Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 406 Liu Bei is going to be unlucky

Xiangyang City, inside the study of the Cai Mansion.

Cai Mao put down the bamboo slips in his hands, with joy on his face.

For Liu Feng, the son-in-law who has high hopes, Cai Mao is very caring.

Since the crusade against Jiangxia by an army of [-] began, Cai Mao sent a large number of "spies" to search for news in Jingnan.

When Linxiang was on the verge of collapse, Cai Mao was worried.

This time the barbarian camp was broken, and news came that Liu Du, Jin Xuan, and Zhao Fan had been killed.Cai Mao also rejoiced.

Cai Mao stood up, facing south.

He murmured: "This son-in-law is truly extraordinary." "Extraordinary" is really extraordinary.

The extraordinary arrival made Cai Mao feel a strong desire to "hand over Xiangyang to Liu Feng."

Now that Liu Feng is so strong, if Jin ruled Jingchu, wouldn't he really be able to fight Cao Cao?

But after thinking for a while, Cai Mao expelled this thought from his mind.

On the one hand, it is because of concerns about the clan, and on the other hand, it is because of Kuai Yue's attitude. After all, Cao Cao is still an enemy of the world. It is not easy to provoke.

On the other hand, Liu Feng simply couldn't swallow so much territory.

According to news, Cao Cao in the north has already begun to rectify his troops, and it is estimated that he will go south next year.In only one year, Liu Feng made jokes about Jing Nan.If Jingbei is added, something will definitely go wrong.

Giving Xiangyang to Liu Feng will do more harm than good.

"Success or failure is up to you." Cai Mao said with a sigh.

…………………, Xinye, Taishou’s Mansion, in the study room.

Liu Bei, Liao Li, and Zhuge Liang are all there.

The faces of the three people are not good-looking." Among them, Liu Bei's face was dark, as if he had swallowed a fly.

Liu Feng actually won." Sima Yi's [-] army has been destroyed by [-], leaving only one Xu Huang. At the beginning of the war, he never imagined that such a thing would happen.

I thought that Liu Feng would fall hard if he was undefeated until he lost his army and lost ground.

But I didn't expect that Liu Feng not only failed to stumble in this battle, but also swallowed a large piece of fat.

The gap between the sky and the earth" made Liu Bei uncomfortable.

Jiangxia, Jiujiang, Changsha, and Liu Feng can compete with the six counties of Jiangdong by owning these three counties.Now with the addition of Guiyang, Lingling, Wuling, and Wuxi, the power has more than doubled.

Just ask the world "Who else can stop him?

A cheap son, an heir who was originally recruited on the spur of the moment and then abandoned, has come to this point.In addition to feeling uncomfortable in Liu Bei's heart, there was also a vague sense of shame.

Although Liu Bei didn't want to admit anything, he was indeed ashamed.

I think of Liu Bei, who started his army with a white body, and for more than ten years "conquered east and west. He fought against the Yellow Turban, crusade against Dong Zhuo, Xuzhou during World War II, defected to Yuan Shao to fight Cao Cao, and finally came to Xinye to fight Cao Ren.

A stroke of war, in the end" there is only one emperor's uncle left.

As for Liu Feng now, in a short period of time, he has separatized such a large force, hundreds of cities in seven counties.

And in his heyday, there was only one Xuzhou.That place is flat, "Mao risk can be defended. After Cao Cao's massacre" population withered.

Where is Liu Feng now?According to the combination of intelligence, his population may reach 250 million. What is the concept of 250 million?

If you are a little crazy and "poor soldiers and less powerful", you can stop an army of 25.Even on land is enough to contend against Cao Cao.

What's more, there is a Yangtze River running across Jingnan.

As long as the troops are stationed in the public security "Xiakou" and other strategic water points, they can easily resist the powerful soldiers of the Central Plains with the Yangtze River moat.

The gap, why is the gap so big.

Looking at Liu Feng's success, he thought about his own failure.Liu Bei's determination to "Huang Tu's hegemony", which he had never wavered, actually wavered a little bit.

Liu Bei trembled and panicked in his heart.

Now he has nothing left, except for a few civil servants and generals, a city, and a few soldiers.nothing left.Finally, and the most precious thing is the determination in my heart to yearn for Huangtu hegemony.

If this determination is also shaken, his life is really finished.

He was finished and disappeared in this small city.However, Liu Feng relied on Jingchu's huge advantages to successfully counter Cao Cao" and rise.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the country of Jingchu was established.

This will be recorded in the history books in the future.

"Once upon a time, Liu Bei, a faint-hearted man, adopted the son of a genius. This genius dominated Jingchu and ascended to the throne of God with only a few hundred people. However, this son was abandoned by him. Because he was not his own. Just abandon it. .Fool, just a fool, he actually managed to let the abandoned son go. This idiot, if he could have killed the abandoned son at that time. Maybe he is the one who achieved the imperial hegemony. All of the above, This man named Liu Bei can be called the number one mentally handicapped at the end of the Han Dynasty. Short-sighted" and shallow in talent and learning. "

This is definitely not impossible. If Liu Bei is dead, Liu Feng will become king and hegemony.

There will definitely be someone in history who satirizes him with such a tone.

