Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 637 Divine Soldier descends from heaven

Chencun is a small fishing village.

The population is less than 200, and every household is a fisherman.However, they do not live by hunting fish and shrimp in the river, but live by fish and shrimp in the sea.

Because of the strong wind and waves at sea, almost every year there will be fishermen who do not come back while fishing.

That's why it's underpopulated.

This small fishing village is just in front of Yiji's [-] sailors marching into Wu County.

When [-] troops and dozens of warships appeared in front.A group of fishermen were repairing fishing boats, and the fishermen who were fishing nets were almost stunned.

"Daddy, there are so many big boats." A little kid with a bare buttocks said to his father next to him.


The child's father has read books, so he is literate.Looking at the army with banners waving in front, when he saw "Chu", his complexion couldn't help but turn pale.

He shouted: "This is the army of General Jingchu Zhendong, let's go quickly."

It's like Liu Biao tried his best to promote Cao Cao's cruelty in Jingzhou.In Jiangdong, Sun Quan also tried his best to publicize Kou Feng's brutality.

Cruel, greedy, lustful, hardly a good word.

To consolidate Jiangdong's rule.

Immediately, the fishermen returned to their homes like flying birds scattered by a gunshot.

"Why did Jingchu's army appear here?"

The father of the child just now also hid in the house with the child in his arms, but the horror remained on his face, which was unbelievable.

This place is the rear of Wu County. Ever since Sun Ce ruled Jiangdong, no other princes have ever fought here.

Even the last time Gan Ning invaded, it was just a plunder on the Yangtze River.But now, Jing Chu's army actually appeared here.

Wu County.

The foundation of Jiangdong.

This person has some knowledge, and he has foreseen that the sky in Jiangdong may really change.Now they still call themselves "Wu", maybe in the future, they will be "Chu".

"It's docked." The soldiers cheered after the Jingchu water army broke the tranquility of the fishing village.

The draft of ships in this era is not deep, and this small fishing boat itself is almost a small ferry.Dozens of large ships soon docked.

Under the leadership of the general, countless soldiers stepped off the warship quickly.

"Leave 500 people to guard the warship, and the rest will follow me to kill Songjiang." The moment he stepped on the land, Yi Ji ordered.


Fang Dao promised, and immediately went down to make arrangements.

Although all parts of Jiangdong are empty, there are still some soldiers at some of the dangerous passes to guard against the Shanyue people.Besides, the news from Jingchu.

Sun Quan still had [-] recruits in Moling.

Therefore, what you need to do to occupy Wu County is speed, as fast as lightning.Before Sun Quan could react, he swallowed Wu Jun.

Yiji's heart was burning.

A moment later, Yi Ji, Fang Dao and others straddled their horses and led nearly [-] sailors to the front line of Songjiang City.

At this moment, Wu County is still unaware, and it is still very prosperous.

Zhang Zhao and Zhang Wen, two people from the same clan but at odds with each other, joined forces at this time and jointly recruited troops to defend Jiangdong.

Sun Quan, the former ruler of Jiangdong.Before yesterday, the entire Jiangdong was still under his control of Marquis Wu.Still looking forward to defending Jiangdong and guarding against Kou Feng.

Dreaming of waiting for the coming day to recover, and then fight against Kou Feng.

It was not until the sound of horseshoes that the peaceful and harmonious atmosphere was broken.

"Da da." Amidst the sound of messy horseshoes, a knight appeared in the east. This knight was wearing leather armor, his face was pale, his body was stained with blood, and he was almost dying.

Along the way, I don't know how many people were bumped into, but he didn't care.Only rushed to Wu County.

"Presumptuous." The soldiers guarding the city immediately shouted when they saw it, and immediately ten soldiers rushed forward with spears in their hands.

Wu County is the seat of Sun Quan, and it is the facade.The law has always been strict.

"I, I am the guard of Songjiang. Songjiang has been broken." The knight galloped to the front of the guard, panted and said, and fell on the horse as if he had lost his strength.

"What?" The guard was taken aback, and immediately stepped forward to help the knight, and asked, "When? Is it Shanyue? How many people?"

The more chaos in the mountains, it will happen almost every few years.Although last time, under the suppression of the governor Zhou Yu, Shanyue was already seriously injured.

But it is not impossible to revolt again.

Therefore, the first reaction of the guards was to cause chaos in Shanyue.

"No, it's not Shanyue, it's Jingchu's army, all over the mountains and plains, countless." At this time, the knight hadn't completely passed out, and said intermittently.

