Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 620 Mi's Destination

A regime can have no outstanding talents.But we cannot do without a large number of mid-level talents.Just like in the Han Dynasty, during the period of Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che, there were a large number of civil servants and military generals.

But when the other emperors were, they didn't stand out so much.

But the Han Dynasty lasted for a long time.Kou Feng established Chu School and Chu Books in order to have more talents.

After learning about Chu Xue's situation, what's more, Sun Shao's matter has also been resolved.I also had an explanation at home.Kou Feng got up and said goodbye.

However, for Kou Feng's farewell.The three old gentlemen didn't mean to get up and see them off, especially Sima Hui and Mr. Pang De, whose hearts seemed to be attracted by the chess made by Kou Feng.

Although there are no chess pieces yet, they have already begun to calculate the tactics.

These three old gentlemen are all from well-to-do families, Kou Feng reckoned that a chess piece should be born in a few days.

Kou Feng took Sun Shao back to the Zhendong General's Mansion, and told Da Qiao to send Sun Shao there tomorrow morning.Kou Feng was found by the Gan family amidst Da Qiao's repeated thanks.

Said it was getting late, and invited him to have dinner.

Originally, Kou Feng thought that he had just returned, and planned to hold a family banquet at home, inviting his wives and concubines to have a meal together.However, since Gan called.

Kou Feng had no choice but to postpone the family banquet, got up and walked to the backyard.

After arriving at Gan's house, Kou Feng met Mi, which is normal. During the three years in Xinye, Kou Feng spent most of his time eating with Gan and Mi.

However, Kou Feng still noticed something strange tonight.

The first is the Mi family. In the previous collision, Kou Feng only had a glimpse, but at this time, he could find that the Mi family was thinner than he had imagined.

The chin is pointed, the complexion is pale, and the inner flush has been lost.However, judging from the body shape, it seems to be a lot plump.It's not the kind of real plumpness, but because the slender waist is more slender, as if it is about to break.

It supports the fullness of the top and bottom.

However, it seems to be Kou Feng's illusion, there seems to be a strange look in Mi's beautiful eyes.

"Mother, madam." Kou Feng bowed to Gan and Mi respectively, and then naturally sat down in the seat that Gan specially prepared for him.

Gan's right position, next to Gan's.

In fact, Kou Feng also likes to sit here, because he is next to Gan's, and he feels quite safe.There will be a sense of emptiness in my heart.

Just like an ordinary child, sitting next to his mother.Although Kou Feng is very old, this feeling is real.

Kou Feng also enjoys this feeling with peace of mind.

Usually, Gan would smile and say a few words to Kou Feng with a loving expression on his slightly round face.Today, though, seems to be really different.

There was no smile on Gan's face.

"Let's eat." Gan looked at Kou Feng reproachfully, and said softly.

"Oh." Kou Feng was a little strange, he didn't know what made Mrs. Gan angry, could it be Mrs. Ding?Kou Feng shook his head, thinking it was impossible.That woman is terrifyingly smart, and she can lower her posture.It is estimated that Ganshi will not find it annoying.

Kou Feng couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it.

After the maids served the meals, Kou Feng began to focus on eliminating the meals on the table.Kou Feng knew Gan's surname clearly.He has a very generous personality, no matter what happens, as long as he is not very angry, he will get over it after a day.

At this time, it is better not to touch the mold.

In this somewhat dull atmosphere, Kou Feng ate his meal.Gan's and Mi's food intake is small, so Kou Feng used it up first.

"Sister." Gan glanced at Mi, and said softly.

"En." A blush rose on Mi's face, she nodded, not daring to look at Kou Feng, got up and went into the back room.

"Mother, who is this?" Kou Feng realized that the unusual night was about to be revealed.Wondering what the hell is going on.

"I don't care about Mrs. Nading's affairs with you. There is just one matter, and I want you to make the decision." Gan said to Kou Feng with a pretty face.

"What's the matter, just let mother tell you." Kou Feng promised, almost patting his chest.

Kou Feng has always been responsive to Gan's requests.

"A few days ago, Mr. Zhang Zhongjing took care of his younger sister, remember?" Gan asked.

"I remember. However, it doesn't seem to be very appropriate." Kou Feng nodded, but he was very puzzled. According to Zhang Zhongjing's medical skills, it shouldn't be like that.Very thin.

"It's not inappropriate, it's my sister. She." Gan didn't know how to speak for a moment, hesitated for a moment, blushed a little on her face, and said cruelly: "Her previous problems have been cured." .”

"What's wrong with being weak?" Kou Feng was still very surprised.

"Sterile." Gan's face turned redder, and she looked at Kou Feng reproachfully, and said.

"Uh." Kou Feng's expression immediately became weird.

"I was thinking, it's not an option for her to stay with me for the rest of her life. So, I plan to find a good family and marry her." Gan said with a sigh.

"Mother has a candidate? I will pay the dowry." Kou Feng nodded and said.

This can be regarded as a major event. Remarriage was popular in the Han Dynasty.But like Mrs. Ding, because she divorced Cao Cao, no one would dare to marry her.