When I think about it, I will be regarded as the biggest idiot in the world.There was a shock in Liu Bei's heart, and his expression was a little pale.

Liu Bei's face is sometimes dark, sometimes pale, while Liao Li is incomprehensible, unbelievable, and unbelievable.Liao Li has a high IQ, and many people praise him.He is also more confident.

Therefore, he dared to conclude that when the [-] troops attacked Jiangxia, Liu Feng must be devastated, and even defeated and killed.

Although in the past, Liao Li often made mistakes, especially when it came to Liu Feng, he was almost never right.

But this time, Liao Li was sure that Liu Feng would fail.

But Liu Feng won, and he won beautifully.Since then, it has owned a large area of ​​the former Chu State south of the Yangtze River.

With enough strength, you can become king and hegemony.

Thinking about it, in the past, I was determined to take revenge on Liu Feng, plot against Liu Feng, until Liu Feng was eliminated.

The corner of Liao Li's mouth twitched violently, "How can I get revenge now? Now Liu Bei's power has changed from a relatively prosperous one to a backwater.

And, the strength is also constantly being consumed.Troops, people. "And people's hearts.

Now outside the city, half of the population has been gradually bought by Liu Feng's food.

The power of Xinye almost gives people a feeling that the hero is late and "is about to die. Use this kind of power" to fight against Liu Feng, an emerging power that is rising and has reached the height of the sky?

This is unlikely.

Liu Bei's starting point is too low. Although he is valued, this small place is really not enough to display his talent.

A sense of enlightenment rose in Liao Li's heart.

Liao Li is cool, which can be said to be affectionate.Now I see the power comparison between Liu Bei and Liu Feng, which is constantly changing.Liu Bei had almost no power to resist.

Naturally, there was a disagreement in my heart.

Walk.This word immediately appeared in Liao Li's mind.But where?Although Liao Li is affectionate, but because of the environment "in Jingzhou.

Influenced by many scholars in Jingzhou, "I don't like Cao Cao. I don't like it at all.

In today's world, apart from Cao Cao, there are only Liu Zhang, Zhang Lu, Han Sui, Ma Teng, Gongsun Du, Sun Quan and others.

"Jiangdong" Liao Li didn't want to go either, because the forces were so entangled that if he didn't pay attention, he might be killed.

Forget it." Go out and talk. Anyway, I can't stay in Xinye anymore.

Liao Li had no idea, shook his head, and thought to himself.

Among the three, "Zhuge Liang's mentality is the most stable. However, Zhuge Liang also has a little regret in his heart.

If I had known today, I wouldn't have watched Liu Feng being driven away. I should have persuaded Liu Bei to keep Liu Feng.

It would be a pity to discard such an outstanding figure.

It's just too late to regret.

The three people "almost have three hearts, and their emotions are not very good. Soon" Liu Bei ordered to leave.

Zhuge Liang continued to deal with official duties with a fairly steady pace.But Liao Li glanced at the world "After leaving the prefect's mansion, he immediately ordered to return to the mansion.

Liao Li's mansion in Xinye is very large.It is also one of the most luxurious mansions.Moreover, besides being cool, Liao Li's personality is also more greedy for money, and he prefers luxury.

This mansion is almost a little more luxurious than Liu Bei's.

Maggie, servants, and the enjoyment of the house, there is no shortage of them.Thinking back to the days in Xinye, there were guards in and out, and carriages sent each other off.In the mansion, there is Maggie warming the bed.What a comfort.

Liao Li felt a little bit reluctant, but when he thought about how poor Liu Bei is now, "and Liu Feng's arrogance was too much.

No one knows if Liu Feng is going crazy, leading an army to attack Xinye, and take revenge on Liu Bei.

It's not wise to stay.

Liao Li quickly strengthened his belief with a look of determination.

After entering the mansion, "I immediately came to the study" to sit down and study ink, and began to write letters.A beautifully written letter has been written.

Moreover, Liao Li immediately asked Zuo Ren to pack up the things, prepare the carriage, and take a group of beauties and loyal servants to leave Xinye before dark.

Just like the plan was small, before dark, Liao Li left from the North City Gate without knowing where he was going.But Liu Bei did not receive any news.

Until the second day, when Liu Bei routinely convened the important ministers and generals to discuss the situation.I don't see Liao Li coming here.

In the hall, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang, Mi Zhu, Jian Yong, Sun Qian and others were all present, but Liao Li was missing alone.

Looking at the empty space on the left, Liu Bei frowned.

"Come on, come and have a look at the master's mansion." Liu Bei raised his head and shouted towards the door.

"No." A guard's voice sounded from outside the door.

Afterwards, Liu Bei felt relieved a little bit. From Liu Bei's point of view, this was just a small accident, and Liao Li just didn't come for some reason.

Liu Bei is quite confident about his means of winning people's hearts.Since Liao Li defected to Xinye, Liu Bei has treated him well.

When you come, you will be given the position of the master book, and then "you will be given countless gold and silver, Maggie.

I also ask Liao Li for his opinion on everything, "Yi is his right-hand man.

Even, the two of them once fell asleep together.

It stands to reason that the friendship is quite deep, so Liu Bei never thought that Liao Li would leave, and he walked cleanly, without blushing or hypocrisy. ! ~!

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