Quan Cong and Ling Tong never spread the news about Wu Jun.I am really afraid that the morale of the army will not be stable. Jiangdong was the land of Wuyue in ancient times.

Sun Quan is now known as Marquis of Wu.And Wu County is almost the capital.With the capital city destroyed, what kind of country is the country?

Such a situation will cause two situations. One is when the country is ruined and the family is destroyed, the army will fight against the enemy and wipe out the field.The second is to lose one's will and have no intention of fighting again.

In these two situations, the possibility of the first occurrence is very small.Although the Sun family established the third generation in Jiangdong, it was only a few decades.

Sun Jian's generation did not have much prestige.

In addition, it is not considered a country.

It takes several generations of accumulation for a country to form a situation where when the country is ruined and the family is destroyed, warriors emerge in large numbers to kill the enemies and bandits.Come to think of it, it's not that Jiangdong can't have such a situation now.

Therefore, Quan Cong and Ling Tong hid the news.

What's more, there is Kou Feng watching over him.Who is Kou Feng?Fight against enemies who can be treacherous and can be unscrupulous.

Small details, naturally go without saying.

So, soon, Quan Cong and Ling Tong received the news that Wu County had fallen in the army, and the soldiers began to panic.

"We want to be safe, but he doesn't want us to be safe."

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Quan Cong sighed and said to Ling Tong.

"Thinking about it, it's true. He mobilized more than [-] troops and spent countless money and food. He definitely didn't want to settle down in Jiujiang to intimidate us." Immediately, Quan Cong smiled wryly again.

"Now the news of the fall of the rear has spread. What should we do?" Ling Tong was more anxious about this matter.

"Kill, stop Youyou's mouth?" Quan Cong shook his head, raised his head and said to Ling Tong, "The two of us came forward to stabilize the morale of the army. Just say it's a rumor."

"Yeah." Ling Tong nodded, killing is a good way, but it makes people feel that Wu County has fallen, and it is confirmed.Instead, not to kill, but to persuade them with kind words will make the soldiers regain a little confidence.

Next, Quan Cong and Ling Tong personally appeared to appease the soldiers.And ordered that the whole army continue as usual.

When the two of them returned with tired bodies, there was a piece of news that immediately shocked the two of them.

Kou Feng personally led Huang Zhong, and Tai Shici led tens of thousands of troops to attack Hukou in the north.

"This is the plan to break through the mouth of the lake first, break through the Tiesuo Hengjiang River, and send Gan Ning down the river to go south to Moling." Quan Cong said with a sneer on his face.

"As expected." Ling Tong nodded fiercely, exuding an incomparably cold air all over his body.

Of the entire Yuzhang line of defense, Yuzhang is the strongest.The Hukou water army is the weakest.It is naturally expected to attack from the weak point first.

"Troublesome achievements lead an army of 5000 people, go north to help You Ping." Quan Cong ordered.

"Promise." Ling Tong promised and walked out immediately.

Soon after, he led 5000 troops to the north, intending to join Zhou Tai and defend against the enemy together.

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Kou Feng, if you want to come, come." After Ling Tong left, Quan Cong stood up suddenly, with a little coldness in his eyes, and an incomparable determination emanating from his heart out.

From the rumors in the army, Da Kou Feng blatantly killed Hukou.

Quan Cong felt Kou Feng's indomitable momentum, never giving up until he made meritorious deeds.

If Gan Ning breaks through the Jiang defense, go down the river and attack Moling.Then, Yi Ji, who must have been entrenched in Wu Jun and refused to move, will no longer remain silent.

He knew that the time of life and death had come.

After sitting for a while, Quan Cong got up and walked out of the tent to look for Li Dian.

…………… North, near the mouth of the lake.

On the edge of the iron chain across the river, the armies have already started a confrontation.Standing on the bow of the boat, Gan Ning commanded the water army, constantly impacting hundreds of iron cables, and was fixed on the river bank.

A small city that has been repaired.

There are three hundred defenders in this small city.According to this, Zhou Tai's camp was less than three miles away.

The moment Gan Ning attacked, the beacon tower was lit in this small city, presumably Zhou Tai would kill him in no time.Time became extremely tense.

"Kill, kill." Gan Ning followed the boat to the shore, and after boarding the shore, he personally commanded the soldiers, braving the arrows on the small city, and attacked the city.

"Swish, swish, swish." The archers on both sides came and went, and the sky was raining arrows.

On the Jingchu side, the only way to break through this small city is.Only by cutting off the iron chains fixed inside can the army be driven into Jiangdong and captured Jiangdong.

As the general, Gan Ning took the lead.Not afraid of death, the morale of the whole army is high.

On the Jiangdong side, it is life and death. Only by defending this line of defense can the entire Jiangdong be preserved, and the morale is even more determined to die.

However, Gan Ning's army numbered as many as six thousand.And the guards were no more than three hundred.

A heroic city defense battle lasted almost only a quarter of an hour.Gan Ning's army had already climbed the city wall.

Gan Ning was covered in blood, even the armor could not completely protect him, his whole right arm could hardly move, an arrow pierced through the shoulder armor and hit his right arm.

This is the price of leading by example.

However, Gan Ning's face was full of joy.

It was captured, and this small city that hindered his navy from going south was finally captured.Next, just guard the city and resist Zhou Tai's army's counterattack.

