Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 409 The fiery little mare Sun Shangxiang

A gaffe, that's a gaffe.

Mrs. Bian has followed Cao Cao for many years, and she has seen Cao Cao laugh boldly when he has the upper hand in the situation.Even in unfavorable circumstances, it is calm and unhurried.

Since Yuan Shao was destroyed and Yuan Shao's sons were driven away.

Cao Cao is almost the enemy of the world.

The situation in the world should be good.

Why, Cao Cao is still so gaffe.He even said, "With this son here, how can I live alone." This is Cao Cao's biggest fear.

So Liu Feng is really so powerful?Mrs. Bian became suspicious.

Recently, news of Liu Feng has occasionally reached Madam Bian's ears.Young and outstanding, or something.Of course, there are also those who are worried.

Call it Sun Ce in the old days, all of them are rebellious.Suspected to be Xiang Yu, the former overlord.The opposite of a face.

Regardless of whether it is good or bad, they all value Liu Feng, which shows that Liu Feng is an unusual person.

Especially in recent days, Mrs. Bian has also heard a saying that Liu Feng's power has surpassed Sun Ce's achievements.

Especially Sun Ce died early, while Liu Feng still survived.Liu Feng is likely to become a great enemy of Cao Cao's sweep of the world.

Mrs. Bian is the wife of the inner house. Although she has scheming plans, she lacks knowledge of the world.He scoffed at this statement.

Now Cao Cao is the enemy of the world, and he dominates the north, sitting down the number of cities, counties and counties.And the little Liu Feng is only a small prince who sits in the three counties of Jiangxia, Jiujiang, and Changsha.In Mrs. Bian's heart, little Liu Feng was not a threat at all.

However, Mrs. Bian found out from Cao Cao's gaffe today that her earlier guess was very far from the truth.Then Liu Feng is not only a threat, but also a big threat to Cao Cao.

Otherwise, Cao Cao wouldn't be so afraid.

He also said a sentence, Liu Feng is here, it is difficult to sleep and eat alone.It can be seen that the fear is deep.

That's right, Cao Cao is very afraid, very afraid.Not only because of fear" this gaffe, but also because of a deep blow.

Sima Yi.

There is no doubt about the talent of this person, and he was even hailed by the officials as a peerless talent. Cao Cao was also very happy, and planned to arrange Sima Yi next to his son Cao Pi immediately after Sima Yi returned to Xudu.

Prepare to train Sima Yi as an important minister of the next generation.But it was such a great talent who he valued and just realized that he was captured by Liu Feng and surrendered.

One's own talents are used by the enemy" There is nothing more tragic than this in the world.

Therefore, Liu Feng was even more feared by Cao Cao.

This year, he raised troops in Ruoguan, occupied Jiangxia, opened up Jiujiang, and invaded Changsha. Needless to say, he has outstanding abilities. In addition, Liu Feng's experience is very similar to Sun Ce's.

Sun Ce also started fighting at the age of weak crown, and unified Jiangdong before he was 30 years old.

If Liu Feng is just sitting on Jiangxia "Jiujiang, Changsha three counties, Liu Feng is only the second Sun Ce. But it is different now.

Really different.

Liu Feng's current power is stronger than Jiangdong's. Although it is not as large as Jiangdong's territory, it has a large population. According to intelligence, if Liu Feng succeeds this time.

The population of Jingnan is as large as 250 million.such a large population.Twice as much as Jiangdong.

In addition, although Jiangdong is good, "there are many mountains and forests in the territory, and there are many mountains and mountains. A large part of it is consumed in internal conquests." The potential is limited.

And what about Liu Feng?" There are no aliens in his territory, and the only barbarian soldiers entrenched in Wuxi territory have also been wiped out.

After a period of rectification, it has become a state of hidden worries. The potential is huge. The wings have also been fully plumped.

It’s true as Mrs. Bian thought, “In the past, when Cao Cao rarely lost his composure, even when he heard that Yuan Shao raised an army of one million and went south to Guandu, Cao Cao responded with a joke.

But that was because Cao Cao knew that Yuan Shao was a flashy man, a paper tiger who would collapse at the touch of a finger.Defeating" and eliminating Yuan Shao is not too difficult.

But now Liu Feng gives Cao Cao a completely different feeling, he needs ability and ability, he needs talent, he has talent, and he has strength.

How not to make people jealous" How not to make people sleep and eat.

Cao Cao has regretted it now, why did he attack Gongsun Kang far away instead of going south to kill Liu Feng.

If he had known earlier, if he had known earlier, he wouldn't have just waited and watched Liu Feng's full wings.

But the opportunity is fleeting, and now there is nothing to regret.At the earliest, we can only wait until next year's autumn harvest, that is, to go south in winter.

Next winter, there is still a whole year to go.

Cao Cao is now thinking "how to survive this long period of time. Life is in the world" watching the opponents grow up one by one, but he can do nothing.

But his influence is very powerful, sitting in the north, two-thirds of the world's influence.But he could only watch helplessly as Liu Feng, who was only half Jingchu, slowly developed.

This kind of thing is the most embarrassing.

Cao Cao really wanted to let out a wild roar, yelling out all the anger, fear, etc. in his chest.

………… During this period of time, Sun Quan’s little life is going well.

On the one hand, because the conquest of Shanyue by the Jiangdong generals was basically completed, the population of 20 Shanyue was finally made up.

