Linxiang, Prefect's Mansion, in the guest room.

Liu Feng just took Kou Shui and others to inspect the city wall.Asking Kou Shui to help take off the heavy armor, Liu Feng let out a sigh of relief.

Those barbarians are really crazy, with such a crazy attack frequency, there will be a lot of casualties.Didn't the Fan King know that the population of Wuxi is only a few hundred thousand?

But Liu Feng couldn't deny that such a crazy attack.This made Linxiang's situation a little worse.

The soldiers did not get effective rest, tired, very tired.At this time, the scarcity of the army also came to light.

After more than ten days of fighting, several people were very tired wearing them.There are fewer soldiers in rotation.

The barbarian side is just the opposite, they have [-] soldiers to squander.If it weren't for Liu Feng's good support among the people in Linxiang, this war would be a war against foreigners.

And there is Huo Jun, the city guard general.

I'm afraid it's really hard.

"Find some sluts and fetch water to take a bath." After taking off his armor, Liu Feng glanced at the sky, the sun was almost setting, and he expected that no matter how crazy the barbarians were, they would not attack at night.He waved his hand and ordered Kou Shuidao.

The armor is not only heavy, but also airtight.Even in winter, it is very uncomfortable to wear it.At the end of the day, Liu Feng felt very uncomfortable.

"No." Kou Shui responded and walked out.

Not long after, a group of graceful and good-looking girls walked in.In addition, there are several strong and healthy people carrying hot water.

After a while, hot water filled the tub.

Liu Feng took off his clothes and sat in the tub.Let the girls take a bath.Feeling comfortable all over his body, Liu closed his eyes and enjoyed it quietly.

It has been many years since he came to this era. Most of the time, Liu Feng spends most of his time in the clothes of sluts.

Dining and bathing.I'm used to it.Just like ordinary people eat and drink water.

After a long time, Liu Feng got out of the bathtub, wiped his body under the clothes of the girls, and dressed neatly.

Looking at the sky, it was already night.Liu Feng is ready to eat.

These days, Huo Jun, Zhou Shun and others stayed on the city wall all day, eating and lodging with the soldiers.Xu Zheng was also very busy.

Only Liu Feng was still enjoying the meal on time.

After sitting on the seat in the outer room, Liu Feng let the girls serve the meal.After a while, five dishes were placed on the table in front of Liu Feng, two meat, two vegetables and one soup.

Just as Liu Feng was preparing the eyebrow meal, there was a rush of horseshoes.

Liu Feng put down the chopsticks he just picked up and frowned.Riding horses and running wildly in the city at night, there must be something big going on.

Just as Liu Feng guessed.Not long after, Kou Shui came in to report.

"My lord, there is a barbarian who claims to be a subordinate of General Wuxi Shamoke, who is begging for an audience outside the city. Huo Sima has sent someone to take him outside the gate."

Shamoko?Liu Feng's eyes were fixed, and Liu Feng was actually quite surprised by this person.

There is no official history about this person, but the historical record about Wuxi is that when Liu Bei launched the famous Yiling battle, he used Ma Liang as his envoy to lobby the Wuxi Fan king and jointly sent troops.

The result was a big defeat.

There is no specific record of who the Wuxi Fan King is, but there is a record in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. He is called Sha Moke, a very strong man.

Liu Feng was surprised when the barbarians approached Changsha. There was indeed a man named Sha Moke.However, now his elder brother Shamohun is in power.

The country of the Han people is very rich, and brothers often kill each other.Jibi, the position of the Wuxi Fan King is also the same.

However, the fratricide of the Han people should be more subtle, while that of the barbarians should be more bloody.

Since that Shamoke is [real], then after more than ten years, he will be the King of Wuxi Fan.It must have killed Sha Mohun to carry on.

Sha Moke sent his men into the city, which made Liu Feng suddenly think of his brother's discord.It is equal to an opportunity.

Liu Feng's eyes flashed away, and he immediately said to Kou Shui, "Call someone in."

"No." Kou Shui responded, turned and walked out.

Immediately, Liu Feng glanced at the delicious meal on the table and told the girl, "Take it off, let it heat up first."

"Yes." The girls responded and removed the meals one by one.

Not long after the girls left, Kou Shui walked in again.This time, however, he was followed by a barbarian.

This barbarian has a rough face, a burly figure, and a strange dress.But a pair of eyes, rare and calm, seemed to have some wisdom.

According to Liu Feng's understanding, the barbarians in Wuxi should all be rebellious and rebellious.

wise?Liu Feng said in his heart that it was interesting.

"Tusi, General Shamoke's subordinate, pays homage to General Liu." After the barbarian came in, without the slightest disrespect, he directly performed the courtesy of a barbarian to Liu Feng, and then bowed his head as a sign of obedience.

He still speaks Chinese and is very fluent.

Wuxi is adjacent to Wuling. It has been in business for generations, and there are not a few people who can speak Chinese.But fluent Chinese is rare.

"Exemption." Liu Feng raised his hand and said.After a pause, he asked with a smile: "Now that the two armies are at war, your General Shamoko sent you here late at night. I don't know what is the intention?"

