Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 402 I don't know when I'm about to die

Chapter [-]: Death is imminent and you don’t know it (first update)

Although Liu Feng introduced Huo Jun to Sima Yi, the two were not familiar with each other after all.After a few polite words, there was no sound.

Liu Feng saw that it was still a long time before dawn, Chen Da and others pursued the rebels and stabilized the camp, at least until tomorrow.

So people arranged for Sima Yi to go down to rest, while Huo Jun continued to defend the city.Liu Feng himself also returned to the prefect's mansion to rest.

The war was coming to an end, and Liu Feng slept very refreshed that night.I didn't wake up until it was three poles in the sun.

After washing and eating, Liu Feng summoned Xu Zheng in the study.

Xu Zheng seemed to have closed his eyes all night, his eyes were bloodshot, and the eye sockets were also very dark.But it seems that the spirit is extremely excited.

The next battle in Linxiang City is related to the growth of Liu Feng's power, which is the so-called hegemony.

This is not only understood by Liu Feng, but also by high-level officials like Xu Zheng.Now that the soldiers have broken through Wuxi, the armies of the other three counties are like floating clouds, which will dissipate sooner or later.

It means that Liu Feng has occupied more than half of Jingchu, and has officially grown into a huge force that rivals the Jiangdong Sun family.How could Xu Zheng not be excited.

Just like the appearance, after Xu Zheng got the news, he did not close his eyes all night. After waking up in the morning, he began to deal with various affairs.

Liu Feng glanced at Xu Zheng, feeling very satisfied in his heart.Rejoicing for victory is the dead minister.

Although Xu Zheng was not capable, he had the heart.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Feng asked, "How is the situation now?"

"The battalion has been set up. Currently there are [-] dead bodies and more than [-] barbarians alive. In addition, the general Sha Moke is waiting in the mansion, waiting for the lord to summon him." Xu Zheng thought for a moment, then raised his fist and replied.

"That is to say, there are still more than [-] people missing?" Liu Feng frowned and asked.

"Exactly. According to General Shamoke, there are still [-] to [-] people who are currently scattered. Generals Chen Da and Zhou Shun are leading the army to retreat." Xu Zheng nodded.

Liu Feng's complexion softened a little. These barbarians must be gathered back, otherwise they will cause trouble to the place.

"Well, I ordered Chen Da and Zhou Shun to try their best to recover it." Liu Feng nodded and said.Immediately, he waved his hand and said, "Go down, let Sha Moke come to the study by the way."

"No." Xu Zheng replied, nodded and left.

After Xu Zheng left, Liu Feng held his chin with one hand and fell into deep thought.

If gathered completely, this barbarian army has about 4 people.To rule the barbarians, of course, we must use barbarian generals. Of the [-] barbarians, Liu Feng plans to select [-] strong and strong, and hand them over to Shamoke to lead.

After this battle, Liu Feng knew that Sha Moke's heart towards the Han people was true.As long as Liu Feng is undefeated, Sha Moke will not have two hearts.

In addition to the [-] barbarians, Pang Tong's three-county army was also a piece of meat.The fruits of victory in this battle are great.

Liu Feng remembered that Zhao Yun and Xu Shu had to recruit [-] troops each to form an army.

Liu Feng planned to send a letter to invite the two of them to come over and prepare to take the prisoners.

Just as he was thinking about it, a burly man who was close to [-] meters walked in. This strong man gave people a lot of oppression.

At the same time as he entered, two guards followed him.A look of nervous vigilance.

"Shamoke pays respects to General Yang Wu." Under the obvious vigilance of the two guards, Shamoke greeted Liu Feng very calmly.

"Excuse me." Liu Feng smiled and nodded, then turned to the two guards and said, "Go down."

The two guards were not reconciled, because Shamoke was too domineering, and if they hurt Liu Feng, they would be to blame even if they died.

But under Liu Feng's fierce gaze, the two had no choice but to bend over and say, "No." and backed out.

But after the two went out, they stared at the study with vigilant expressions. If Sha Moke dared to make any changes, the two would definitely rush in desperately.

Seeing this, Liu Feng could only dare the two to be loyal.Not happy.

After a while, Liu Feng withdrew his gaze and looked at Sha Moke.After looking up and down for a moment, he praised: "The general is really majestic."

"Mountain rough man, you have some strength." Shamoke bent over and said.

Not only can I speak Chinese well, but I also understand the essence of it.

"The general is really funny." Liu Feng laughed.

"Hehe." Shamoke chuckled.

"The general made great contributions in this battle. He killed Sha Mohun, captured Sima Yi alive, and broke the siege of Linxiang. I will not treat you badly." The politeness was over, and Liu Feng put away the smile on his face.After saying a word, Liu Feng picked up the pen and started writing on the bamboo slips.Not long after, he stopped writing and handed the bamboo slip in his hand to Sha Moke.