When the people are handed over to Liu Feng, you can get a lot of food. In addition, "with the continuous entry of food, the disaster situation in various places in Jiangdong has also begun to ease, and it has been greatly eased. Moreover, because of the entry of winter, plagues have appeared in various places in Jiangdong The situation is also unlikely.

Anyway, everything is moving in a good direction.But these are not the reasons why Sun Quan's mood improved.The reason Sun Quan got better was because Liu Feng was in trouble.

As the saying goes, keep warm and feel comfortable.

With the end of the generals' crusade against Shanyue, with the continuous entry of food.Jiangdong's overall power is slowly recovering.

Especially combat power.According to Sun Quan's calculations, his fighting power in Jiangdong is still higher than that in Jiangxia.

Now that Liu Ba was in trouble, Sun Quan's mind began to come alive.

I imagined that the barbarians and Liu Feng would lose both sides, and it would become a situation where the falcons and clams competed for the fisherman's gain.

With anticipation, life can be prosperous.The current Sun Quan is basically in such a state.

Because of Shu Shuang, Sun Quan has been very brave these days, and fortunately many concubines in the Hou's mansion.

On this day, Sun Quan handled official duties in the study in good spirits, not only because he had a good time last night.And because of these days of hard work, good news came from the backyard.

One of his concubines became pregnant.No matter who it is, they attach great importance to such a big event as reproduction.Sun Quan is no exception, so it is even better.At this moment, a figure rushed in hurriedly.

The person who came was a woman with tall breasts, a slender willow waist and a standard good figure, and she also had a beautiful appearance." But her face was full of heroism, and she even had a sword hanging from her waist.

Let people know it is a rose with thorns at a glance.

Sun Quan felt a headache when he saw this son and daughter. This is his precious sister, Mrs. Sun, that is, Sun Quan's mother who gave birth to three sons and one daughter.

Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Lang, and Sun Shangxiang.

Because the only daughter is naturally doted on.Sun Quan was very filial, at least he acted very filial.

Therefore, regarding Mrs. Sun's relationship, Sun Quan also dotes on this younger sister very much.But in fact, Sun Quan was very reluctant to see Sun Shangxiang. In Sun Quan's heart, Sun Shangxiang was synonymous with barbarism.It's nothing more than a woman wielding a knife and a gun, and she is as fast as the wind and as fierce as fire.

A standard fiery little beauty.

Coupled with Mrs. Sun's favor in Jiangdong, Sun Shangxiang is simply a god.

"Second brother, I heard that there is a man named Liu Feng in Jiang Xia who is a hero and someone compares him to the eldest brother, is it true?" Sun Shangxiang said carelessly as soon as he entered the door.

Although she acted recklessly, her voice was nice, clear and pleasant, and her beautiful appearance made it hard to be disgusted.

Sun Quan was very surprised when Sun Shangxiang heard about Liu Feng for the first time.However, Sun Quan was relieved when he recalled Sun Shangxiang's words.

Maybe he had heard about Liu Feng a long time ago, but this was the first time he heard that Liu Feng was compared with Sun Cegui.

In Sun Shangxiang's heart, the eldest brother Sun Ce is a hero of the world "brave, tough, handsome, almost perfect. Since someone compares Liu Feng to Sun Ce, then Liu Feng should also be a hero.

Very simple woman.

I smiled wryly in my heart.Sun Quan began to think about how to answer Sun Shangxiang's question.Soon, there was a good plan in my heart.

He nodded and smiled: "At the age of weak crown, he attacked Jiangxia with hundreds of soldiers, defeated Huang Zu who had [-] soldiers, and then defeated Gongjin with generals, and then took Jiujiang and went to Changsha. In terms of military exploits, he is comparable to my brother."

"He defeated Zhou Yu? He also took our Jiangdong's Jiujiang?" Sun Shangxiang wrinkled her nose and said angrily.

Zhou Yu was defeated and lost Xiao Qiao.This matter is rarely talked about.” Especially in the environment where Sun Shangxiang lived, no one dared to talk about it, so Sun Shangxiang didn’t know.

Although he was upset, Sun Shangxiang's admiration for Liu Feng rose again in his heart. He nodded his head and said, "However, I heard that Zhou Yu is very powerful. If Liu Feng can defeat Zhou Yu, he can be regarded as a hero. Compare it."

Seeing Lulu's approval on Sun Shangxiang's face, he already looked a little yearning.

Sun Quan felt almost as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.I, Jiangdong, lost the city and lost the general, okay?

"Yeah." He is comparable to his elder brother.But no brother's luck.Create a unified Jiangdong situation. "Sun Quan nodded, seeming to agree, but there was some sarcasm in his tone.

"Why?" Sun Shangxiang asked puzzled.

"Now someone is leading an army of [-] to attack Jiangxia, but Jiangxia has only tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. The gap is huge. At the very least, Liu Feng will end up losing troops and losing generals." Sun Quan sneered.

Sun Shangxiang hasn't replied yet.Outside the door, Lu Su hurried in with a roll of bamboo slips. "My lord, there is new news from Jiangxia. Liu Feng defeated the barbarians. The three counties have a total of [-] troops. After that, the Jingnan people can check and balance."

For a moment, Sun Quan's face was very bright.His face turned red for a while, then blue for a while, and Sun Shangxiang's beautiful eyes were full of splendor.Sun Quan glanced at it and felt uncomfortable, xong.It is more uncomfortable to be blocked. ! .

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