It is a kind of sadness.Although he was finally eaten by Kou Feng and became a noble concubine.But not necessarily a kind of happiness for her.Kou Feng also sympathized with Mi's matter.

"She still has two wealthy elder brothers, when will you get the dowry?" Gan rolled her eyes, and was even more annoyed.

"Then mother came to me?" Kou Feng was even more confused.

"I do have this candidate in my heart, but I'm afraid that person will not agree easily." Gan sighed again.

"Who is it?" Kou Feng asked in surprise, the Mi family can be said to be stunning, the two older brothers are also from wealthy families, and Mi Zhu is even more prominent.

Official residence in Zhendong General's Mansion.If he was a Koufeng and founded the country, he would be one of the nine ministers.

"Because I like you." Gan's beautiful eyes, staring at Kou Feng, said.

A little nervous, it depends on how Kou Feng will answer.

Although it is said that the Gan family has the ability to directly order Kou Feng to accept the Mi family.That is the right of a mother, and the Gan family has the capital of arrogance.

However, in the end it is a twisted melon that is not sweet.Besides, it is difficult for the gentle Gan family to be so arrogant.

And the Gan family knew Kou Feng's character very well.This child is too possessive.The Gan family doesn't know much. As an ambitious prince, Kou Feng has a strong desire to be anywhere.

Military generals, civil servants, land, and many fields of influence all have strong desires.But Gan could see that Kou Feng had a strong desire to possess these beautiful daughter-in-laws in the backyard.

Kou Feng has no feelings for the Mi family, and the Gan family has known about it for a long time.She is really respected as her younger sister.

Just now, Gan's also tried it out.She said she was going to marry Mi Shi, and Kou Feng even proposed to prepare a dowry.

However, Gan knew Kou Feng's character, and once he knew it, Mi's heart was him.Kou Feng's thinking will definitely be different.

Ordinary men would feel very sad when the woman who admired him was about to marry.What's more, people like Kou Feng.

The so-called knowing son is more like mother, Gan has observed Kou Feng for three years.Even if there was a blank period in the middle, Gan's understanding of Kou Feng.

It's no different from a normal mother.

Sure enough, Kou Feng's expression became a little stiff.On the one hand, I feel unacceptable, and on the other hand, I feel a little strange.

After all, Kou Feng called Mi Zhu uncle.At first, it was just to win over Mi Zhu, but later I got used to it.Looking back this time, Mi Zhu's younger sister was suddenly about to be harmed.

However, Kou Feng heard that the Mi family had him in his heart.This made Kou Feng watch Mi's marriage helplessly again.Kou Feng felt a little uncomfortable.

Kou Feng doesn't know if all men are so cheap, anyway, if one day the Mi family really gets married, Kou Feng will feel unhappy.

Sometimes Kou Feng is happy and angry, but sometimes he is happy and angry.That depends on the occasion and in front of whom.

Just like the ancient kings, who claimed to be lonely.But that was only when facing big events, in front of his beloved concubine, in front of his son.I am afraid that the ancient kings were not alone.

Kou Feng was in such a situation.

However, Kou Feng was a little better. He also maintained a good attitude in front of people such as Xu Shu, Mi Zhu, and Zhang Fei, and he did not act like a loner.

Therefore, a slightly strange look appeared on Kou Feng's face, which was captured by Gan.

"Hey, I knew this son was a cruel person. After a few days, I'll find another good family." Gan's heart was happy, but there was a look of lament on his face.

To be honest, Gan is not a person who can act.The expression was barely reliable, but the smile in the beautiful eyes couldn't be hidden no matter what.

Full of loopholes.

Kou Feng couldn't laugh or cry, knowing that he had been tricked.

"Mother, don't use any aggressive tactics anymore." Kou Feng said helplessly.

"Then what's the matter? Looking at my sister, Mi's haggard appearance, I really feel sorry for her. But if I marry her outside, I can't bear it. After thinking about it, it's cheaper for others." , it would be better to take advantage of your son." Gan asked nervously.

"This is too abrupt." Kou Feng said helplessly again.

"What's so abrupt, when you married Cai Da and Yue Ying, your eyes were darkened. You have been with the Mi family for many years, and she is no worse than anyone else in terms of beauty." From just now , Gan's name was changed to Mi's instead of sister.

This is first of all to reverse the generation.From her side, the Mi family can be regarded as Kou Feng's elder.As long as she no longer calls Mi Shi sister, Kou Feng and Mi Shi are just acquaintances.

Kou Feng had a troubled expression on his face.

It was indeed a trick, and I was struggling hard.

However, Kou Feng is also a decisive person.Mrs. Ding was plundered in Fancheng, and Mrs. Ding seduced Cao Cao in order to anger him.

Kou Feng had a little desire, so he took it in.

Not to mention, Gan said that Mi had him in his heart.He watched Mi's marriage helplessly.Kou Feng was really upset.A common problem of men.

"I'll go take a look." Kou Feng gritted his teeth, stood up and said.

"En." Gan's face suddenly smiled like a flower, very gorgeous.

(To be continued)

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