"What? The army of Jingchu Koufeng? How could it appear in the rear and captured Songjiang near the sea? Are you out of your mind? Hey, hey." The guards were taken aback, but they obviously didn't believe it.

But the knight gradually fell asleep, even if the guard called again.He just slowly closed his eyes.

"Falling from the sky." Amidst the constant shaking of the guards, the knight finally uttered four words and fell down.

It fell from the sky.It just happened to explain the great changes in Songjiang City he was defending.In the originally quiet and peaceful small town behind, suddenly countless Jingchu troops appeared.

A man from Yi, known as the "Yangzhou Inspector", led an army to camp on the edge of the city, and persuaded him to surrender under the city.As a result, the county magistrate fortified the city gate and planned to defend it to the death.

Then Yiji led his troops to break through the city.All over the mountains and plains, almost countless soldiers destroyed this small city almost instantly.

And quickly approached Wu Jun.This knight escaped by luck.

"Hey, hello." Even if the guard shook again, the knight did not wake up in the end. When the guard stretched out his hand to sniff his breath, he sighed and died.

After sighing, the guard immediately had a headache.

The knight who delivered the news only sent news that Kou Feng's army had broken through Songjiang.How does this make him report to his superiors?


Kou Feng should also come from the west, first attacking Yuzhang, then falling into Moling, and finally attacking Wujun.This is the correct way to go step by step.

Besides, there are still [-] troops in Yuzhang City, and there are more than [-] soldiers led by General Zhou Tai to guard Hukou.Even if Kou Feng wants to fight, at least he has to fight a battle.

Even if the city is destroyed overnight like Jiangling, it is impossible to enter Songjiang all at once.

Matsue?From the guard's point of view, it was really ridiculous.It was just a small town with its back against Wu County.

But this has to be reported.

Just when the guards were hesitating about how to report to the higher authorities, there was a sudden messy exclamation from afar.

"The Chu army is here, the Chu army is here."

Hasty, frightened.Almost like seeing a ghost.

The guard was stunned for a moment, and after that, countless armies appeared in the distance, just like the knight described just now, all over the mountains and plains.

Flags fluttering.

A handsome flag with the word "Chu" horizontally in the middle.The imposing manner is fierce, and it is in the rear again, as if a divine soldier descended from the sky.So unbelievable.

But it makes people feel so invincible and invincible.

Countless people, my God.I, Wu Jun, don't even have a thousand soldiers to dispatch.The guard groaned in his heart, and immediately yelled sadly: "Close the city gate, close the city gate. Report to Marquis Wu, the Chu army has appeared, appeared. Appeared in the east of the city."

In a panic, the guards outside the city retreated into the city.The drawbridge was hoisted and the city gates were closed.

Wu, Wucheng, which has been in peace for more than ten years and has not experienced war for a long time.Once again ushered in a war, an almost incredible war.

The two armies in front faced each other.

The attacking side had an army of more than [-] troops, and Koufeng, the Marquis of Chu, personally sat in it, leading his generals Pang Tong, Zhang Fei, Tai Shici, Gan Ning, Huang Zhong and so on.

The defending side has [-] troops, and Jiangdong famous generals Quan Cong, Ling Tong, Zhou Tai, and northern famous general Li Dian sit in it.It definitely cannot be regarded as a disparity in strength, it is an evenly matched offensive and defensive battle.

Everyone in Jiangdong is very confident that at least one or two years of war can be defended.

But at this juncture, an army appeared behind Jiangdong, first fell into Songjiang, and then directly attacked Wu County.

The most prosperous part of Jiangdong is also the political center where Marquis Wu lived.

How could it be possible for Kou Feng's Jingchu army to cross the front line of defense without a sound and arrive here without any movement along the way?

Is it really a divine soldier descending from heaven?

The defenders of the city looked at the Jingchu army all over the mountains and plains, and they were in a state of panic all day long.I had to use a fast horse to report to Sun Quan, Marquis of Wu.

At this moment, Sun Quan was still in the mansion, ready to enjoy lunch.

Zhang Zhao and Zhang Wen, the two important ministers, have not yet set out to recruit soldiers.But they are destined not to be idle anymore, and go to Wu County to recruit soldiers.

"How is it possible, how is it possible, where did Kou Feng's army come from?" When Sun Quan received the news, he could hardly believe it was true.

How did Kou Feng's army come, how did it come.The simple brain cells of the guards in front couldn't understand either.Sun Quan's head, which is still considered a wise man, was even more confused.

The army in front confronted each other, but an ambush appeared behind.How can this be.

