
Xu Chu approached quickly, and Zhang Fei's keen sense of touch on the battlefield immediately sounded an alarm like an electric shock.He stabbed Cao Jun cautiously, raised his head and looked forward.

I saw Xu Chu, the big fat man, coming towards him.

big fat man.It was Zhang Fei's nickname for Xu Chu. Back then, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were deeply involved in Xudu. Zhang Fei's surname was cheerful, and anyone could say a few words.

Therefore, he is fairly familiar with Xia Houyuan.But as far as this elm bump is concerned, anyone who goes up can only say a few words.The indifference is sad.

Once when Cao Cao hosted a banquet, Zhang Fei saw that Xu Chu was tall and was alone again, so he couldn't help but went up to drink with Xu Chu, but was pushed back coldly.

Zhang Fei was so angry that he turned around and called a big fat man.

At that time, Xu Chu didn't have a temper, and he didn't mean to be moved by Zhang Fei's provocation.Zhang Fei felt that he was bored, so he made a detour when he looked at Xu Chu from now on.

Now it's the battlefield, this cold guy.But the famous fierce general in Cao Jun.Zhang Fei, who was killing happily, suddenly felt his blood boil.

"Fatty." Zhang Fei yelled, reining in his horse and charging forward.

"Zhang Fei." Xu Chu's eyes flashed, he roared, and rushed up.

Two peerless warriors confronted each other for the first time, one with a spear and the other with a knife.Like two fierce tigers, they collided.

"Touch." With a knife and a spear, they collided fiercely in the air. Zhang Fei and Xu Chu were both powerful generals. They were most proud of their strength, and they were best at comparing strength.

This collision made a resounding sound of gold and iron.But there was no winner.

"Again." This time the impact was really powerful.Zhang Fei felt that his arm was a little numb, but he let out a hearty laugh, drew his spear instead of stabbing, and stabbed Xu Chu's head fiercely.Xu Chu had no expression on his face, as if the oncoming spear was just a scaring knife.

He just crouched down and escaped the fatal blow.And, the reining horse rushed forward.He quickly approached Zhang Fei, and with a flash of the knife, he took Zhang Fei's chest.

"Hmph." Zhang Fei snorted coldly, and without time, he leaned back and escaped the fatal blow.

The two of them fought immediately, ranging from strength to horsemanship.Two rounds, regardless of the outcome.

"Zhongkang, kill him." At the back, Xia Houyuan looked very anxious, wishing to go up to help immediately, but at this time, he didn't have a horse, so even if he went up to sneak attack, he had no chance.

Now Zhang Fei's army is gathering more and more, if it drags on, it will be over sooner or later.

"Kill." Knowing the urgency of the matter, Xu Chuhu roared, and rushed over even more forcefully. "Killing you is like breaking Cao Cao's arm." Zhang Fei also laughed wildly and rushed over.

"Bang bang bang." Changing from the gentleness just now, this time the weapons collided continuously, and the two were looking for opportunities to kill each other, even at the expense of their lives.After a while, the two suddenly raised their weapons, and each retreated a few steps.

After a short confrontation, Zhang Fei had a long bloodstain on his body.I don't know what kind of knife Xu Chu had, which could leave such a hideous wound on the armor covered with iron pieces.

If there is no armor, I am afraid that Zhang Fei now is a dead body with bones turned out.However, Zhang Fei didn't feel discouraged, because he also left a blood hole on Xu Chu's body.

The left shoulder almost penetrated the protection of the armor and penetrated into the flesh.

At this moment, Zhang Fei was bleeding, and Xu Chu's shoulder was also bleeding.

"Come again." Zhang Fei didn't care, laughed loudly, and was about to rush up.On the entire battlefield, an incomparably majestic voice suddenly burst out.

"Don't fight generals, hold your ground, and leave this Cao army behind."

But at the critical moment, Kou Feng rode his horse to kill him, and seeing Zhang Fei showing courage, he couldn't help saying unhappily.

At this time, Kou Feng claimed to be Zhang Fei's boss.Don't think of him as an uncle.Looking around at our own army, there are more than 13.

And Cao Cao is at most [-], so go up and work hard at this time.Thanks to that elm head for thinking it out.Kou Feng felt a strong dissatisfaction in his heart.

Zhang Fei was taken aback, and then murmured that Kou Feng didn't give him face.But at this time, Kou Feng is the coach on the battlefield.

Zhang Fei has fought battles all his life, so he can't even be confused about this situation.Immediately he laughed loudly at Xu Chu and said, "Today my nephew is fierce, let's fight again in the future."

As he spoke, Zhang Fei turned his horse's head and retreated backwards.Xu Chu couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and reined in his horse to give chase.But at this time, the soldiers under Zhang Fei's tent had already taken Zhang Fei's place and began to fight Xu Chu.

Xu Chu has no chance to fight again.

Ahead, Xu Chu was fighting at the forefront.Xia Houyuan couldn't command the army to keep rushing into the camp.But at this time, the surrounding soldiers killed more and more.

The sneak attack failed and fell into a hard fight.This is the most taboo thing to attack the enemy camp at night.

If the night attack fails, thousands of soldiers are destined to be lost tonight.But at this moment, Cao Cao felt extremely angry.