"General Qi, my General Shamoke wants to surrender to the big man." Tusi raised her head and said.

This was the first time he looked at Liu Feng after he came in.Looking at the young but dignified Liu Feng, I was surprised and inexplicable.

He knew Liu Feng's family history.I also know that Liu Feng is very young, but I didn't expect to be so young and so dignified.

That is not the majesty of an ordinary general, but one who has been in the top position for a long time and has the power of life and death. With one sentence, several heads fall to the ground.The prestige that can be cultivated.

There is some reason why General Shamoko chose him.Tusi nodded inwardly.

"Surrender to the big man? What is the method of surrender?" Liu Feng asked strangely, his spirit lifted.

I thought it was just a quarrel between brothers, but from what this person named Tusi said, it seemed to be submission, complete submission?

Liu Feng was naturally very surprised.

"General Sha Moke is willing to help General Liu defeat Sha Mohun, and then lead all the tribes in the Wuxi area to surrender to the Han." Tusi took a deep breath and said this sentence very straightforwardly.

Strange and unbelievable words.

Liu Feng was also shocked, and after a while, he took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice, "Do you know what this means? "

"From now on, Wuxi will be the prefecture of the Han Dynasty." Tusi raised her head and said.

Wuxi belongs to Wuling, west of Wuling, intersects with Yizhou, and has a vast land enough to establish a county.But in this place, there are dozens of barbarian tribes in Wuxi, and they have been like this for generations.

Although Dahan nominally owns this piece of land, he has never really controlled this place.

And now this guy actually sold his tribe.Really merged into the territory of the Han Dynasty.This made Liu Feng incredible.

"Why?" Liu Feng asked in a deep voice.

"Because General Shamoke's mother is a Han. Moreover, Master Shamoke admires the culture and life of the Han people. He also thinks that if the backward Wuxi people are incorporated into the Han nationality, life will get better and better." Said. Then" Tusi also explained the hatred between Shamoke and Shamohun.

Liu Feng fell into deep thought. To be honest, he doubted what the man in front of him said.

The grievances between Shamoke and Shamohun are really bloody.

Moreover, in this era, there is a strategy called false surrender.Often the smarter the person, the worse the death."Cao Xiu" is the second generation of the Cao family, the most outstanding general, and the official residence of Da Sima.

But in the last battle, the enemy will surrender.In the end, he died of illness and sorrow.

Lessons learned.In the case of Liu Feng's opponent's war, "the enemy general's false surrender has always been vigilant.

Words can be listened to, but not trusted.

However, Liu Feng was still very moved by Shamoke's surrender. Shamoke is Shamohun's younger brother, and it is said that he is still the number one general in Wuxi.

If Shamoco can create some chaos and break out of the battalion, the war can be ended.

Because of the defeat of the barbarians, there was no one or force in Jingchu who could check and balance Liu Feng.

"What's the plan?" Liu Feng asked after thinking for a moment.

"This time the [-] army consists of two kings. One is King Shamohun and the other is Queen Fanda.The two parties are not monolithic.My general is seducing Queen Fanda, and he has succeeded.

After three days, "kill the queen and create chaos in the two departments. The general can defeat Sha Mohun with only a few soldiers." Tu Shi said calmly.

That Shamoko's plan is not small, but also very courageous.But seduce the queen?Kill it later?This samoko is really the best.

Liu Feng first took a deep breath, and then he was surprised.

After thinking about it for a moment, Liu Feng was sure that if Sha Moke really did that, what awaited him was a hearty victory.

However, Liu Fengxin's doubts did not diminish in the slightest.The heartbeat is the heartbeat, but being cautious will make people live longer.

Liu Feng thought for a moment, but still felt that he couldn't be trusted anymore.Find someone to talk to, talk required.

Therefore, Liu Feng decided to let this guy named Tusi wait in the city for a while.But before again, Liu Feng still had some doubts and wanted to ask for proof.

"Is your camp a Han man named Sima Yi? Is he helping you?"

"Is there such a person?" Tusi wondered why Liu Feng knew about Sima Yi, but she still answered honestly.

According to the situation, this general will be the future monarch of Shamoko.

In the past, Liu Feng only guessed that Sima Yi might be in the opponent's camp, but now his guess has been confirmed.Liu Fengxin let out a breath.

She smiled at Tusi 1u and said, "I need to think about your general's plan. But if I agree, your general must do one thing for me."

"Let's talk, general." If Liu Feng believed his words easily, Tusi might be contemptuous of Liu Feng, but now Liu Feng's cautiousness made Tusi understand.But I'm very curious about what Liu Feng said.

"In the chaos, I captured Sima Yi alive." Liu Feng said softly with a flash in his eyes.

Originally, it was difficult to catch Sima Yi.After all, once the army was defeated, the barbarians would disperse, and Sima Yi was a Han Chinese and cunning.It's hard to catch.

But the situation is different when a Shamoco pops out.Now, all that remains is to discuss with the generals whether or not this Shamoko can be trusted.

Capture Sima Yi alive.Well, I think Liu Feng thinks it's good.Very good.

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