Chapter 390 IX Takes Off

In the barbarian camp, Chen Da led his troops to Dongying to pacify Fanda's old troops.

And Shamoke is the general of the dispersal department, and gathers the old department of Shamohun.The barbarian camp was gradually brought under control, and the shouts of killing gradually weakened.

However, Sha Moke knew that more people probably escaped.

This is something that can't be helped. Under the chaos, it is impossible to control all of them.

A moment later, a group of people appeared in front of Shamoko.

Tall and straight, with magical eyes.Sha Moke recognized at a glance that this was his confidant, that is, the person who was sent to capture Sima Yi alive.

After seeing Tuo, Shamoke couldn't wait to look behind him, only to see a slender man standing there under the firelight.

Although he couldn't see it very clearly, Sha Moke could feel that this person was Sima Yi.

This is the person General Yang Wu specified.Sha Moke was excited again.

"Caught it?" Sha Moke tried hard to calm down the excitement in his heart, and asked.

"Caught alive, without any damage." Tuo Wenyan said happily.

"Okay, okay." Sha Moke rubbed his hands, feeling excited, but after thinking about it, he still felt a little uneasy, so he got off his horse and came to Sima Yi.

At this moment, Sima Yi was fully dressed, even the crown on his head was not crooked.His expression is light, and he looks like a celebrity.

Not at all conscious of being a prisoner.

From uneasy to now indifferent, it is only a little time.It can be seen how deep the city is.

However, as soon as Sima Yi saw Sha Moke, doubts flashed in his eyes, which disappeared for a moment.However, Sima Yi still couldn't hold back, and asked: "The general is from Wuxi, why did you vote for Liu Feng?"

This is the only failure of Sima Yi's plan this time. Even if Sima Yi becomes a prisoner, he may be beheaded.But if he didn't ask clearly, Sima Yi had a feeling that he couldn't die.

In addition to doubts, there are also some questions.It seems to be questioning Samoko why he betrayed the Wuxi people.

"I've admired the former Xiongnu prince Jin Riyi for a long time." Samoke said with a smile.He has no sense of being a Wuxi person at all.

Samo Kexin also disdained Sima Yi very much.You, a Han, care if I betray the people of Wuxi.Speaking of exploiting, you are not the same Shamohun, exploiting Wuxi people.

Although Sha Moke looks rough and not good at strategy, he is very shrewd.Everything is clear.

Isn't there a saying among the Han people that people who are not of our race must have a different heart.Therefore, Shamoke was determined to ask a son of a Han nobleman to be his wife.

Changed to Han Chinese.Not only that, but the entire Wuxi has also been incorporated into the Han nationality, intermarriage, reproduction, and integration.

The life of Wuxi people is too bitter and boring.

Sima Yi stared at Shamoke with some astonishment. In the past, Jin Rixun was the prince of the Huns, but he was forced to surrender to Emperor Wu of the Han because of his poverty.

Although he was also named a marquis and a general later, it was a good talk.But for Kim Il-dun himself, it may be a shame.

But the person in front of him is active.

Sima Yi has never suffered from Shamoke, so he doesn't understand.

"Even if the general's heart is for the Han people. But now Cao Gong dominates the north and has strong power. But Liu Feng is trapped in Jingchu and has a weak force. Why didn't the general choose Cao Gong, but Liu Feng?" Sima Yi asked again without giving up.

"I think Liu Feng is stronger." Sha Moke said straightforwardly.

Based on family history alone, Liu Feng has never made a single mistake, and his rise has only been one year.Much better than Cao Cao.

"Come on, come on. Sir is a prisoner now, so you can talk to me more. It's better to talk to General Yang Wu." Sha Moke was a little impatient.

Saying that, Shamoke took out Shamohun's head from the back of the horse, handed it to Tuo and said, "Take the head and Mr. Sima to General Yang Wu. If General Yang Wu is happy, he will give you a large sum of gold and silver. Live richly. Be smart."

"No." Excited, Tuo Xin replied tremblingly, and immediately led Sima Yi away.

Before leaving, Sima Yi sighed.

Ben Tian's plan to sew clothes met Shamoko.That's bad enough.

In Sima Yi's heart, apart from the word unlucky, there are no other words to describe this failure.


On top of Linxiang City.

Liu Feng, Huo Jun, Zhou Shun and the others all cast their eyes on the barbarian camp not far away.

This has been the case since Chen Da led the army out.

It's just that a lot of time has passed, and the shouts of killing have gone from being high at the beginning to now gradually quieting down, almost inaudible.

Liu Feng and the others couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Liu Feng clenched his fists tightly and stared ahead.

At this time, Liu Feng was indeed anxious.It's about Wang Tu's hegemony.After occupying the four counties of Jingnan, his power can be regarded as a prince.

The real princes of one side are like the Sun family who sits in the six counties of Jiangdong.

He is also sitting in Jingchu, even if he claims to be a king, no one will laugh at him.If it was placed in the Warring States period, Liu Feng would be the king of Chu.

But if he fails, Liu Feng will have to withdraw from Changsha.Only Jiangxia, Jiujiang, and Taiwan counties remained.

Although he was full of confidence before the battle, he carried out the plan for tonight with the confidence to move forward.This is the ability that Liu Feng must show, and the obligation of being a monarch.

