Cao, and it was difficult to resist.Migrate to Jiangling and stick to the city.

The grain stockpiled there can feed a hundred thousand troops for three years.The hoarded utensils can equip a hundred thousand troops.The city is tall and the city walls are first-class.It is the largest city in the world.

Liu Feng was not intimidated by the size of the city. In Liu Feng's heart, he only remembered that he could feed an army of 100 troops for three years.At least [-] million shi.There are also enough equipment to equip a hundred thousand troops.And thousands of horses.

These are what Liu Feng desires.

Moreover, Gan Ning also told him that Jiangling guard is a very rough person.There are about 5000 troops under his command.

Liu Feng is not afraid of the size of the city, but the wise guard.The rougher the general of Jiangling's character, the better for him.

Another point is that when Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai were rampaging across the Yangtze River, they attacked several ferry crossings and water villages.But he never went ashore and fought against Liu Biao's army.I believe that according to the military discipline of Liu Biao's army, he must be negligent in guarding against it.

This is a good foreshadowing.Because now Liu Feng is in the form of Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai's banner.It means that Liu Feng is rampaging on the Yangtze River, and no one will think that his purpose is to attack Jiangling.

At the beginning, Pang Tong asked him to wear the coat of the Jiangdong navy, probably because of this.

Liu Feng is now not afraid that he will not be able to attack Jiangling, but that he is afraid that there will not be enough ships.Liu Feng looked up and glanced at his own fleet, there were about six or seven hundred ships of all sizes.Almost all the ships in Xiakou were searched, and some merchant ships were temporarily recruited.

100 million shi of grain.Enough to equip 10 people.There are also five thousand war horses.

Can it fit?

Since the injury, Liu Fenghui often feels a little weak.After standing for a while, Liu Feng felt a little dizzy, the sequelae of excessive blood loss.

Liu Feng put aside the doubts in his mind, raised his head and said to Gan Ning, "I'm going to take a rest, I'll leave this place to Xingba."

"My lord, rest at ease. Nothing will happen." Gan Ning nodded when he saw the exhaustion on Liu Feng's face, and the concern in his eyes flashed away.

"Yeah." Liu Feng hummed and walked into the cabin.

Jiangling is a city built along the Yangtze River, only about a thousand steps away from the Yangtze River.As Gan Ning described, the city is very tall and the walls are thick.

It should be a city that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.But it has a huge disadvantage.

The city built along the river has made the water transportation smooth, and also created the brilliance and prosperity of Jiangling.But its shortcoming is also here.Liu Biao's navy is too rubbish, Jiangdong's navy can start from Wujun and attack Jiangling directly.

This situation is dire.

However, although the shortcomings are obvious.But Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai still didn't attack Jiangling, the city is so tall.The attack was very strenuous, and Wenpin's army was only a few hundred miles away from Jiangling, and arrived in two days.

Because of this, Jiangling's defense was very lax.

At this moment, on the south wall of Jiangling, that is, the wall next to the Yangtze River, a young man was standing outside the city gate.Shakingly looking at the choppy Yangtze River.

This young man was wearing a golden armor, with an ordinary appearance, but a murderous face and a burly figure.His name is Shi Chang, and he is a child of a small noble family near Jiangling.

Relying on the relationship of his parents and some real skills.At a young age, he was already the owner of Jiangling City, one-fifth of the military power.

The official residence is the captain of the city gate.

Staring straight at the Yangtze River for a long time, Shi Chang let out a long sigh.

A few days ago, the Jiangdong water army wreaked havoc and wreaked havoc on the ferry along the waterway, but some small checkpoints were not annihilated.

Therefore, Jiangling still has a source of news.Just now, Shi Chang received the shocking news that Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai's army, which had retreated a few days ago, reappeared on the Yangtze River.

And it is huge in scale, coming straight towards Jiangling.

When he heard the news, Shi Chang immediately reported to the general in the city, Chen Cang.only…….

After sighing, Shi Chang held in his heart the idea of ​​being a king's salary and being loyal to the king.Turning around, wearing heavy armor, went down to the top of the city.Riding on a horse and surrounded by soldiers, head to the center of the city.

Soon, Shi Chang came to the outside of a mansion, and there was a plaque with the words "Chen's Mansion" hanging on the gate.

"Lieutenant Shi, are you here to see the general again?" A soldier guarding the gate bent over to Shi Chang very familiarly.

"Yes." Shi Chang nodded and got off the horse.walked in.

The mansion is large and magnificent.But after Shi Chang entered the door, he came outside the study very familiarly.

"General." Stopping outside the door, Shi Chang said softly towards the study.

In the study room, a man with a round face was sitting at the moment. This man had fair skin and loose muscles. He looked like a rich man, more like a general.

However, he is indeed the guard of this city, his surname is Chen, and his first name is Cang.They are the children of the famous Chen family nearby.

Hearing Shi Chang's words, Chen Cang put down the bamboo slips in his hand and frowned.

"I said Captain Shi, Jiang Qin, you don't have to worry about Zhou Tai's affairs. Zhou Yu and Liu Feng fought for a month, and these people did not send troops to attack Jiangling. It shows that they are afraid of my Jiangling city. Conquer. I'm afraid I'll lose my troops and lose my general. It'll be fine." Although he frowned and hated this nervous Shi Chang, Chen Cang still spoke, his voice was gentle, without any trace of anger.

"General." Of course Shi Chang was not reconciled in his heart, and said out loud after hearing the words.But was interrupted by Chen Cang. "Okay, okay. I think you are tired, so you are allowed to rest for a month. Chang Sheng will also take care of the city defense."

There are three city gate captains in Jiangling, and Chang Sheng is one of them.Normally, the three city gate lieutenants take turns, changing shifts once a month, and are responsible for city defense for a month.

But today is only the third day that Shi Chang took over Chengfang.

Shi Chang is not stupid to be able to get to where he is today at such a young age.Knowing that Chen Cang detested himself.He sighed and said, "No."

"If there is any change in Jiangling City, I'll kill you first and forget about going to Jiangdong." When he turned around, Shi Chang's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he groaned coldly in his heart.

He has already done what he can do and what he can remind.But it didn't work.Shi Chang felt that the next life was his own.If the city is broken, don't blame him for being unrighteous.

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