Then pull out the wooden stake that fixes the chain.

However, when Gan Ning came to this small city.But it was like being drenched in a basin of cold water.How outrageous is this.

Iron chains are mostly fixed with wooden stakes or iron rods.A total of more than one hundred iron chains the size of a strong man's arm were stretched across the Yangtze River.

The north and south ends are fixed in the small city.

But what is the situation in the city?Gan Ning didn't see the iron chain, but Gan Ning saw the huge boulders piled up like a mountain.Only by moving the situation can the iron chain fixed below be removed.

Although news confirmed this phenomenon, Gan Ning still felt tricky.It takes moving so many boulders to reach the wooden stakes inside.

How long will it take?Moreover, this small city has no gates, which means that even if you want to move the boulder, there is no place to move it.

As for Zhou Tai's army, it only takes a moment to kill them back.

Sure enough, it is strictly guarded against death.I'm afraid even Sun Quan himself doesn't want to open this iron chain Hengjiang.I want to fix Jiang Fang forever.Gan Ning cursed secretly.

On the face, he shouted:

"Stick and wait for reinforcements."

Gan Ning's expedition this time was certainly not accidental.Gan Ning attacked the small town first, and then defended it, waiting for Kou Feng's reinforcements to arrive.

The two armies ended up along the Yangtze River.

Even if the Yangtze River is blood-stained and tens of thousands of corpses float, Kou Feng will break through here.Let Gan Ning go down the river to attack Moling.

While capturing Jiangdong, Li Dian was cut off from the north.Trapped Li Dian in Jiangdong and slowly died.

It was not without reason that Zhou Tai sent three hundred soldiers to guard this small town.Because only 300 people can be stationed, it is easy to attack, but not easy to garrison.

Even if Gan Ning led his army to attack, he would never want to break the iron chain across the river.

In other words, Gan Ning could only garrison 300 people.

This time, Gan Ning brought 6000 people. A small city can only accommodate 300 people, and the rest can only be exposed on the plains, without any danger to guard.But Zhou Tai had 5000 people.The two armies confronted each other, even if Gan Ning had the advantage of the Chu sword, he might not be able to bear fruit.

But Gan Ning still has confidence, Kou Feng, he will definitely be able to kill this city before it is lost again.And defeated Zhou Tai.Completely broke through the iron chain crossing the river formation, and broke into the entire hinterland of Jiangdong.

Although one arm was shot, the pain was unbearable.But Gan Ning took off the armor, fixed the wound with a bandage, and then put on the armor again.

Like a javelin, pointing straight to the sky.Stand on the head of the city, and swear to guard this place.

Slowly, in Gan Ning's vision, Zhou Tai's army appeared.Take the lead in a big banner with the word "Zhou", and a bear and a tiger stand under it.

Ring-headed tiger eyes.

It was Zhou Tai.

But at this moment, Zhou Tai's face was tense.Since the iron chain Hengjiang was laid down, it was naturally waiting for someone to break it.How will the enemy move and how should he deal with it.

Zhou Tai knew it all.But if Zhou Tai had to choose for himself, he definitely wouldn't choose now.Because just yesterday, he discovered a spy in the army.

And the news of Wu Jun's fall spread wildly in the army.Although Zhou Tai beheaded Xi Zuo, the result seemed to be getting worse.

Morale was low.

If it weren't for Zhou Tai's own high prestige, the soldiers would have dispersed long ago.

At this moment, he received news from the front.It is said to be Gan Ning Kou City.Want to break the iron chain Hengjiang.As soon as Zhou Tai's mind changed, he understood everything.

What defense do they choose.And Kou Feng chooses when to attack.Kou Feng first sent spies into the camp to dampen their morale.Then take advantage of the momentum to attack the city.

This is the initiative of Kou Feng, who is the attacking side, and they can only use soldiers to flood the enemy into the weir.

"Quicken your pace and take back the city." Zhou Tai galloped forward with a big knife in his hand.Now that morale is relatively low, he can only lead the way.

He competed with Gan Ning.

I hope Yuzhang can send reinforcements after receiving the news.

Even if Zhou Tai was killed, he didn't believe it. Only Gan Ning's army moved from Jingchu.What happened next must be an attack like a storm.

Jing Chu's attack.

At this moment, about fifty miles south of Tiesuo Hengjiang, there is an army of 5 people rushing northward.

The Shuai flag with the word "Chu" is in the center, and the flags with the characters "Taishi", "Huang" and "Zhang" are scattered around.

"Speed ​​up." Under the banner of "Chu", Kou Feng kept urging the soldiers to speed up with a cold expression on his face.

Whether it's a secret, or a rumor.

Kou Feng's purpose was to destroy the Jiang defense and send Gan Ning's warships to load the troops southward.A total of 1 people conquered Moling.

Captured Sun Quan alive in one fell swoop, breaking Jiangdong.

It can be said that killing the enemy is not the goal.As long as Gan Ning's navy can break through the iron chain Hengjiang formation, the entire Jiangdong and Yangzhou will be his.

"Accelerate again." Kou Feng roared again.


Left and right Huang Zhong, Tai Shici, Zhang Fei and others all yelled loudly, and their speed was abruptly increased.

Quickly headed north.

(To be continued)

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