Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 393 Sima Yi's Restlessness

With Sha Mohun screaming sharply, the barbarians' offensive became more violent.

But Sima Yi didn't focus on the tragic siege battle, but fell into agitation.

Anxious?Sima Yi seldom has such emotions. Since childhood, Sima Yi has always been very calm.In addition, he has a good family background and a good upbringing. There is almost no time for anxiety.

Even this time when he intervened in the situation in Jingnan as an owner, he didn't feel this way.

Later, Sima Yi instigated one prince after another, united with the barbarians, and attacked Liu Feng, forming the current situation.

He intends to continue the chaos in Jingnan for a year, and if one is not good, he will even be able to overthrow Liu Feng.

Therefore, during this period of time, Sima Yi was relatively calm except for being disgusted with Sha Mohun's temper.

But now Sima Yi clearly felt that a wave of anxiety was growing in his heart.


There must be a reason for the anxiety, there must be something, he didn't think of it, but instinct made him feel uneasy.

Sima Yi took a deep breath, thinking crazily in his heart, why he was restless, why he was restless.

Slowly, Sima Yi had some clues.

He raised his head and suddenly looked towards the direction of the city.

Originally, according to the general's intention, he must have wanted to defend for a long time, so he reserved an army.But now" suddenly released all the troops.

For a while, it may be possible to gain the upper hand, but after a long time, it will definitely be unlucky.

But even so, the guard did it anyway.Something must have happened.

But what happened?Sima Yi frowned and thought hard, but he couldn't think of it.He is a human being." No matter how high the IQ is, he is not a god.

Sima Yi didn't know one of Wuxi's "secrets" and didn't know that Shamoke had an enmity with Shamohun. Moreover, Shamoke had always been very low-key.

He has always appeared on the stage with a brave image.

Therefore, Sima Yi would never guess that under his nose, Sha Moke had already drawn his dagger against Sha Mohun and Sima Yi, one was about to kill and the other was about to be captured alive.

If Sima Yi turned his head now and stared at Sha Moke carefully, he might have noticed something," but he didn't.

"Three days, as long as you persist for three days." Standing at the end of the crowd, Sha Moke stared at the head of Linxiang City, thinking to himself.


For three days, for three full days, Shamohun's army launched an attack that was even crazier than three days ago, getting crazier day by day.

How to explain it?

Three days ago and more than ten days ago, Shamohun's army left three thousand dead bodies and two to three thousand wounded.Then in these three days of practice.

Shamohun's army left three or four thousand dead bodies and thousands of wounded.

In these three days of war, the level of casualties was the sum of the previous ten days.

The two sides fought again and again on the city.

Nearly [-] bodies were left behind.

Fortunately, the corpses of the defenders were taken care of by specialized personnel.But the corpses of the barbarians" were moved.

In fact, in the battle of the Han people, if the attackers collected their own corpses and buried them, the defenders would not shoot them with bows.

Because "too many corpses" will have a certain impact. Especially in summer, in autumn, it may cause a plague.

But the barbarians did not collect the corpses for his compatriots, but piled up under the city.

Although it is winter now, the corpses under the city have begun to rot.A stench began to permeate the entire city.

The sun was setting and the sky was getting darker.

On the city, Liu Feng stood on the top of the city, while Huo Jun sat on the ground casually.As the battle continued, "Huo Jun's armor" also lacked some parts.Some scars.His face was rather ugly.

"These guys are really savage and savage." They even used the corpses of their own soldiers. ", Liu Feng's face is not very good-looking, these barbarians "still have corpses piled up under the city, it is a blow to their morale.

Anyone who eats and lives on this city wall filled with the smell of rotting corpses will not be in a bad mood.

Liu Feng personally felt that since the corpse rotted, the casualties on the city had become a bit heavy.Some people can't stand the smell, especially ordinary people.

Thereby leading to vomiting, the emergence of symptoms.

However, it's fine now.If the plan at night can be realized, then everything will be a thing of the past.

Just wait until the evening, after the night raid on the barbarian camp, all this will be over.

He will also own the vast area of ​​Jingnan, as well as a large population.

"I don't think they will attack in the dark. Go wash up first, and cheer up after eating and drinking. Once the plan for the night is successful, you will lead your troops out of the city and gather the defeated barbarians. " Liu Feng patted Huo Jun on the shoulder and said.

As for the failure, Bi Gui didn't say anything.

Now that you have a plan, you have made a decision.Liu Feng firmly believed that he could succeed.

"No." Huo Jun was shocked when he heard the words, and he relaxed." He said with a smile.

As for the night attack on the barbarian camp, all the important officials and generals in Linxiang City already know about it.

The most violent and difficult three days passed.Next ps, it's time to harvest.