Tonight is just to vent my anger, regardless of success or failure.Cao Cao knew it in his heart.

If he was holding back his breath, Cao Cao didn't know what he would become.It will definitely become very, very awkward, leading to abnormal judgment.

But today and night, he failed once.But it made Cao Cao feel that his whole mind became extremely calm.

Cao Cao heard Kou Feng's words.To be honest, although Cao Cao rewarded Kou Feng several times, he also crusaded him several times.But I have never seen this rising prince at all.

Cao Cao looked at it shakingly, wearing a suit of armor, standing on his horse, and hundreds of guards looked around.The majestic Kou Feng.Taking a deep look, it seems that he wants to keep Kou Feng's figure in his heart, waiting for revenge in the future.

In these years, with the rise of Kou Feng, between Jing Chu and Wu Yue.Some people compare Kou Feng with Sun Ce.But Cao Cao felt that although Sun Ce was also a hero, he was not Kou Feng's opponent.

If Sun Ce was placed in the current position, how could he order Zhang Fei to stop fighting generals and focus on keeping the enemy safely behind.And sitting in the rear by himself, commanding the battle under the watchful eyes of the guards?

Some people may say that Kou Feng is a coward.Sun Ce is so brave, he takes the lead and wins every battle.

But in Cao Cao's view, Sun Ce is just a hero, and Kou Feng is the coach.Not to mention the coach, it was Marquis Chu.The Lord of Jingchu is a banner.

A banner, it does not need to go into battle to kill the enemy.As long as it is placed in the most important place, let all the soldiers see it.It can boost morale.

thereby defeating the enemy.

Charge into battle, that's what generals can do.

"Let's go." Cao Cao yelled in a low voice, and some guards around him immediately yelled.

"Let's go." The orderly voice was clearly audible even in the camp where the roar of killing was loud.Without saying a word, Xu Chu swung his knife and killed a Chu soldier in front of him.

Turn the horse's head and return.

For Xu Chu, Cao Cao's order is the destiny.There must not be a single slack.

Although Xia Houyuan was unwilling, he knew that tonight would be the end of it. "Hi." With an unwilling cry, Xia Houyuan turned his head and left.

The entire army of Cao who broke into the camp immediately retreated like a tide.

In the rear, Kou Feng showed a sneer on his face, it was easy to come, but not easy to leave. "Pursue and kill for three hundred miles." Kou Feng waved his big hand and ordered loudly.

"The lord has an order to chase and kill for three hundred miles." Zhang Fei suddenly screamed excitedly as if he had been beaten with blood, and led his troops to chase and kill.

Chasing and killing for three hundred miles, chasing and killing, chasing and killing.Zhang Fei likes this sentence.

As Zhang Fei reined in his horse and chased him down, the Chu army in the entire camp also flocked to the outside of the camp like a tide.It went clean in a moment.

"My lord." At this time, Deng Ai led his troops to help.A very well-fitting armor, wearing it on Deng Ai's body, really looks like a general.

"Go and help General Zhang, so as not to be ambushed by Cao Cao." Kou Feng ordered.

"No." Deng Ai responded, and led his troops to pursue and kill him in the dark night.

In the dark, pretending to attack at night.Then lure the enemy army out of the camp, and then lay an ambush outside.It's not impossible.Kou Feng asked Deng Ai to chase him out of caution.

"Cao Mengde, you really can't bear this tone." Until this time, Kou Feng didn't think about it.Cao Cao couldn't bear it anymore, so he came to attack the camp.Otherwise, with Cao Cao's calm personality, how could he attack his camp at night under such circumstances?

In other words, his strategy worked.

It's just a pity, looking at how Cao Cao led his troops to raid the camp this time, it seems that the number of soldiers is less than [-].Just thousands of elite soldiers.

In Yu Kou Feng's imagination, there will be annihilation of [-] dozen, or even tens of thousands of annihilation, and then take advantage of the momentum to attack Xudu.Very different.However, considering that Cao Cao is not the kind of person who is not calm and comes to kill with an army.

Kou Feng felt that earning thousands of people at night was not bad.

"Order the east, west and north, and the generals of each battalion will continue to be on guard and must not relax." After speaking, Kou Feng said again: "When General Zhang returns, let him not be too proud."

This is Zhang Fei's old problem, very brave and very murderous.But vigilance is poor.Kou Feng had no choice but to exhort cautiously.

"No." A guard next to him promised.

After speaking, Kou Feng led hundreds of guards back to the camp of the Chinese army.As Cao Cao thought, Kou Feng has already done a lot of research on the lord.

He is standing here, without fighting, he can improve morale.So, Kou Feng came, but he didn't end up fighting.Existence as a flag.

At this moment, chase and kill Cao Jun's defeated army.It's Zhang Fei's business, and there's no need for Kou Feng to hunt him down at night.

A night attack won a big victory with a hearty anti-night attack.While Kou Feng was carrying the joy of victory, he couldn't help but think of the beautiful woman in the camp.

Thinking of Mrs. Ding's frightened appearance, Kou Feng's heart ached.Don't make her wait anxiously.Thinking about it, Kou Feng ordered to speed up the march and return to the main tent of the Chinese army.

(To be continued)

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