But now the arrow has been shot out, just waiting for the result.It is time for the monarch to calm down.

Therefore, Liu Feng became anxious.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps.From far to near, quickly approaching Linxiang City.


Liu Feng focused his eyes, raised his hand and said, "Be on guard."

"No." Zhou Shun also looked dignified, said in a deep voice, and hurried down, urging the soldiers to be alert.

The atmosphere on the top of the city became more dignified.

It wasn't until the group of more than a dozen soldiers sent by Chen Da to report appeared outside the city that Liu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.Looking by the light of the fire, it was the soldiers who broke the barracks who were suspicious.

"How is the battle going?" Liu Feng asked loudly.

"Report to my lord, the barbarian camp is in chaos. The captain ordered the younger one to come and report." The chief under the city raised his fist and said loudly.

"Okay, okay." Liu Feng finally let out a breath of pent-up breath.

There are already four counties in Jingnan.Most of the land of Jingchu has already been acquired.Finally out of this step.

At this moment, Liu Feng's heart was full of joy.

However, Liu Feng suppressed the joy in his heart, because now is the time to expand the results of the battle and finish it, not the time to celebrate.

"Where is Zhou Shun?" Liu Feng shouted and said.

"The end is here." Not far away, when Zhou Shun heard Liu Feng's words, he immediately walked over quickly and said in response.

"Let you lead a thousand soldiers out of the city and gather the barbarian remnants. Prevent them from abusing the village." Liu Feng said loudly.

"No." Zhou Shun replied loudly, and immediately walked down.

Liu Feng has been under Xu Shu's tent for three years and knows the art of war well.At the same time, he knows a lot about war.Know that the barbarian camp is just chaos, not completely wiped out.

4 people cannot be wiped out at once, or surrendered.

Some of these people must have fled the camp in a hurry. Such people are very dangerous.It is also a foreign race, if small groups are scattered in the village, it will definitely cause tragedy.

If large stocks are scattered in the village, they will become bandits and bandits.Now the mountains and rivers with a radius of thousands of miles have been laid down, including Jiangxia, Jiujiang, Changsha, Wuling, Lingling, Guiyang, Taiwan, and Wuxi.

Jiangshan is in hand.It would be a fool if it allowed this group of remnant soldiers to harm them.

Therefore, gathering the remnants is a top priority.

"Come on, hurry up and inform Pang Tong that our army has won a great victory. Fifty thousand barbarians will be wiped out." After Zhou Shun left, Liu Feng ordered again.

"No." Huo Jun took the order.

This battle is not over yet, a hundred thousand troops attack him.The barbarians are just one of them, the rest are Xu Huang, the army of the three counties, and Pang Tong in the army of the three counties.Liu Feng is relieved.

As long as the news is passed on, Pang Tong can handle it by himself.The [-] troops are just floating clouds.

"Go, take someone to tell Xu Zheng that we have won a big victory. Let him immediately send officials to Jiangxia to inform Liu Ba, and let Liu Ba tell the three counties to stabilize people's hearts." After a while, Liu Feng turned to Kou beside him. waterway.

"No." Kou Shui also responded, and immediately walked down.

After giving three orders in a row, Liu Fengcai let out a long breath.The specific ending is almost all of these.

Only then did I have time to be happy.High spirited.

What a Cao Cao, he only sent Sima Yi to the south to stir up the situation.Liu Du, Jin Xuan, Zhao Fan and others all attacked Changsha, as well as Xu Huang and Sha Mohun, with a total of [-] troops.

Menacing.Liu Feng has never experienced a war of this scale since he started his army.

Coupled with the fact that the leader is Sima Yi, it can be said that it is not dangerous.If you are not careful, you may lose Changsha.But now?

Shamoko surrendered.This was beyond everyone's expectations. A murderous army of [-] troops attacked Jiang Xia, and it was resolved.

Moreover, it also greatly shortened the time for him to dominate Jingnan.

Cao Cao's strategy can be said to be a steal.I really want to see the scene of Cao Cao's old face flushed.Thinking of this, Liu Feng couldn't help feeling high-spirited and heart-warming.

besides.There are still eleven months left before the winter of Jian'an's 13th year.He still has eleven months to build the four Jingnan counties.

Clean up officials, rectify the administration of officials, train troops and horses.

The Jingchu River and Mountains with a radius of thousands of miles are as solid as gold.

The greater the power, the greater the appetite.This current power is of great significance to his determination to annex the entire Jingchu during the Battle of Chibi.

Even the hidden dangers of the five streams were solved together.I heard it has a population of 40.

He also brought along Samoko, a fierce general.

There is another, and the most important person, Sima Yi.Although the good news hasn't come yet, Liu Feng doesn't think it is possible for Sima Yi to escape under such circumstances.

Capturing Sima Yi is equivalent to cutting off an era of Cao Wei.Without the results of this battle, it cannot be said that it is not brilliant.

Thinking about the gains of this battle, Liu Feng was overjoyed.

Take off, really take off.


If I am not proud, how can I surpass reincarnation; if I am not crazy, how dare I break the void. "The Great Crazy Demon", ISBN o5777, well, Sanchi is one of the best friends, and his strength is absolutely guaranteed.Bloody, have to watch.

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