Huo Jun stood up suddenly, and shouted, "Get up and start cleaning the city. Those who are seriously or slightly injured should go down to rest. Those who are intact will stay, eat and be on guard."

The surrounding soldiers all showed surprise eyes.

The current situation is very bad. It is normal for seriously injured people to rest, but those who are slightly injured should stay on the city wall to patrol and guard in turn.

Because there are too few intact people.

But the soldiers were very happy to be able to rest.Those who were slightly injured but couldn't get a rest, walked down the city wall happily one by one.

Soon, all the corpses on the city wall were cleaned up.All the wounded also left.

Only some intact people stood on the city.At this time, some soldiers also carried the baskets and brought up the meals.

"Dinner." Huo Jun waved his hand and said with a smile.

Liu Feng watched silently, while the soldiers grabbed the food in their hands and ate hungrily.

It's been a long war, but it's over.

This time, Liu Feng and the others really relaxed, because the time for victory and defeat had come.

The same is true for Sha Mohun and others.

Today's siege battle situation" is all in the eyes of Sha Mohun and others.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Linxiang defenders are on the verge of dying under the fierce attack of their own side.It only takes three days" or even a day or two to occupy this city.

Obtain a large amount of food in the city, as well as radial weight.

There are also tens of thousands of Han Chinese slaves.

With such a big victory, the losses these days were deliberately ignored.As long as there is food and hard work, Shamohun and others are confident that they will become stronger, occupy more cities, and enslave more Han people.

This virtuous circle will make Wuxi people stronger and stronger.

So "unprecedentedly, Samohun held a banquet. At the banquet," there was "inexhaustible meat."

Also, count the Han people's fine wine.

And, a group of Han singers sent by Jin Xuan, the governor of Wuling County.

Drinking the fine wine in his hands, he looked at the graceful bodies of the Han singers with drunken eyes.Sha Mohun felt that his bones were brittle.

Drunken eyes." Sha Mohun saw a frowning face. First he was angry, "This great victory is right in front of you, what are you doing with a mournful face.

But if you take a closer look, "this person is actually that Han" Sima Yi's Han.

For this Han Chinese, Sha Mohun has changed from "contemptuous" at the beginning to a little bit of attention now.

This guy is indeed a talent. He said that as long as he stormed for four or five days, Linxiang City would not be able to hold on.As a result, he stormed for three days." Linxiang City was indeed on the verge of collapse.

Just poke it lightly and it might collapse.

Therefore, for the first time, Sha Mohun paid a little attention to the Han people.

Shamohun raised his wine glass, walked in front of Sima Yi, raised his wine glass, and said with a smile: "Sir, it was my fault that this king despised you before.

Now "I have seen your budgeting ability with my own eyes. I admire you very much. After the city of Linran is conquered," I begged my husband to stay and be my military adviser. "

"Military division?" Sima Yi laughed.

"Yes, military adviser. I heard that the most important and most important person you Han kings rely on is the military adviser. What Zhang Liang?" Chen Ping or something.Heard it's great.In the eyes of this king, you are more powerful than these individuals, so this king wants you to be a military adviser.After the four counties in Jingnan were pacified, the king officially called the king of Chu, appointed a hundred officials, and made Mr. a great military adviser. "Sha Mohun held the wine glass, hiccupped, and was very drunk.

Looking at the dark face, a blood-red color rose, and the sharp eyes had been replaced by Shamohun.

Sima Yi sneered inwardly, thinking about the future before capturing Linxiang.Set up hundreds of officials?Called the king of Chu.What a great prestige.

Sima Yi is in a bad mood right now," very bad.

Ever since he became restless that day, Sima Yi has been in a bad mood.He knew instinctively that something was wrong" something bad might happen.

But I can't think of anything that will happen.

Therefore, Sima Yi spent these days almost anxiously.

Now I suddenly heard Sha Mohun bragging, and my mood was even worse.

"Thank you, King Fan. I'm a little drunk, so I'll take my leave first." Sima Yi first raised his fist in thanks, then got up and said flatly.

Although he didn't show his toughness, his indifference showed.

Although Sha Mo was furious, but because he was happier today, he didn't care about Sima Yi.

Seeing Sima Yi's leaving back, Sha Mohun said cruelly in his heart: "Sooner or later, I will arrest you as a military adviser and squeeze you to death."

After saying a word with a firm heart, Sha Mohun raised his glass and said loudly: "Come, come, I hope we can break through the city tomorrow, occupy Jingnan, and become the king and hegemony. Drink."

"Haha, drink." The fierce generals in the tent all laughed and agreed.

The atmosphere is very strong.

"I don't know when it's about to happen." Only Sha Moke sneered in his heart, and the night was when the plan was implemented, but these people were drunk.

Ha ha

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