Said: "If the general wants to become a rich man, I will give the general tens of thousands of acres of fertile land and be rich for the rest of his life. If the general is willing to continue fighting, he will serve me." As he spoke, Liu Feng smiled slightly.

After Shamoke took the bamboo slips, he unfolded them for a few glances, his expression a little excited.

It was impressively written on it that Sha Moke was appointed as Wuxi Zhonglang General, commanding [-] barbarians, giving [-] mu of land, [-] pieces of brocade cloth, and [-] altars of fine wine.Maggie ten people.

Although the subsequent rewards are generous, they are nothing to Sha Moke, the younger brother of the former Wuxi Fan King.Sha Moke was excited about the position of Zhong Lang.

According to Sha Moke's information, there are not many Zhonglang generals under Liu Feng's tent.However, Huang Zhong and Gan Ning.Now, when he first came to seek refuge, he was placed side by side with the two of them, and was even given the title of Wuxi.

It can be seen that Liu Fengzhi is very kind.

"The last general pays his respects to the lord." Sha Moke held up the bamboo slips and knelt down on one knee in front of Liu Feng.

Liu Feng smiled slightly, got up and came to Sha Moke, helped him up with his own hands, and said solemnly: "From now on, it will be up to the general to fight on the battlefield."

"My lord, don't worry, Sha Moke will definitely do his best." Sha Moke assured with a solemn expression.

In fact, Liu Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that this Wuxi barbarian general was somewhat rebellious, but he didn't want to be very well-behaved.

Three or two hits.Moreover, his courage and ability are not weak.It is more than enough to be a general of Wuxi Zhonglang.

Then, Liu Feng exchanged a few words with Sha Moke.Then he entered the topic and said: "Now that the general has surrendered, I don't know Wuxi, what do you think the general will do with the [-] barbarians?"

"Your Majesty, just decide." Shamoke said immediately.

He behaved extremely well-behaved, and Liu Feng secretly praised him, this is a very smart person.

If you are a newcomer and do everything well, you will be more favored by the monarch.Sha Mo Ke, well aware of the samadhi.

"As for Wuxi, I plan to set up a county named Wuxi County. Half of the tribes in the county migrated into Wuling, Guiyang, and Lingling. The people of the three counties also migrated partly into Wuxi. So the two tribes Merge, reproduce, and become one family. From then on, one family. In addition, for [-] barbarians, the general can choose [-] elite soldiers to command, and then stationed in Gong'an, under the command of General Xu Shu." Liu Feng paused, looked at Looking at Samoke, seeing that Samoke's expression remained unchanged, he secretly sighed in his heart.This man is really devoted to Han.

Immediately, he said again: "The other 3 people slaughtered many Han people because of the crusade against Wuling. I don't intend to let them go easily. I will punish them with hard labor for a period of five years. They will build cities in Wuxi, open mountains, and cut forests. the way."

Hearing this, Shamoke remained expressionless, and said, "My lord is wise." But he let out a breath in his heart, no matter what, he was from the same clan as before, and Shamoke cared very much about the ownership of the [-] barbarians.

Liu Feng didn't order all beheaded, but only served hard labor, which is very kind.

As for the disposal of Shamoco and the establishment of Wuxi County, that's how it was decided.

After talking to Sha Moke for a few words, Liu Feng let Sha Moke go down to exercise his rights as the general of Wuxi Zhonglang.Ten thousand barbarians were recruited, trained hard, and returned to Xu Shu's account.

After Shamoke left, Liu Feng thought for a moment.

Putting Zhao Yun aside, his cavalry battalion can be stationed anywhere.And Xu Shu, Li Yan, and Wei Yan originally planned to form an army of 5000 people and station them in Changsha.

Now all the four counties in Jingnan have been obtained.The front end of the four counties is also a city near the Yangtze River, Public Security.Need someone to defend.

Liu Feng planned to transfer Xu Shu to the public security, and led Li Yan, Wei Yan, and Sha Moke to lead 5000 troops.

For the rest, after the war, Huang Zhong and Pang Tong returned to their camps to replenish the lost soldiers.

In addition, there are extra prefects of Wuling, Guiyang, Lingling, and Wuxi counties.

Liu Feng originally only thought that the three counties would be merged, but he didn't expect the situation of Wuxi.

Zhang Dao, Xu Tian, ​​and uncle Liu Mi, in addition, must have a person with outstanding ability to serve as the governor of Wuxi County.

The plan that Liu Feng told Sha Moke completely merged Wuxi into the plan of the Han people.A person with outstanding ability is required to realize this plan.Because it involves the migration of Han people and Wuxi people.There will definitely be conflicts.

Ordinary people, I'm afraid not.

After thinking for a while, Liu Feng chose one person, Ma Liang.

Gradually, there were more and more talented people under Liu Feng's tent. Pang Tong, Jiang Wan, Xu Shu, etc. were all peerless twins, while Ma Liang was a little inferior, but he was also a top figure.

He is capable.