"How is it possible?" Sun Quan roared.full of despair.Sun Quan, who inherited the foundation of his father and brother, and the prestige of the third generation, was in charge of Jiangdong when he was weak.

Destined to be a person who grew up with a golden key in his mouth, destined to become a hero in the southeast.Now, he was actually attacked to his hometown without knowing himself.

How tragic and despondent this is.

At this moment, Sun Quan really felt a wave of despair, a wave of coldness.

"My lord, my lord." After a while, Zhang Zhao walked in almost scrambling.This old and important minister of Jiangdong II.I was still having lunch just now, and I heard that after Kou Feng's army attacked Wujun.

Apart from anything else, he came to look for Sun Quan without even wearing formal clothes.

"Zibu, Zibu. Gu, Gu Jiangdong is over." Seeing this old minister, Sun Quan seemed to have a feeling, and the group burst into tears.

Jiangdong is over.

One thing that Sun Quan never admitted before, because Jiangdong III hoped that the people's hearts were stable.Dead but alive.The general can fight again, he still has the capital.

But now, when Kou Feng's army entered Wu County, he really felt that Jiangdong was over, really over.

Zhang Zhao, such a calm and steady person.Walking in scramblingly, he naturally didn't think that Jiangdong was over.He came to persuade Sun Quan to leave.

"Master, Jiangdong is endless, Jiangdong is endless. There are tens of thousands of soldiers ahead, and Cao General Li Dian is in charge. Moling also has Zhaoyi General Sun Jing leading [-] troops. The hearts of the people are the expectations of the third generation. At present, Wu County is empty and has no soldiers. But guarding, yes. But as long as we survive and go to Moling, we can regroup and fight Jiangdong again." Zhang Zhao persuaded earnestly.

"How can Kou Feng fight again?" Sun Quan's eyes flickered, but quickly dimmed.

"At the beginning, Sun Bofu, the Marquis of Wu, raised an army of only a few thousand. At that time, Yan Baihu, Liu Yao, the governor of Yangzhou, etc., were not enemies with tens of thousands of soldiers, but they all fell under Sun Bofu's horse. Now Kou Although Feng is strong, the lord still has the strength to fight again, why can't he raise a three-foot green front like Bo Fu, and fight against Kou Feng again?" Zhang Zhao said loudly with a hatred for iron that cannot be turned into steel.

"I'm not as good as my elder brother." So far, Sun Quan has no confidence. He is indeed not as good as Sun Ce. Although Sun Quan doesn't think so in normal times, but now, he has begun to admit it.

He crusade against Jiang Xia three times, but failed to pacify Huang Zu.He and Kou Feng were enemies, but they fought and failed repeatedly.

If it were placed on Sun Ce, Kou Feng might have been put down by Sun Ce as early as in Jiangxia.

Zhang Zhao saw that Sun Quan was in a state of desperation and almost lost his will.He stomped his feet and shouted: "If you stay in Wujun, you will be captured by Kou Feng. Not only will you be humiliated, but you may even lose your life. Let's go first and then talk about it. Wait until Moling, and then worry about the funeral."

At this moment, there is nothing more shocking than Zhang Zhao's words.

If he stayed, not only Jiangdong would be gone, but even his life might be gone.

Sun Quan suddenly woke up.His face changed: "Immediately summon the guards in the mansion, the guards, the old lady, the lady, and the young masters to leave."

"No." Seeing this, Zhang Zhao didn't know whether to be disappointed or relieved.But in the end, he put away his thoughts, made a promise, and quickly went down to make arrangements.

Immediately, the entire Marquis Wu's mansion was almost in chaos.There are guards everywhere, and there are cries everywhere.

There were panicked footsteps everywhere.

Sun Quan was about to retreat, and his family moved to Molingxian.But not the entire mansion, only the wives who gave birth to Sun Quan's children went first at this time.

Of course, there is the old lady.

However, Mrs. Sun encountered trouble.At the beginning, when Sun Quan wanted to assassinate Sun Shao, Mrs. Sun was sad and cursed that you were not my son.

From that time on, Sun Quan never saw Mrs. Sun again.

Now, the war is in turmoil, and the flames of war have reached Wu County.Sun Quan didn't have the face to see his mother, so he sent his wife to find Mrs. Sun and go with him.

But he was scolded back and said he would not leave.

Sun Quan is a filial son, whether it is for fame or fact.Sun Quan is indeed a dutiful son.It is impossible for him to leave his mother and leave alone.

Therefore, I had to bite the bullet and came to the backyard.He intends to ask Mrs. Sun to leave together.

(To be continued)

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