In particular, Ma Liang has a precedent.Once alone, with Liu Bei's edict, went to Wuxi, gathered several Wuxi Fan kings with his three-inch tongue, and together with Liu Bei, brazenly launched the battle of Yiling.

With outstanding abilities and a criminal record involving Wuxi, he is the only one who can govern Wuxi County.

Moreover, now Jiujiang County has gradually stabilized.Ma Liang has indeed trained some civil servants, who can fill the vacancy left by Ma Liang.

This is also a force, the law of development.

Ma Liang, Jiang Wan, Xiang Lang and others were all talented scholars and bureaucrats with outstanding abilities.To be a prefect is actually a condescending talent.Sooner or later, one must slowly gain qualifications and become the center of power.

People like Xu Zheng, Xu Tian, ​​Zhang Dao, Liu Mi and others are the prefects.

The day of the peace of the four counties is just around the corner.The matter is urgent and the development is not easy.

Liu Feng did it when he thought of it, and immediately published several official documents.First Zhao Yun was recruited, and Xu Shu came to Changsha to surrender the soldiers of the three counties, and then recalled Xu Tian who helped Liu Feng win the hearts of the people in Xinye.

Take Ma Liang as the governor of Wuxi County.He also ordered Ma Liang to select a new candidate for the prefect of Jiujiang.

In addition, Liu Mi was appointed as the prefect of Wuling, Zhang Dao was appointed as the prefect of Lingling, and Xu Tian was appointed as the prefect of Guiyang.

Several official documents were completed in one go.The land has not been obtained yet, but Liu Feng has already swallowed the cities of these four counties.

After writing, Liu Feng immediately dispatched officials to send the official document to Liu Ba.

After being processed by Liu Ba, these official documents will be scattered all over the place.


In the pool of Hanshou City.

The confrontation between the two armies continues.As the news continued to come from the front, it was said that Sha Mohun's army continued to attack, but Linxiang City was already crumbling.

The Pangtong camp outside the city remained silent, very solemn.

But the three people in the city have already started to celebrate.Not only reward the three armies, but also often gather together to look forward to the future.

Today, in the study of the prefect's mansion.

Jin Xuan, Liu Du, and Zhao Fan gathered together again, with smiles on everyone's faces.Even Liu Du and Zhao Fan whose lair was breached were the same.

Although Guiyang and Lingling were breached, many of Liu Du and Zhao Fan's families were in Huang Zhong's hands.Might as well have been killed.

But for this kind of thing, the two don't care too much.

Because both of them are still young, only in their thirties, and they can still have children.As long as this war is over, the two of them will be appreciated by Duke Cao.

It is not impossible to be a marquis and a general.

At that time, wouldn't it be glorious to take the daughter of a rich family and establish another clan?

Therefore, when the three of them met, they all had smiles on their faces.No sorrow.

"In one or two days, Mr. Sima will definitely have good news. At that time, the three of us can return to the military county and take back the city." Zhao Fan poured himself wine, took a sip, and said happily.

"That's right. As long as Changsha is broken, our mission will be completed, and we can return to the military city." Liu Du smiled and nodded.

"Hehe, you two have too little ambition." Jin Xuan saw that the two of them only wanted to return to the city and take back the city.Can't help laughing.

Getting along day after day, the relationship between the three of them is good.

Liu Du and Zhao Fan did not dislike Jin Xuan's words either.

Liu Du laughed and said, "Brother Jin, isn't he going back to Wuling?"

"Return to Wuling? Is there any merit? After Linxiang City is broken, I will attack Jiangxia with Mr. Sima Yi and make meritorious deeds. After Liu Feng is eliminated, in terms of merit, it should be enough to be a marquis." Jin Xuan smiled. on the road.

"Brother Jin is not afraid of this reputation?" Zhao Fan frowned upon hearing this.

Fame, the reason why the three of them are stationed here is because they don't want to combine with the Wuxi barbarians.Colluding with foreigners and attacking Liu Feng would be extremely damaging to reputation.

Now, Jin Xuan is going to take the risk and follow Sima Yi to continue attacking Jiangxia after Changsha County is broken.That would be a big risk.

Collusion with foreigners.

"Hehe, reputation? Is fame more important than merit?" Jin Xuan asked with a disdainful smile.

"If you can follow Mr. Sima to eliminate Liu Feng, it will be more than a meritorious service." As he said, Jin Xuan smiled mysteriously: "Did you two never forget the big and small Qiao who is famous all over Jiangdong?"

"Little Qiao?" Zhao Fan and Liu Du said with their eyes brightened.

"Hahaha, the two brothers are also romantic figures. That's right, it's Xiao Qiao. Counting the days, these two are only in their twenties, and they are in their prime. No wonder Liu Feng will be in the mansion. Name Er Qiao from Jiangdong. I've been coveting it for a long time. Hahahaha." Jin Xuan raised his head and laughed, his eyes full of lust

The first update, [-] characters, please ask for a monthly ticket.

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